Babysitting Contract Sample PDF Details

In the realm of childcare, clarity, and mutual understanding between parents or guardians and the childcare provider form the bedrock of a trustworthy and reliable relationship. A Babysitting Contract Sample Form underscores this principle, encompassing key aspects such as the Child Care Schedule, Payment & Fee Agreement. By setting down the framework regarding payment details—how much, when, and for what specific services—both parties enter a transparent agreement that minimizes the potential for misunderstandings. The form meticulously outlines scenarios such as additional overtime charges, registration, activity/material fees, and deposits, ensuring that all financial aspects are addressed. Furthermore, it captures provisions for regular child care costs to secure the provider's availability, incorporating contingencies for vacations and sick time with required notices for any changes in charges or personal time off. Successfully, this document not only facilitates a structured agreement but fosters a stable care environment for the child, reflecting a comprehensive approach to safeguarding the interests of all parties involved.

Form NameBabysitting Contract Sample
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesbabysitting agreement, babysitter contract templates, babysitter contract agreement, babysitting contract forms

Form Preview Example


I, ____________________________________ and __________________________________,

Parent or GuardianParent or Guardian

agree to pay $ ______________ per _____________, due on _____________, for child care

as scheduled below to _______________________________.

Provider’s name

1)In the event my child or children are cared for at times additional to those scheduled, I agree to pay an additional overtime charge per hour of $ ____________ due ___________________.

2)Additional fees agreed upon: Registration $_______________ per ______________

Activity/Material $___________ per _________ Deposit $__________for ________________

3)I understand I will be expected to pay the costs of regular child care whether my child or children are in care or not to hold the slot(s) in my provider’s business. Yes/No, initial ________

4)This will include my and the provider’s vacation times. Yes/No, initial __________

5)This will include my child’s or family sick time. Yes/No, if yes initial __________

6)My provider agrees to give me _______________ notice before any change is made to charges or fees, and will provide me with a new Agreement in the event of a change.

7)My provider agrees to give me _______________ notice for personal/vacation time.

Child Care Schedule:

Child #1

Name _________________________________

Days & hours ______________________________________________________

Child #2

Name __________________________________

Days & hours ______________________________________________________

Child #3

Name __________________________________

Days & hours ______________________________________________________



Parent’s Name


Provider’s Name



Parent’s Signature

Provider’s Signature






Child Care Resource Network a Program of The Job Council


How to Edit Babysitting Contract Sample Online for Free

Our PDF editor works to make filling out files convenient. It is rather not hard to edit the [FORMNAME] document. Consider these particular actions to be able to accomplish this:

Step 1: The initial step is to choose the orange "Get Form Now" button.

Step 2: Once you've got entered the editing page babysitting contract template word, you should be able to see all the actions available for your document inside the top menu.

You'll need to provide the following details so you can fill in the document:

babysitter contract agreement empty fields to complete

Enter the required details in the area Child Care Schedule, Child, Name, Days hours, Child, Name, Days hours, Child, Name, Days hours, Parents Name, Providers Name, Parents Signature, and Providers Signature.

babysitter contract agreement Child Care Schedule, Child, Name, Days  hours, Child, Name, Days  hours, Child, Name, Days  hours, Parents Name, Providers Name, Parents Signature, and Providers Signature blanks to fill out

Step 3: Choose the Done button to ensure that your finalized file could be exported to any gadget you decide on or sent to an email you indicate.

Step 4: It is safer to keep copies of your form. You can be sure that we are not going to share or view your particulars.

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