Arkansas Real Estate Contract Residential Form PDF Details

Arkansas real estate contract residential form is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a property sale between a buyer and seller. The form can be used for sales of existing homes, new homes, or land. The contract should be carefully reviewed by both parties before signing to ensure that all terms and conditions are agreeable. The Arkansas real estate commission provides a downloadable PDF version of the contract on their website. Parties using the form are advised to seek legal counsel to help them understand the provisions in order to avoid any possible future disputes. Some key points in the contract include: -The price of the home -The down payment amount and methods of payment -The closing date -Possession of the property -

Form NameArkansas Real Estate Contract Residential Form
Form Length12 pages
Fillable fields124
Avg. time to fill out27 min 52 sec
Other namesarkansas real estate contract pdf, arkansas real estate contract, real estate offer and acceptance form, real estate offer and acceptance form arkansas

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