Wyoming Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Wyoming motor vehicle power of attorney is a legal document that grants another person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) authority to handle specific duties related to the management, registration, sale, or other vehicle-related transactions. A power of attorney template is particularly useful when you cannot physically handle these matters due to illness, travel, or being out of state.


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The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) issues a limited power of attorney form for Wyoming-based carriers who have International Registration (IRP) and/or International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) accounts. The form specifies the actions the representative is authorized to perform, which include:

  • Filling out and submitting IRP/IFTA applications and renewal forms.
  • Adding, deleting, or updating vehicle information.
  • Receiving IRP and IFTA credentials.
  • Filing and authorizing payments for IRP registration fees and IFTA tax returns.
  • Providing supporting documentation as requested.

The form must be signed before a notary public, ensuring that the signatory is properly identified and their signature is authentic. This limited power of attorney facilitates the management of specific legal and administrative tasks only related to IRP and IFTA accounts. For other specific needs, Wyoming POA forms are tailored to comply with the state’s legal requirements.

Wyoming Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form Details

Document Name Wyoming Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form
State Form Name WYDOT Limited Power of Attorney
Relevant Link Wyoming Department of Transportation
Avg. Time to Fill Out 10 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 29
Available Formats Adobe PDF

Filling Out Wyoming Vehicle POA

The Wyoming vehicle power of attorney is essential for carriers with IRP and/or IFTA accounts who wish to authorize an agent to manage related transactions. Below is a detailed guide on how to properly fill out this form.

1. Enter Company and Personal Details

Fill in the company name, Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and your printed name. If applicable, include your U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) number. Then, check the appropriate box to indicate your title (Owner, Partner, Corporate Officer, Member of LLC) and enter your Wyoming account number. Enter your business address, email, and phone number to ensure Motor Vehicle Services can reach you.

2. Appoint an Authorized Agent

Provide the company’s name and contact details if the agent is a company. If an individual, simply enter the person’s name. Provide the agent’s address, email, and phone number to facilitate official communications.

3. Define Authorized Acts

Specify the transactions and duties the agent is authorized to perform. This includes submitting applications and renewals for IRP/IFTA, updating vehicle information, handling credentials, and authorizing payments for fees and tax returns.

4. Sign and Date the Form

Sign the form to grant power of attorney to the designated agent. Include the date next to your signature to document when the power of attorney was executed.

5. Notarization

Have the form notarized to authenticate your identity and the validity of your signature. The notary will fill in the date and details, including their seal and signature.

6. Submit the Completed Form

Mail or deliver the completed form to the Wyoming Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Services, at the address provided on the form. You may also use the contact email for electronic submissions if permitted.

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Create a high-quality Wyoming Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney now!
Published: Jul 2, 2024