51A126 Form PDF Details

Navigating the specifics of tax exemptions can be complex, particularly for institutions that qualify for such benefits due to their educational, charitable, religious, or historical status. Central to this process within the state of Kentucky is the 51A126 form, a crucial document that serves as a Purchase Exemption Certificate. Designed to certify that an institution is eligible for purchasing goods without the addition of sales tax, this form must be completed with precise details about the exempt institution and the nature of the purchase. It delineates between blanket and single purchase exemptions, requiring the institution to specify how the purchased goods or services will be utilized to support its exempt functions. Moreover, the form includes a stern reminder about the legal obligations and potential penalties for misuse, emphasizing the importance of adherence to its terms. It is explicit in its prohibition against usage by construction contractors for property purchases intended for fulfilling contracts with an exempt institution, underlining the strict regulations governing tax-exempt purchases. The 51A126 form embodies the intersection of tax law and the operational needs of Kentucky's non-profit entities, ensuring that qualifying purchases are made transparently and in compliance with state tax laws.

Form Name51A126 Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesform exemption kentucky, ky sales tax exempt form, tax exempt form, purchase exemption certificate

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Exemption Number

Important—Certificate not

valid unless completed.

Name of Exempt Institution



Check Applicable Block



Single Purchase


I hereby certify that ___________________________________ is a Kentucky resident, nonprofit educational, charitable or

Name of Exempt Institution

religious institution, or Kentucky historical site, located at ___________________________, Kentucky and that the tangible

personal property, digital property or services to be purchased from _____________________________________________

Name of Vendor



will be used solely within the exempt function of a charitable, educational or religious institution, or historical site.

Description of property to be purchased: ____________________________________________________________________


In the event that the property purchased is not used for an exempt purpose, it is understood that I am required to pay the tax measured by the purchase price of the property.

Any official or employee who uses this certificate to make tax-free purchases for his own personal use or that of any other person will be subject to the penalties provided in KRS 139.990 and other applicable laws.

Under penalties of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information on this certificate is true and correct as to every material matter.

Authorized Signature

CAUTIONTO SELLER: This certificate cannot be issued or used in any way by a construction contractor to purchase property to be used in fulfilling a contract with an exempt institution. Sellers accepting certificates for such purchases will be held liable for the sales or use tax.






Frankfort, Kentucky 40620

51A126 (12-09)

How to Edit 51A126 Form Online for Free

Having the objective of allowing it to be as effortless to go with as it can be, we created our PDF editor. The process of filling in the exemption certificate ky will be uncomplicated in the event you use the following actions.

Step 1: Click on the "Get Form Here" button.

Step 2: Now you will be within the document edit page. You'll be able to add, change, highlight, check, cross, insert or delete fields or phrases.

For each part, prepare the content required by the software.

step 1 to writing kentucky homestead exemption

Step 3: Click the "Done" button. You can now export your PDF file to your gadget. Additionally, you'll be able to deliver it by means of email.

Step 4: Produce as much as several copies of the form to stay clear of any kind of future challenges.

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