Car Loan Application Form PDF Details

Applying for a car loan can seem like navigating through a complex maze for many, but understanding the application form can make the process smoother and more straightforward. A car loan application form gathers essential personal and financial information from the applicant, including full name, address, contact details, employment and income details, and housing status. It also requests specific details about the loan being sought, such as the type and amount of the loan, the desired term, and whether a down payment can be made. Applicants are required to disclose if they have a co-signer, their marital status, and any recent bankruptcies. A crucial part of this form is the permission for Electronic Fund Transfer and the consent to allow the lender to obtain a consumer credit report, which is vital for assessing creditworthiness. Additionally, the form outlines the fees associated with the application, emphasizes the importance of accurate information, and includes sections for emergency contacts and financial references. By providing a clear and complete submission, applicants aid the decision-making process, ensuring a faster response to their loan request. The form not only facilitates a smooth application process but also sets the stage for a financial relationship based on trust and transparency between the borrower and the lender.

Form NameCar Loan Application Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namescar finance application form pdf, car loan form template, car loan application form, sample car loan application

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(State and Zip)










Date of Birth:

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ Social Security #: _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ Email: ___________________________

Employer: ______________________________ Title: _____________________ Phone: __________________

Length of time at job: _________ Salary: (hourly wage) ________ Monthly Gross Income: _________________

Own or Rent Home: Own ___ Rent ___ Monthly Payment: ________ Total Monthly Expenses: ______________

Loan Type: Used Car ____ New Car _____ Loan Amount: $_______________ Term: 1 / 2 / 3 years

Down payment Amount: $ ____________________. Do you have a co-signer available: Yes_____ No _____

Have you filed Bankruptcy in the past 7 years? Yes ____ No _____ Please explain ________________________


Status: Single __ Married __ Separated __ Divorced __ Permission for Electronic Fund Transfer: Yes __ No __

Emergency Contact Information

Name: ____________________________

Phone #________________________

Name: ____________________________

Phone #________________________


Financial References






Account Number

Checking Account



Savings Account



Permission to Obtain Consumer Credit Report

By signing this application form, I hereby give the ECDC Enterprise Development Group (EDG) the right to obtain a consumer credit report regarding me for this application and the life loan should my application be approved. I also release from all liability all persons, companies, and corporations supplying such information. I indemnify the EDG against any liability that might result from making such an investigation.

I certify that the information above is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize EDG to make inquiries as necessary to verify the accuracy of the statements made by me and to determine my creditworthiness. I have read and understand the fees outlines above. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless EDG, its officers, directors, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all claims, loss or other liability arising from or related to the services that EDG provides before, during, and after the loan review process. I agree to pay the required sums and I agree to be bound by the loan agreement, if my application is accepted.


Loan Application Fee = $50


Loan Amount Approved

Closing Cost (Processing Fee)


$1,000 - $5,000

$ 100


$5,001 - $8,000

$ 150



Applicant Signature



Date Application Received: _________________ Received by: ___________________________________


Approval Documentation

Checklist of Documents Submitted with Application

1.Car Loan Application _____

2.Car Loan Application Fee (payment receipt) _____

3.*Applicant’s (2) Forms of I.D. One of them must show status _____

4.Applicant’s (2) Pay Stubs _____

5.Co-Signer Documents (for applicants requesting more than $8,000, with less than 20% down payment) _____

More Forms Collected Internally for Loan Decision

6.Applicant’s Credit Report _____

7.Credit Evaluation Form _____

8.Interest Matrix Form _____

9.Debt Ratio Form (less than 50%) _____

Loan Amount Approved: $_________________ Term: ______ Interest: ______%

Loan Officer Approval: __________________________ Date: ______________

*Example: I-94, Green Card, Birth Certificate or US Pass Port



Approval Documentation

Checklist of Documents Collected for Disbursement 10.Review Documents Collected for Approval (#1-9) _____

11.Purchase Order Showing Required Down Payment Amount (From Dealer) _____

12.Vehicle Appraisal Value (KBB, From Dealer) _____

13.Vehicle Mechanical Check (Form Available) _____

14.Vehicle CarFax Report (From Dealer) _____

15.Full-coverage Insurance Documentation (EDG Must be Listed as Loss Payee or Lien Holder) _____

16.Closing Cost (Payment Receipt) _____

17.Guarantee of Lien Perfection Form (Form Available) _____

18.Car Key ____

19.Electronic Funds Transfer Form With Void Check (Form Available) _____

20.Signed & Notarized Loan Agreement (Provided by Loan Officer) _____

21.Amortization Payment Schedule (Loan Officer Submits This) _____

Portfolio Manager’s Initials: ______ Date: ________________

How to Edit Car Loan Application Form Online for Free

It shouldn’t be hard to get vehicle finance application form with the help of our PDF editor. This is how you may effortlessly build your template.

Step 1: Search for the button "Get Form Here" on this site and select it.

Step 2: The instant you enter the vehicle finance application form editing page, you'll see lots of the actions it is possible to take regarding your form within the upper menu.

The particular parts will make up your PDF file:

car loan form fields to complete

In the area Emergency Contact Information, Name Name, Phone Phone, Financial References, BankInstitution, Account Number, Checking Account Savings Account, Permission to Obtain Consumer, By signing this application form I, I certify that the information, Loan Amount Approved, Closing Cost Processing Fee, and Loan Application Fee write down the information the system demands you to do.

part 2 to completing car loan form

Within the field talking about Applicant Signature, Date, and FOR EDG INTERNAL USE ONLY Date, it's essential to put down some expected details.

car loan form Applicant Signature, Date, and FOR EDG INTERNAL USE ONLY Date blanks to fill

In the paragraph Checklist of Documents Submitted, Car Loan Application Car Loan, down payment, More Forms Collected Internally, Applicants Credit Report Credit, and Loan Amount Approved Term, write down the rights and obligations of the sides.

car loan form Checklist of Documents Submitted, Car Loan Application   Car Loan, down payment, More Forms Collected Internally, Applicants Credit Report   Credit, and Loan Amount Approved  Term fields to fill out

Prepare the template by analyzing these particular sections: Checklist of Documents Collected, Review Documents Collected for, Lien Holder, Closing Cost Payment Receipt, and Portfolio Managers Initials Date.

car loan form Checklist of Documents Collected, Review Documents Collected for, Lien Holder, Closing Cost Payment Receipt, and Portfolio Managers Initials  Date blanks to fill out

Step 3: Select the Done button to be certain that your finalized document may be transferred to any type of electronic device you use or sent to an email you specify.

Step 4: It's going to be simpler to save copies of the document. You can be sure that we will not reveal or read your particulars.

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