Certificate of Membership Units
This is like a receipt for a specific number of units (or shares) of ownership of an LLC in exchange for a capital contribution of a member or business entity.
It is important to maintain an internal document with the business records of the LLC entitled Certificate Register that lists the capital contribution of each member and the date, amount of contribution and number of units (or shares) of ownership interest given.
These certificates should be numbered consecutively and each certificate issued is given the next higher number. The total number of units issued by the LLC should be kept to a low number – some states impose a tax on high numbers of units issued by a limited liability company.
See also “LLC Consent to Appointment as Registered Agent” for a listing of all state’s LLC offices and websites.
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Cover memo:
From:[Owner/Founder] [Company]
Subject:Certificate of Membership Units
Attached is a “Certificate of Membership Units” in order to establish your ownership share in the LLC.
I believe that it embodies everything we discussed.
Please read the agreement carefully.
We recommend that you also have it reviewed by your own qualified legal counsel.
Time is of the essence.
Please sign and return it to me asap.
Thank you very much!
We wish we could provide an agreement that was tailored exactly to your business. While this is not always possible, we feel that we've come very close and that this document provides you with the head- start that you need to get your deal moving. Nevertheless, we must make this disclaimer:
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Certificate of Membership Units
[Company Legal Name]
Limited Liability Company
Certificate Number: Xxx |
Membership Units: 100,000,000 |
is the owner of
of the Membership Units of [Company Legal Name], a [State] limited liability company.
Changes in the actual Membership Units held by the Members are reflected in the Certificate Register of the Company.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Certificate to be signed by all of its Members as of this [00] day of [Month] [2008];
_________________________________ |
_____________________________________ |
[Owner/Founder], Managing Member |
[Name], Managing Member |