New Hampshire Bill of Sale Form

New Hampshire bill of sale form confirms the legal change of personal property ownership. Although non-compulsory, this type of document can be issued during the registration process by DMVs to prove ownership rights.

Bills of sale are commonly used to buy and sell valuable personal property such as boats, firearms, horses, laptops, furnishings, jewels, and other items. One of the most typical transactions to use a New Hampshire bill of sale is purchasing and selling a car. If there is an issue after the transaction, this form safeguards both the buyer and seller.

A wide range of bill of sale forms are free to download on our website, from a New Hampshire horse bill of sale to a New Hampshire vehicle bill of sale. You can also modify them to meet your needs in our editor—add the necessary fields and make a personalized document in no time.


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Document Details

Document Name New Hampshire Vehicle Bill of Sale Form
Other Names New Hampshire Car Bill of Sale, New Hampshire Automobile Bill of Sale
DMV New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle Registration Fee $45
Bill of Sale Required? No
Avg. Time to Fill Out 15 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 55

New Hampshire Bill of Sale Forms by Type

New Hampshire bill of sale forms vary by the type of personal property intended for a sale or purchase. You should carefully choose the template that meets the type of transaction you’re about to conduct. There is the official bill of sale, which is the legal report that records the sale of motor vehicles in New Hampshire. It contains relevant information about the vehicle and both the buyer and seller. Whenever any vehicle is registered in New Hampshire, this document is required. The notarization is optional.

New Hampshire motor vehicle bill of sale template

New Hampshire bill of sale for motor vehicles is one of the required documents for the registration of vehicles. Registration of any vehicle in New Hampshire starts at the town or city level, which means that you must visit the town or city clerk’s office to initiate the process. If you purchase a vehicle from a private seller, you need to bring a title certificate and proof of residence to a clerk’s office.

Alternative Name Car Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Required
Notarization Optional
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New Hampshire boat bill of sale template

New Hampshire boat bill of sale is used as evidence of ownership during your vessel registration, which is compulsory for most boat types in New Hampshire. In New Hampshire, you must register any boat that exceeds 12 feet in length and all motorized watercraft, regardless of their size. You can register your vessel any time of the year, but the registration is valid until December 31 of the year it was registered.

Alternative Name Vessel Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Required
Notarization Optional
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New Hampshire firearm bill of sale template

Use a New Hampshire bill of sale for a gun when you intend to sell or buy a firearm. As no permit, background check, or firearms registration is needed for purchasing a gun from a private seller, the bill of sale is a secure way to seal the deal. The gun laws in New Hampshire are lenient, so purchasing a handgun from a private person without a permit or background check is allowed. In New Hampshire, you’re not obliged to have a permit or license to carry concealed guns. You need to apply for a license to carry a pistol or revolver.

Alternative Name Gun Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Optional
Notarization Optional
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New Hampshire general bill of sale template

New Hampshire general bill of sale form helps perform any transaction between individuals. The document includes details about the buyer and vendor who conducted the transaction, along with specifics of the sale conditions. The form can be used as a safeguard against future liability for the seller if the item sold is used illegally.

Alternative Name Generic Bill of Sale
Seller’s Signature Required
Buyer’s Signature Required
Notarization Optional
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How to Write a New Hampshire Vehicle Bill of Sale

The official New Hampshire vehicle bill of sale form is needed to register the newly purchased car in the state. You are required to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Provide the amount of sale

Firstly, you need to provide the vehicle’s sale amount both in numbers and words.
Step 1 to filling out a new hampshire motor vehicle bill of sale amount

Step 2: Identify the buyer

In the second step, identify the buyer’s legal name along with his address—city, state, and Pincode.
Step 2 to filling out a new hampshire motor vehicle bill of sale buyer

Step 3: Fill in the details of the vehicle

In this step, you will need to fill out the vehicle’s details, such as the year of the vehicle, the making, model number, vehicle identification number (VIN), odometer reading, body type, and the number of cylinders.
Step 3 to filling out a new hampshire motor vehicle bill of sale vehicle details

Step 4: Provide the date

The fourth step is to give the date on which the amount is paid in full.
Step 4 to filling out a new hampshire motor vehicle bill of sale date

Step 5: Identify the seller

After you have identified the buyer’s legal name, you need to fill out the details of the seller’s legal name and address, including the state, city, and zip code.
Step 5 to filling out a new hampshire motor vehicle bill of sale seller

Step 6: Sign the document

Finally, the buyer and seller will need to sign the bill of sale. By signing this document, the buyer(s) accepts the vehicle “as is” and agrees to the terms of the bill of sale.
Step 6 to filling out a new hampshire motor vehicle bill of sale signature

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Registering a Motor Vehicle in New Hampshire

To be able to lawfully travel on New Hampshire roads, all residents must register their vehicles with the state’s Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The town registrar will send the necessary papers to obtain a New Hampshire title for locals when they register their car for the first time. A person has 60 days from the time they move into the state to register the vehicle and get a New Hampshire driver’s license.

If you are new to New Hampshire, you should know all the laws governing it. To start the registration process of your vehicle, you must first visit the town or the city clerk’s office to check your residency. Once it is sorted out, you may start the entire transaction process at your town or city clerk’s office, provided you have that vehicle’s title or the vehicle is exempt from the title.

Once the vehicle is registered in New Hampshire, the owner who purchases the vehicle must apply for the title within 20 days of the date of sale.

For the state fees, you can check RSA 261:141, and for the town/city fees, you can check RSA 261:153. Further, along with the registration fee, $8.00 is the plate fee you must pay the first time you order plates.

Some of the standard documents required to register motor vehicles in New Hampshire are as follows:

  • Form RDMV 380
  • Form TDMV 12
  • Blue title application marked own/City Clerk’s copy
  • The original title or certificate of origin is required if the vehicle is purchased out of state
  • If the vehicle purchase is more than 15 years old, the bill of sale and any one of the following is required:
    • an original title
    • previous New Hampshire registration of the vehicle
    • verification of the vehicle identification number
  • When the vehicle is bought through a private sale, you will need the original title assigned by the seller.

Relevant Official Forms

Vehicle Bill of Sale
(Vehicle) Form TDMV 19A
Vehicle Power of Attorney
(Vessel) Form RDMV 612
(Firearm) Form DSSP85
(Firearm) Form DSSP260
Vehicle Bill of Sale
  • Vehicle Bill of Sale
  • (Vehicle) Form TDMV 19A
  • Vehicle Power of Attorney
  • (Vessel) Form RDMV 612
  • (Firearm) Form DSSP85
  • (Firearm) Form DSSP260

Official vehicle bill of sale specific to New Boston, NH

Vehicle Bill of Sale

Form TDMV 19A or Verification of Vehicle Identification is completed by an authorized agent to verify the vehicle identification number (VIN) by a visual inspection.

(Vehicle) Form TDMV 19A

A motor vehicle power of attorney can transfer the right of signature to another person if the vehicle owner cannot be present during any transaction related to the vehicle.

Vehicle Power of Attorney

Application for a Boat Registration

(Vessel) Form RDMV 612

Application for New Hampshire residents who want to receive a license for revolver/pistol carry.

(Firearm) Form DSSP85

Application for non-residents to get revolver/pistol carry permit in New Hampshire.

(Firearm) Form DSSP260

Short New Hampshire Bill of Sale Video Guide

seal of new hampshire state
Other New Hampshire Forms

Published: Jun 3, 2022
Mara Erlach
Mara Erlach
Writer & Attorney
Mara has been practicing estate planning and trust law in California since 2003, taking pride in helping clients of all backgrounds and asset profiles form a complete and customized estate plan. Her specialties are: estate planning, wills and trusts, trust and probate administration.