9-line Uxo Report Form PDF Details

In the domain of military operations and emergency response, effective communication and precise reporting are paramount for the safety and efficiency of operations. The 9 Line UXO Report form is a critical tool in this context, designed to standardize the reporting of unexploded ordnance (UXO) threats. This comprehensive form covers crucial aspects such as the time and date the UXO was discovered, the reporting unit's identification, contact methods, the type of munition found, NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) contamination status, resources threatened, impact on the mission, protective measures taken, and the recommended priority of the UXO threat. Additionally, the form includes provisions for calling in MEDEVAC (Medical Evacuation), highlighting the location for pickup, specific requirements such as special equipment needed for evacuation, security status, patient nationality, and NBC contamination status. The form extends beyond UXO reporting, incorporating defensive priorities of work, assembly area priorities, patrol base activities, evaluation of casualties, and other tactical considerations. Such detailed reporting ensures that relevant teams are equipped with the necessary information to address threats efficiently, prioritize resources, and safeguard personnel, thereby maintaining operational integrity in challenging environments.

Form Name9-line Uxo Report Form
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields38
Avg. time to fill out8 min 36 sec
Other namesuxo report, 9 line uxo report pdf, 9 line uxo, uxo 9 line

Form Preview Example

Radio Calls













Call For Fire

1.__________(FA) this is ___________ (you) adjust fire/ fire for effect, over

2.Grid _________________ dist ____ meters

3.Target Description / # type

4.Danger Close, etc.

Adjusting: ________ this is _______ , add drop(m)

______ left/right _______

Fire for effect, over. (Return Damage assessment afterwards)

NBC1 Report:

A. NBC strike serial number B. Position of observer

C. Direction of attack from Obs

D. Date/Time of detonation or beginning of attack E. Date/Time end of attack

F. Location of attack G. Means of delivery

H. Type of agent, burst, persistency J. Flash to bang time

K. Terrain, vegetation, and crater description L. Nuke Burst Cloud Width

M. Nuke Burst Cloud Height

Standard 9-line UXO Report

Line 1: Date time group discovered: (Command policy will dictate Local or Zulu time).

Line 2: Reporting Activity (UIC / Unit designation).

Location: mandatory 8 digit grid: (include: landmarks, reference points, or street addresses).

Line 3: Contact Method: Radio Freq / Call Sign or Telephone Number. (If using phone number, provide name).

Line 4: Type of Munition: (Dropped, Projected, Placed, or Thrown).

Line 5: NBC Contamination: Yes or No, known or suspected NBC Contamination. If yes, report type of agent if known / identified.

Line 6: Resources Threatened: (What resource is threatened - is it a critical asset?).

Line 7: Impact on Mission: (How the UXO is affecting the mission).

Line 8: Protective Measures Taken: (Unit emplaced protective measures).

Line 9: Recommended Priority: (Immediate, Indirect, Minor, or No Threat).




Line 1. Location of the pick-up site.

Line 2.

Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix.

Line 3.

Number of patients by precedence:


A - Urgent

B - Priority


C - Routine

D - Convenience

Line 4.

Special equipment required:


A - None

B - Hoist


C - Extraction equipment


D - Ventilator


Line 5.

Number of patients:


L - Litter

A - Ambulatory

Line 6. Security at pick-up site:

N - No enemy troops in area

P - Possible enemy troops in area (caution) E - Enemy troops in area (caution)

X - Enemy troops in area (escort required) In peacetime - number and types of wounds,

injuries, and illnesses

Line 7. Method of marking pick-up site: A - Panels

B - Pyrotechnic signal C - Smoke signal

D - None

E - Other

Line 8. Patient nationality and status: A - US Military

B - US Civilian

C- Non-US Military D - Non-US Civilian E - EPW

Line 9. NBC Contamination:

N - Nuclear

B - Biological

C - Chemical

* In peacetime - terrain description of pick-up site

Defensive Priorities of Work

1.Establish Local Security

2.Position Key Weapons

3.Position other assets

4.Establish Communications

5.Designate FPL’s and FPF’s

6.Clear fields of fire and sector sketches

7.Co-ordinate with adjacent units

8.Prepare primary fighting positions

9.Emplace obstacles and mines

10.Mark or improve marking for TRPS and other fire control measures

11.Improve primary fighting positions with overhead cover

12.Prepare alternate positions, the supplementary positions

13.Establish a sleep/rest plan

14.Recon routes

15.Rehearse Actions - Engagements, Disengagements, Counterattacks

16.Adjust positions as necessary

17.Stockpile supplies

18.Dig Trenches to connect positions

19.Continue to improve positions

Assembly Area Priorities of Work

1.Position Key Weapons, Designate FPF’s and FPL’s

2.Construct fighting positions

3.Set up commo

4.Prepare range cards

5.Camouflage positions

6.Clear fields of fire

7.Distribute supplies

8.Execute preventative maintenance

9.Prepare Dragon Night Sight

10.Inspect Platoon and equipment


12.Test fire small arms

13.Conduct personal hygiene

14.Create a rest plan

Patrol Base Activities


Alert Plan Withdrawal plan Maintenance plan Sanitation plan mess plan water resupply

Evaluate a casualty

1.Check for responsiveness

2.Check for breathing

3.Check for bleeding

4.Check for shock

5.Check for fractures

6.Check for burns

7.Check for head injury

8 Seek medical aid

The 5 S’s -







Observation and fields of fire

Cover and concealment


Key terrain

Avenues of approach

5 Point Contingency/GOTWA

1.Where the leader is Going

2.Who is going/Others taking with them

3.Time the leader plans to be gone

4.Actions to take/What to do if leader does not return

5.Unit and leader’s Actions to take on chance contact

Tactical OPORDS


1.Receive the mission

2.Issue a warning order

3.Make a tentative plan

4.Start necessary movement


6.Complete the plan

7.Issue OPORD

8.Supervise, Inspect, and Rehearse

Questions to ask TAC:

What is (are):

Grid of AA

Distance/ Direction/Grid of target

Callsign/freq of higher

Callsign/freq of medevac

Callsign/freq of artillery support/FSO/FAC

PIR requirements

Strength and disposition of enemy forces

Hit times?

Adjacent units?

Can I have/use:

Artillery support? Medevac?

Ghost security for rehearsals? Binoculars?



Weapons organic to a light infantry squad? (SAW, LAW, M203, grenades, claymore)


Task Organization:


A. Enemy forces

The (enemy) _______________ is (doing)

_____________ in grid ________________ their

estimated size is _______________ with ___________

weapon capability. Their Morale is

____________________ and their intent is to


B. Friendly Forces

The (unit) ___________________ is

(doing)_______________ in grid

___________________. Commander’s intent is to


Our adjacent units will be _________________

C.Attachments/Detachments The following personnel will be


D. Terrain and Weather

Terrain/Weather/Light conditions

II. Mission

It is the mission of (unit) _____________ to

conduct a (operation type) _________________ on

(date group) ____________________ NLT (time)

_________ in order to ___________________ for the

purpose of ____________________ . I SAY AGAIN....

III. Execution

Commander’s Intent. Fill in as appropriate

A. Concept of the operation - Order them to watch you as you use the sandtable to walk through the operation in six sentences or less.

Raid - Attack with a planned withdrawal

Recon - get PIR requirements

Ambush - destroy a unit and withdraw

Movement To Contact

Deliberate Attack - take ground

Defense - hold ground

Patrolling - sweep an area



B. Tasks to maneuver units - what the mobile units must do - tasks that must be assigned.

C. Tasks to subordinate units - Designate


D. coordinating instructions - key hit times/timeline

IV. Service Support (only the items you might use are included)

A. General - where resupply and collection points are

B. Material and Services - what you have on


Class 1 - sustenance - water/MRE

Class 2 - BDU’s, LBE’s other clothing and tools Class 4 - Construction Materials

Class 5 - Ammo - how many rounds/magazines Class 6 - Hygiene Items

Class 7 - Major end items

Class 8 - Medical - evac plan


V. Command and Signal

A. Command -Where key leaders will be through the operation

B. Signal - Passwords and Frequs

Callsigns: PL/SL:





It is (time) what are your questions?

