90 Day Performance Review PDF Details

At the heart of employee development and performance management within institutions like Oklahoma Baptist University lies the comprehensive 90-Day Performance Review form, a structured tool designed to evaluate new or transferred employees' progress within their initial three months. This crucial period of adjustment and learning is captured through a detailed assessment spanning various areas such as job knowledge, work quality, judgment, initiative, communication, work ethic, professional conduct, and attendance. Supervisors play a key role in this process, offering feedback that ranges from unsatisfactory to superior, pinpointing areas of strength as well as those requiring improvement. Notably, the form mandates specific comments from supervisors on any rating less than satisfactory, encouraging a nuanced and constructive dialogue. Further action includes scheduling reviews with Human Resources for cases where employees may struggle significantly, revealing the form’s dual purpose: to foster personal growth and ensure alignment with organizational standards. The intent is not only to highlight areas needing enhancement but also to actively contribute to the employee's development through targeted feedback and suggested actions, a process which culminates in a shared understanding as both employee and reviewing official sign off, marking the beginning of the next phase of the employee’s journey within the organization.

Form Name90 Day Performance Review
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other names90 day probation, 90 day review template pdf, 90 day employment probation period form, probation form

Form Preview Example


90-Day Performance Review

Em p loy e e I n f o r m a t ion

Employee Name:


ID #:



Review Period:



Job Title:








Date of Hire/Transfer:

Ra t in g s





Above Average














Job knowledge






Work quality


















Communication / Listening






Work ethic






Professional conduct











Super v isor ’s Com m ent s:

Com m ent s ar e r equir ed for all r at ings ex cept “ Sat isfact or y ” . Schedule dat e t o r ev iew pr ogr ess if em ploy ee is m ar k ed “ Unsat isfact or y ” or “ Needs im pr ov em ent ” on any ar ea; schedule m eet ing w it h Hum an Resour ces if em ploy ee is m ar ked “ Unsat isfact or y ” or “ Needs I m pr ov em ent ” on t w o or m or e ar eas.

Em ploy ee st r engt h s and/ or ar eas n eeding im pr ov em en t or unsat isfact or y and act ion s t ak en t o h elp em ploy ee im pr ov e j ob per for m ance:

Super v isor ’s Signat ur e


Dat e

Em p loy e e :



Com m en t s:









Em ploy ee’s Signat ur e


Dat e

Re v ie w in g of f icia l:



Com m en t s:









Rev iew ing Official’s Signat ur e


Dat e

Rev :03/2006

How to Edit 90 Day Performance Review Online for Free

You can easily complete the 90 day review template pdf form using this PDF editor. The next steps will let you easily prepare your document.

Step 1: Choose the button "Get form here" to open it.

Step 2: You will discover all of the functions which you can take on the document as soon as you've accessed the 90 day review template pdf editing page.

The next few parts will help make up the PDF file:

portion of blanks in 90 day probationary period template

Fill in the Em ployee st r engt hs and or, Supervisors Signat ur e, Em ploy e e, Com m ent s, Em ployees Signat ur e, Re vie w in g officia l, Com m ent s, Dat e, Dat e, Rev iew ing Officials Signat ure, and Dat e field with the information requested by the system.

Finishing 90 day probationary period template stage 2

Step 3: After you click the Done button, your prepared file can be exported to each of your gadgets or to electronic mail given by you.

Step 4: You should make as many copies of your form as possible to stay away from potential complications.

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