BOF 4080 (Rev. 01/2012) |
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Application for
Centralized List of Firearms Dealers
California Licensed Firearms Dealer Requirements
Thank you for your interest in becoming a California licensed firearms dealer. The purpose of this notice is to provide you with important information about the statutory requirements for becoming a California licensed firearms dealer, and certain requirements for doing business in California as a licensed firearms dealer.
All California licensed firearms dealers are required to have all of the following:
•A valid federal firearms license.
•Any regulatory or business license, or licenses, required by local government.
•A valid Seller's Permit issued by the State Board of Equalization.
•A Certificate of Eligibility (COE) issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ).
•A license granted by the duly constituted licensing authority of any city, county or city and county.
•A valid listing on the DOJ Centralized List of Firearms Dealers.
In addition to the licensing requirements listed above, the following requirements regarding the sale and transfer of firearms also apply to all California licensed firearms dealers:
Personal Computer and Internet Access Requirements
The Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) information that is submitted by licensed firearms dealers to DOJ to approve or deny the sale or transfer of firearms, must be submitted electronically via the Internet from the dealer's personal computer directly to DOJ. Therefore, all licensed firearms dealers must have a computer with Internet access. A printer, and magnetic card swipe reader are also required to complete the DROS transaction process. You may obtain MagTek brand Magnetic Card Swipe readers [part number 21080201 (wedge) or 20140107 (USB)] by calling the manufacturer directly at 1-310-667-6410 or toll free at 1-800-421-5208. You must inform the manufacturer that you intend to use the device with the California DOJ DROS Entry System. MagTek Magnetic Card Swipe readers are also available from retail outlets. To contact a retail dealer call Gemini Computers at 1-888-943-6464. You must inform the dealer that you intend to use the device with the California DOJ DROS Entry System and need to purchase one of the MagTek Magnetic Card Swipe readers as noted above.
DOJ Certified Instructor Requirements
DOJ Certified Instructors have an important role in the sales and delivery of handguns in California. Their primary roles and responsibilities are described below under the Handgun Safety Certificate and Safe Handling Demonstration requirements. In order to become a DOJ Certified Instructor, applicants must submit a completed Certified Instructor Application (BOF 037), a $14.00 non-refundable fee for a firearms eligibility background check (valid COE holders are exempt from the fee) and certification to provide firearms safety training from one of the following organizations:
1.Department of Consumer Affairs, State of California - Firearm Training Instructor.
2.Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Instructor or Rangemaster.
3.Federal Government, Certified Rangemaster or Firearm Instructor.
4.Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Firearm Instructor Training Program or Rangemaster.
5.United States Military, Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) as Marksmanship or Firearms Instructor. Assignments as Range Officer or Safety Officer are not sufficient.
6.National Rifle Association - Certified Instructor, Law Enforcement Instructor, Rangemaster or Training Counselor.
7.Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), State of California - Firearm Instructor or Rangemaster.
8.Authorization from a State of California accredited school to teach a firearms training course.
9.Any entity determined by the DOJ to provide comparable instruction firearms safety to those
organizations listed above. Please see for a current listing of comparable entities.
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Handgun Safety Certificate Requirements
Unless exempted, in order to purchase a handgun in California, the recipient must present to the firearms dealer a valid Handgun Safety Certificate (HSC). To obtain an HSC, an individual must pass a written test on handgun safety, which is given by DOJ Certified Instructors, generally located at firearms dealerships. If, as the licensee of a licensed firearms dealership, you also become a DOJ Certified Instructor, you may delegate the responsibility of proctoring the written test to any of your employees. If you elect not to become a DOJ Certified Instructor, only a DOJ Certified Instructor (either an employee or independent contractor) may proctor the written test.
Safe Handling Demonstration Requirements
With limited exceptions, prior to taking delivery of a handgun, the recipient must perform a safe handling demonstration on the handgun, or the same make and model of handgun, as the handgun being transferred. This required demonstration must be performed in the presence of a DOJ Certified Instructor, and the firearms dealer must prepare and sign an affidavit certifying the demonstration was completed. There is no delegation of authority for overseeing the safe handling demonstration. Only a DOJ Certified Instructor is authorized to oversee the safe handling demonstration. Therefore, in order to conduct handgun transactions, firearms dealers must either: 1) become a DOJ Certified Instructor; 2) employ a DOJ Certified Instructor in your dealership; or 3) contract with an independent contractor DOJ Certified Instructor whom you can use as needed to complete the handgun transfer requirements.
Please be advised California licensed firearms dealers are required to adhere to the laws regarding the control of deadly weapons, commencing with Penal Code section 16000 and the California Code of Regulations, commencing with title 11, section 4001.
This information is provided to inform prospective firearms dealers of some of the important requirements and responsibilities of California licensed firearms dealers. For additional information regarding the sale and transfer of firearms in California, please visit our website at
If you have any additional questions regarding this notice, please contact the Bureau of Firearms, Licensing and Permits Section at (916) 227-2153.
BOF 4080 (Rev. 01/2012) |
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Application for
Centralized List of Firearms Dealers
Part A - Firearms Dealership Information
Firearms Dealership Name |
Telephone Number |
Fax Number |
Dealership Physical Location |
City |
County |
State |
Zip Code |
Dealership Mailing Address (if different) |
City |
County |
State |
Zip Code |
Hours of Operation |
Local Firearms Dealer Licensing Authority (issuer of local firearms license)
Local Law Enforcement Agency (police or sheriff's department)
Part B - Firearms Dealer Licensee Information
Licensee Name (as it appears on California driver license or identification card)
Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Number |
COE Expiration Date |
Federal Firearms License (FFL) Number |
FFL Expiration Date |
Local Firearms License (LFL) Number |
LFL Expiration Date |
California Board of Equalization Seller's Permit Number |
Part C - Additional Firearms Dealer Licensees
Please complete this section if there is more than one licensee with a COE, FFL, and LFL for the firearms dealership listed above.
Licensee Name (as it appears on California driver license or identification card)
COE Number |
COE Expiration Date |
Licensee Name (as it appears on California driver license or identification card) |
COE Number |
COE Expiration Date |
Licensee Name (as it appears on California driver license or identification card) |
COE Number |
COE Expiration Date |
BOF 4080 (Rev. 01/2012)
Part D - Certification
Application for
Centralized List of Firearms Dealers
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signature of Licensee listed in Part B |
Date |
Signature of Additional Licensee listed in Part C |
Date |
Signature of Additional Licensee listed in Part C |
Date |
Signature of Additional Licensee listed in Part C |
Date |
Part E - Fees
1.Enter the total number of licensees from Parts B and C:
2.Centralized List of Firearms Dealers Annual Fee (licensees entered in Line 1, multiplied by $20.00):
3.Dealer Inspection Program Annual Fee:
4.Total Centralized List of Firearms Program Annual Fees:
Please make a check or money order payable to the Department of Justice. Mail check and completed application to the
below address:
Department of Justice
Bureau of Firearms - Centralized List
P.O. Box 160367
Sacramento, CA 95816-0367
The information requested on this form is being requested by the State of California, Department of Justice (DOJ), Bureau of Firearms, to establish grounds for the issuance of the license or permit indicated on this application. The maintenance of the information collected on this form is authorized by Penal Code section 26715. All information requested on this form is mandatory. Failure to provide the requested information will result in the denial of this application. Information provided on this form may be disclosed to any peace officer or other person designated by the Attorney General upon request.
Pursuant to Civil Code section 1798.30 et seq., individuals have the right [with some exceptions] to access records containing personal information about themselves that are maintained by the agency. The Bureau of Firearms is the agency officially responsible for the system of records that maintains the information provided on this form. For more information regarding the location of your records and the categories of any persons who use the information in those records, you may contact the Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms at the above listed address.

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Application for
Centralized List of Firearms Dealers
Application Requirements
Applications for the Centralized List of Firearms Dealers must be typed or printed in ink. Incomplete applications will not be processed and will be returned with all required fees. Applications must be accompanied by copies of the Federal Firearms License (FFL), Local Firearms License (LFL), or alternative letter as described in Penal Code section 26705, and the Board of Equalization's Seller's Permit for each individual requesting listing on the Centralized List in conjunction with the dealership. If you have any questions, please contact the Firearms Licensing and Permits Section at (916) 227-2153.
Part A - Firearms Dealership Information
•Provide the firearms dealership's name, physical location, and mailing address. The physical location information is frequently different when a post office box or a rural route number is used as the mailing address.
•Provide the firearms dealership's hours of operation for each day of the week listed, using hh:mm AM/PM format.
•Provide the local firearms dealer licensing authority's name, along with the name of the police or sheriff's department that is responsible for law enforcement protection in your community. The local firearms dealer licensing authority is the local department or bureau that issues the Local Firearms License or alternative letter described in Penal Code section 26705.
Part B - Firearms Dealer Licensee Information
•Provide the licensee name as it appears on his/her California driver license or identification card, along with their corresponding Certificate of Eligibility (COE), Federal Firearms License (FFL) and Local Firearms License (LFL) numbers and expiration dates. The Board of Equalization Seller's Permit number must also be provided.
Part C - Additional Firearms Dealer Licensees
•Each additional licensee who is listed on the FFL, LFL and Board of Equalization Seller's Permit, and who desires listing on the Centralized List for this dealership must also provide his/her name as it appears on their California driver license or identification card along with their corresponding COE number and expiration date. Part C may be copied to accommodate as many additional licensees as necessary.
Part D - Signatures
•The licensee(s) must sign and date the certification statement affirming the information provided is true and correct. Part D may be copied to accommodate as many additional signatures as necessary.
Part E - Fees
•The Centralized List of Firearms Dealers fee is $20.00 for EACH of the dealership's licensees. The Firearms Dealer Inspection Program fee is $95.00 per dealership. After entering the appropriate number of licensees in line one, the total fee amount will be automatically calculated and displayed in line 4.
•Make check or money order payable to the Department of Justice for the appropriate remittance. Attach the check or money order to the lower right margin of the form.
•Mail the completed application, remittance and required documentation to the below address:
Department of Justice
Bureau of Firearms - Centralized List
P.O. Box 160367
Sacramento, CA 95816-0367
Pease allow a processing time of 30 days for initial applications, and 20 days for renewal applications.