State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
The State of Illinois helps income eligible families pay for their child care services while they work or go to school, training and other work- related activities. To apply please read the following pages carefully and then submit your completed application to your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) or child care center/home if they have a contract with IDHS to provide child care assistance. If you have any questions about your eligibility or if you need help completing this form, call your local CCR&R. To find your local CCR&R go to http:// www.inccra.org/find-your-local-ccrr-other or call 1-877-202-4453 (toll-free).
Please be sure that all the information is complete before sending in your application:
*The application is filled out clearly in blue or black ink.
*All questions on the application are completed. If the section or question does not apply, please write "n/a" in the box to show the question was not missed.
*Complete this form based on your current information. Inform the CCR&R or Site provider if any information changes in the future.
*The parent/guardian's name is listed at the top of each page of the application.
*The application is signed by the client (parent) and child care provider (pages 13 & 14).
*Social security numbers are listed clearly or "n/a" is listed in the box. Social security numbers are not required for parents or children but they are used to gather information to help determine your eligibility for child care assistance. Providers MUST list their valid tax identification number (SSN, FEIN, Gov't unit code) or IDHS Provider Registration Number. All information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone.
* All Family Information is complete in section 3 of the application including information about your children's immigration status.
Children can get assistance regardless of their immigration status, but IDHS is required to ask for this information. This information will not be shared with anyone. Your child's alien registration number must be listed if they have one.
*All persons other than the applicant and the second parent living in the household are listed in section 3 (page 6).
*If working, at least one of the following is attached to verify your employment and the employment of everyone listed in your family size that is 19 years of age or older:
* Copies of your last two (2) paycheck stubs, or (if you have not been working long enough to get two paychecks).
*A letter from your employer or an employment verification form listing the following: * The date you started working.
*The amount of money you are paid.
*Your typical work schedule, including the total number of hours you work per week.
*Your employer's address and phone number.
*Your employer's signature, or
* Verification of your self-employment. This can include:
* A copy of your most recent Federal Income tax return (IRS 1040) and all schedules and attachments. * A copy of your quarterly estimated taxes.
* A listing of all business income and expenses for the last 30 days. This can be reported on your own form or on a Self-Employment form which can be downloaded at: http://www.dhs.state.il.us/OneNet Library/27897/documents/Forms/IL444-2790.pdf or requested from your local CCR&R. When reporting income and expenses, all receipts, invoices, or other documentation must be attached to verify all information.
* If in school, ALL of the following are attached:
* Copies of your official school schedule.
*Copies of your most recent report card showing your cumulative grade point average (GPA).
* You have made a copy of your application for your records. You understand if you send original check stubs or other documents that they will not be returned.
*All jobs and income information for BOTH parents have been reported on pages 3 and 5 and documentation is attached.
*You understand that if any questions are left blank or if any attachments are missing, your application will be returned to you as incomplete. This may cause a delay in approval for Child Care Assistance Program payments.
* You also understand that all of the information you submit will be verified using State and/or local databases and the internet. If any inconsistencies are discovered, your application may be delayed or your participation in the Child Care Assistance Program may be denied.
IL444-3455 (R-6-11) |
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Important Notice: The sooner your application is |
Parent/Guardian Name: |
submitted, the sooner benefits can be determined. |
Return your completed application to: |
PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN BLUE OR BLACK INK. Please read the attached checklist before completing this form. (Este formulario está disponible en español. For the Spanish version go to http://www.dhs.state.il.us/onenetlibrary/27897/documents/forms/IL444-3455S.pdf)
Parent/Guardian First Name:
Social Security Number (Optional)* |
TANF, Food Stamps (SNAP), or Medical Assistance case number, if applicable |
County |
Home Address (required) |
Apt. # |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Mailing address, if different than above. |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Home Telephone Number |
Mobile Telephone Number |
Best time to call |
Another number where you can be reached |
E-mail Address |
Parent/Guardian Date of Birth (Include Month/Day/Year) |
Check one: |
Male OR |
Female |
Language: |
English |
Spanish |
Polish |
Chinese |
Other: |
*Social Security Numbers are not required at this time for child care eligibility and eligibility will not be denied due to your failure to provide this information. Social Security Numbers are used to assemble research data sets that do not identify individuals and to verify income. Social Security Numbers will be disclosed for administrative purposes only and are confidential.
Do you have more than one child care provider for this application?
Do any of your other children attend Head Start, Pre-K or Child Care at a provider not on this application?
You must complete a separate child care arrangement Section 4 (page 8) for each provider.
If yes, list all child care provider names and registration numbers (if assigned) you seek assistance in paying:
List all other child care provider(s) such as Head Start, Pre-K or Child Care at a provider not on this application.
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name: |
WORK INFORMATION - If you are working more than one job, you MUST tell us about all your jobs even if you |
Number of jobs currently working |
don't need child care for that job. Photocopy this page and complete a separate work information and work schedule |
section for each job you have. |
First Employer/Company Name |
Job Title |
Address |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Work Telephone Number |
Ext. |
Date you started this job: |
I earn before deductions (complete one): |
$ |
per hour OR $ |
per month OR |
$ |
per year |
I get paid (check one) |
every day |
every week |
Number of hours usually worked at |
Number of days usually worked at this |
this job each week |
job each week |
every two weeks |
twice per month |
once per month |
other (please explain) |
Travel time from the child care provider to work: |
Do you use public transportation? |
WORK SCHEDULE: If your schedule varies, provide an example of your schedule. |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
If your schedule varies, please explain how (you may send additional documentation to verify, see Frequently Asked Questions #11 on page 16 of this application): |
Second Employer/Company Name |
Job Title |
Address |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Work Telephone Number |
Ext. |
Date you started this job: |
I earn before deductions (complete one): |
$ |
per hour OR $ |
per month OR |
$ |
per year |
I get paid (check one) |
every day |
every week |
Number of hours usually worked at |
Number of days usually worked at this |
this job each week |
job each week |
every two weeks |
twice per month |
once per month |
other (please explain) |
Do you use public transportation? |
Travel time from the child care provider to work: |
Yes |
No |
WORK SCHEDULE: If your schedule varies, provide an example of your schedule. |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
If your schedule varies, please explain how (you may send additional documentation to verify, see Frequently Asked Questions #11 on page 16 of this application):
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name: |
Are you currently attending school, training or a TANF-Required Activity? |
No (Go to Section 2 - Other Parent/Stepparent Information) |
Yes (Complete the information below.) |
High School or GED |
Below Post - Secondary (e.g., ABE or ESL) |
Occupational/Vocational |
2-Year College Degree |
Internship |
4-Year College Degree |
Work Experience (TANF only) |
Type of Degree Being Earned
What is the highest level of education you have completed (GED/High school diploma, trade school certificate, BA degree)?
Do you already have a professional license degree, or certificate? Yes No
If yes, what type:
School Name/Training Program Currently Attending
Travel time from the child care provider to school. |
Do you use public transportation? |
Yes |
No |
SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Please complete the following schedule
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Is the other parent or stepparent of any of your children, step children or wards living in your home?
No (Go to Section 3 - Family Information p. 6)
Yes (Complete the information below.)
Please note: Information from various agencies' databases and internet web sites will be taken into consideration (See
Question #6 on page 15). If the information does not match it may delay your eligibility.
If the other parent or step parent could be listed on your case for other benefits TANF, SNAP/Food Stamps, Medical, Child Support Enforcement, Unemployment), but is no longer living with you, you may need to supply additional information to prove he/she is living somewhere else. If you cannot provide this documentation, please contact your local CCR&R or Site Administered child care provider.
Other Parent/Guardian/Stepparent First Name
Social Security Number (Optional)
Date of Birth (include month/day/year)
Is the other parent or stepparent working? |
Yes |
Is the other parent or stepparent attending school or a training program?
If the other parent or stepparent is not working or in a school/training program, please explain why they cannot care for the children.
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
WORK INFORMATION - If they are working more than one job, they MUST tell us about all their jobs even if they don't need child care for that job. Photocopy this page and complete a separate work information and work schedule section for each job they have.
Number of jobs currently working
First Employer/Company Name
Work Telephone Number |
Ext. |
Date you started this job:
They earn before deductions (complete one): |
$ |
per hour OR $ |
per month OR$ |
per year |
They get paid (check one): |
every day |
every week |
Number of hours usually worked at |
Number of days usually worked at this |
this job each week |
job each week |
every two weeks |
twice per month |
once per month |
other (please explain) |
Travel time from the child care provider to work: |
Do they use public transportation? |
Yes |
No |
WORK SCHEDULE: If their schedule varies, provide an example of their schedule.
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
If their schedule varies, please explain how (they may send additional documentation to verify, see Frequently Asked Questions #11 on page 16 of this application):
Second Employer/Company Name |
Job Title |
Address |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Work Telephone Number |
Ext. |
Date they started this job: |
They earn before deductions (complete one): |
$ |
per hour OR $ |
per month OR $ |
per year |
They get paid (check one): |
every day |
every week |
Number of hours usually worked at |
Number of days usually worked at this |
this job each week |
job each week |
every two weeks |
twice per month |
once per month |
other (please explain) |
Travel time from the child care provider to work: |
Do they use public transportation? |
Yes |
No |
WORK SCHEDULE: If their schedule varies, provide an example of their schedule. |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
If their schedule varies, please explain how (they may send additional documentation to verify, see Frequently Asked Questions #11 on page 16 of this application):
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
What is the highest level of education they have completed (GED/High school diploma, trade school certificate, BA degree)?
Do they already have a professional license degree , or certificate?
If yes, what type:
School Name/Training Program Currently Attending
Travel time from the child care provider to school: |
Do they use public transportation? |
Yes |
No |
Is the other parent/guardian/stepparent currently attending school, training or a TANF - Required Activity?
No (Go to Section 3 - Family Information - below). |
Yes (Complete the information below.) |
Type of Degree Being Earned |
High School or GED |
Below Post - Secondary (e.g., ABE or ESL) |
Occupational/Vocational |
2-Year College Degree |
Internship |
4-Year College Degree |
Work Experience (TANF only) |
SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Please complete the following schedule
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Family size includes these people LIVING IN YOUR HOME:
*Your biological or adopted children under age 21.
*The biological, step or adoptive parent of any of your children must be included.
*Any other person related to you by blood or law for whom you provide more than 50% of their support (if you choose to include them and can verify their income) - for example an elderly parent or disabled person.
My family size:
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
I need child care assistance for the following children:
First Name |
Last Name |
Date |
M/F |
Ethnic |
Social |
of Birth |
Origin * |
Security # |
U.S. Citizen** |
Yes |
No |
Ward of State? |
Yes |
No |
Relationship to Client: |
First Name |
Last Name |
Date |
M/F |
Ethnic |
Social |
of Birth |
Origin * |
Security # |
U.S. Citizen** |
Yes |
No |
Ward of State? |
Yes |
No |
Relationship to Client: |
First Name |
Last Name |
Date |
M/F |
Ethnic |
Social |
of Birth |
Origin * |
Security # |
U.S. Citizen** |
Yes |
No |
Ward of State? |
Yes |
No |
Relationship to Client: |
First Name |
Last Name |
Date |
M/F |
Ethnic |
Social |
of Birth |
Origin * |
Security # |
U.S. Citizen** |
Yes |
No |
Ward of State? |
Yes |
No |
Relationship to Client: |
First Name |
Last Name |
Date |
M/F |
Ethnic |
Social |
of Birth |
Origin * |
Security # |
U.S. Citizen** |
Yes |
No |
Ward of State? |
Yes |
No |
Relationship to Client: |
*For each child's Ethnic Origin, list all numbers below that apply: (Required for Federal Reporting) 1 - White 2 - Black or African American 3 - Hispanic or Latino (Persons declaring Hispanic ethnicity should also list their race, for example, "3-1", "3-2", "3-5") 4 - Asian 5 - American Indian or Alaskan Native 6 - Native Hawaiian - or Pacific Islander.
** If any of the children are not citizens, provide alien registration documentation if you have it.
List all other family members (not already listed in the application) counted in your family size:
NUMBER (Optional) |
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Does the child listed attend school?
Does the child listed attend school?
State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
Name of provider (attach a separate schedule for each provider you are requesting payment for):
Provider Registration Number (Providers without a registration number should contact the CCR&R):
List only the children who will be cared for by THIS child care provider.
If your children go to school, pre-k, or head start at another facility during the day, list only the hours that they are in child care with THIS provider. For school age children, list only the hours they are in child care.
Usual Schedule of Hours in Child Care |
Daily |
Child's Name |
Age |
Rate |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Relationship to Client: |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Yes No
Is the school at the same location as the provider?
What hours is the child in school?
Does this child care schedule vary? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Does the provider offer a multi-child/family discount? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Usual Schedule of Hours in Child Care |
Daily |
Child's Name |
Age |
Rate |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Relationship to Client: |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Yes No
Is the school at the same location as the provider?
What hours is the child in school?
Does this child care schedule vary? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Does the provider offer a multi-child/family discount? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain:
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Does the child listed attend school?
State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
Usual Schedule of Hours in Child Care |
Daily |
Child's Name |
Age |
Rate |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Relationship to Client: |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Does the child listed attend school? |
Yes |
No |
Year Round |
What hours is the child in school? |
Is the school at the same location as the provider? |
Yes |
No |
Does this child care schedule vary? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Does the provider offer a multi-child/family discount? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Usual Schedule of Hours in Child Care |
Daily |
Child's Name |
Age |
Rate |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Relationship to Client: |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Does the child listed attend school? |
Yes |
No |
Year Round |
What hours is the child in school? |
Is the school at the same location as the provider? |
Yes |
No |
Does this child care schedule vary? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Does the provider offer a multi-child/family discount? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Usual Schedule of Hours in Child Care |
Daily |
Child's Name |
Age |
Rate |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Relationship to Client: |
TO |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
AM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
PM |
Yes No
Is the school at the same location as the provider?
What hours is the child in school?
Does this child care schedule vary |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Does the provider offer a multi-child/family discount? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain:
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
Enter the average gross MONTHLY income in each box for yourself and each member you have counted in your family size. Information from various agencies' databases and web sites will be taken into consideration when determining eligibility. If the Type of Monthly Income does not apply, write N/A.
Type of Monthly Income |
Applicant (YOU) |
Other Family Members |
1. |
Employment Income for both parents and all family members age 19 and older |
(including tips from pay stubs before deductions). Attach copies of 2 most recent |
and consecutive pay stubs for each person (see FAQ #11). If you (or a family |
member) are self employed, complete #2. |
$ |
$ |
2. |
Self Employment Income for you and family member age 19 and older. Attach |
verification such as, most recent Federal tax return (IRS 1040 and all attachments), |
or a copy of quarterly estimated taxes, or a listing of all business income expenses for |
the last 30 days. This can be reported on your own form or a Self Employment form |
$ |
$ |
which can be downloaded at: |
http://www.dhs.state.il.us/OneNetLibrary/27897/documents/Forms/IL444-2790.pdf |
or requested from your local CCR&R. Receipts, invoices or other |
documentation must be attached. |
$ |
$ |
3. |
Child Support Received for all family members |
$ |
$ |
4. |
TANF Cash Assistance for all family members |
$ |
$ |
5. |
Other Federal Cash Income: for example, Social Security payments for |
ALL family members and railroad benefits. |
$ |
$ |
6. |
Other Monthly Income for all family members; for example - unemployment |
compensation, ongoing monthly adoption assistance payments from DCFS, |
permanent disability payments (SSI), alimony, interest income, royalties, pension, |
annuities, veteran's pension, survivor's benefits, and living expenses portion of |
educational grants. |
$ |
$ |
SUBTOTAL (add lines 1 - 6) |
$ |
$ |
SUBTRACT Child Support Paid by you or another family member |
- $ |
- $ |
$ |
$ |
If you receive any Housing Cash Assistance, including vouchers with a specific cash value, please |
report the amount here. This is required for Federal reporting only, and it DOES NOT COUNT IN |
$ |
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
To be completed by the Provider (Please print clearly in blue or black ink).
Parents or stepparents cannot be paid to provide child care for any children in the home.
Providers must be at least 18 years of age and clear required background checks.
Name of Child Care Provider
If you are a Day Care Center, Corporate Name
Mailing Address, if different than above:
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) (Not required for Centers and Licensed Providers) |
Month: |
Day: |
Year: |
Provider Must Complete One:
Note: Read the instructions included with the W-9 form for information on these options.
If you have already registered as a provider for this program, list only your registration number.
Social Security Number (Individual or sole proprietor)
FEIN (Corporation, partnership or sole proprietor)
Gov't Unit Code
(Public school or park district)
IDHS Provider Registration Number
Child care providers are considered to be self-employed and taxes cannot be deducted from IDHS payments. This income is taxable and must be reported on tax documents. The Office of the Comptroller sends out a 1099 tax information form after each calendar year to all individual providers that earn $600 or more a calendar year.
Enter date the child care provider recently began or will begin caring for children: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Have you been approved for the Illinois Quality Counts Quality Rating System (QRS)? |
Yes |
No |
Are you an employee of the Illinois Department of Human Services or any other State agency? |
Yes |
No |
Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, please explain: |
Are you an IDHS approved Child Care Collaboration? |
Yes |
No Check all that apply: |
Head Start |
ISBE Pre-K |
Are any of the children in this family enrolled as a collaboration child? |
How long is your program? |
9 Mo |
12 Mo |
Other |
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name: |
Check the appropriate type of provider. If licensed, complete Day Care Licensing Information. |
Licensed Day Care Center (760)* |
(DO NOT enter a Foster Care License Number) |
License Number: |
Day Care Center Exempt from Licensing (761) |
Licensed Day Care Home (762)* |
License Capacity: |
Day |
Night |
Licensed Group Day Care Home (763)* |
License Expiration: |
Hours of Operation: From |
To |
In the Child Care Provider's Home (765) |
In the Child Care Provider's Home (764) |
In the Child's Home (767) |
In the Child's Home (766) |
My relationship to the child(ren): |
Language: |
English |
Spanish |
Polish |
Chinese |
Other: |
If care is being provided in the home of the provider, list all other people living in the provider's home
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
After reading each of the following statements regarding child care standards, I certify that:
*Parents will have unrestricted access to their children at all times.
*All state and local fire, health and safety codes have been followed and will be maintained.
*All child care providers/staff will have a physical examination no more than two years old and a TB skin test documented and on file in the facility/home within 90 days of the signature date on this form. The TB skin test is to be no earlier than the date the provider/staff began providing child care services.
*All cleaning agents, poisons and other hazardous materials are stored in an area inaccessible to the child(ren).
*There are no firearms or ammunition in the home OR any firearms or ammunition in the home are stored in a locked cabinet or locked storage at all times.
*First aid supplies are readily available.
*There will be no corporal punishment.
*The children will be provided developmentally appropriate play and physical activities daily.
*The children will be supervised (indoors and outdoors) at all times.
*The children will be provided nutritional meals/snacks daily based on the number of hours in care.
*I have not been responsible, and if I am a home provider, no one living in my household age 13 and older has been responsible, for the abuse or neglect of children or any acts of sexual molestation or sexual exploitation of children. I authorize the Dept. of Children and Family Services to check the Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System (CANTS) and the Sex Offender Registry (SOR) to confirm this information for the Department of Human Services.
*I and members of my household may need to complete an Authorization for Background Check form. If required, the CCR&R will mail this form with instructions on how to complete it.
After reading each of the following statements regarding child care assistance program policies, I understand:
*That if I am a home child care provider, I will report any new person(s) living in my household within 10 days.
*The information provided will be checked using State databases.
*I understand the information provided will be disclosed only for administrative purposes and that I may be required to verify the information, but is also subject to release under FOIA.
*I cannot be paid until I complete a W-9 form and I am certified by the Office of the Comptroller.
*I am responsible for collecting a co-payment from each family and that the co-payment will be deducted from the payment I receive from IDHS.
*The State is required to make payment deductions for all home child care providers in accordance with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) contract.
*The State is not liable for payment of child care services provided prior to the date of an approval notice issued by the State.
*If I am a child care center provider, licensed home, or group home, I will maintain, for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of payment, daily attendance records to fully document the extent of services provided and agree to make all records and supporting documentation relevant to the services billed herein available to any and all authorized Department representatives and Federal authorities.
*Failure to maintain adequate records shall establish a presumption in favor of the State for any funds paid by the State for which adequate documentation is not available to support disbursement.
*In order to be considered exempt from DCFS licensing, I can care for no more than three children during any given day, including my own children, unless all children are from the same household.
*If not licensed by DCFS, copies of my Social Security Card and current driver's license, State ID card, or military ID are included. In order to be current, the driver's license or ID must list my current address.
*I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read all statements on this form and the information I give is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that giving false information or failing to provide correct information can also result in an overpayment which I will have to pay back and could result in my prosecution for fraud.
* That the rates charged to the State of Illinois do not exceed the maximum allowed by the State and do not exceed those charged to the general public for similar services. This includes discounts such as multiple child discounts, staff discounts, full-week discounts, per-pay discounts, and sliding fee scales.
*I certify that the hours of child care do not include hours the child is in school.
*That deliberately providing an incorrect/fictitious Social Security number in order to defraud the State of Illinois will cause me to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
*My signature is my consent and authorization for information to be released to the Illinois Department of Human Services or its agents that may establish my eligibility or my continued eligibility for the Child Care Program.
By signing and dating this document I certify that I have read and understand all the statements listed above. I certify that the statements as they are listed are true and that the information provided on this application is true, correct and complete.
Child Care Provider Signature: |
Date: |
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
After reading each of the following statements, I certify that:
*I understand that I am responsible for paying a share of my child care costs (parent co-payment) to my child care provider and that failure to do so may result in the loss of my child care provider.
*I understand that my eligibility will be redetermined every six (6) months or as needed.
*The child(ren) is/are current on all immunizations and verification is on file with the child care provider.
*A review of each facility/home has been completed and I agree that it is a safe environment.
*I have given written notification to each child care provider if I want anyone other than myself to pick up the child(ren).
*An emergency phone number and written consent for medical care and for dispensing prescription medication has been given to each child care provider.
*The name of the family physician is on file with each child care provider.
*I am responsible for the selection of the child care providers for my child(ren).
*I will report any change in child care arrangements, employment or family size, within 10 days. Failure to report changes in a timely manner may result in an overpayment which I will have to pay back and/or loss of child care benefits.
*I understand that I must be working or attending and IDHS approved education, training, or other work related activity in order to be eligible to receive child care benefits.
*I understand the information provided will be checked using State and other databases, and if inconsistencies are discovered, the processing of my application may be delayed or denied.
*I understand that deliberately providing an incorrect/fictitious Social Security number or withholding the Social Security number information in order to defraud the State of Illinois will cause me to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law.
*The information provided will be disclosed only for administrative purposes and that I may be required to verify the information that I have provided.
*I understand that I have the right to appeal and to have a fair hearing of a grievance.
*I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read all statements on this form and the information I give is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that giving false information or failing to provide correct information can also result in an overpayment which I will have to pay back and could result in my prosecution for fraud.
My signature is my consent and authorization for information to be released to the Illinois Department of Human Services or its agents that may establish my eligibility, or my continued eligibility for the child care.
Parent/Guardian's Signature: |
Date: |
Other Parent/Guardian's Signature: |
Date: |
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
1)Who is eligible for child care assistance from the state? * Income eligible working families;
*TANF clients in education, training, or other work-related activities approved by their caseworkers;
*Teen parents (under age 20) in elementary or high school, or a GED program;
*Income eligible families who are in school or training and are not receiving TANF cash assistance.
*Occupational/vocational training, GED, ABE, ESL, and other below post-secondary education programs do not have a work requirement for the first 24 months. High school does not have a work requirement.
2) Is there a waiting list for child care assistance?
No. Anyone who meets the eligibility requirements may receive a child care assistance.
3) How long can I continue to receive child care assistance?
There is no time limit. As long as you are income eligible and need child care to work or participate in an approved activity, you remain eligible. Your Approval Letter will list the first and last months that you are eligible for assistance. Usually, you will be approved for 3 or 6 months at a time. Before your approval period ends, you will have to renew your child care case in order to continue receiving assistance. You will do this by filling out a “redetermination” form. This form will be automatically mailed to you in the month before your approval period ends. For example, if you are approved through April, you should receive your redetermination form in March. If you don't return your redetermination form and all required documents -OR- if you no longer meet the eligibility guidelines of the program, your case will be canceled.
4) If I receive child care assistance from the State will I still have to pay something?
The State requires all parents to pay a monthly "co-payment" directly to their provider. The amount of your monthly co-payment is determined by IDHS and the amount may vary from parent to parent. Monthly co-payments are based on gross monthly income, family size, and number of children in child care. The amount of your monthly co-payment will be listed on your Approval Letter. The State will deduct the parent co-payment from the total charges up to the maximum child care rate. If the co-payment is more than the total charges, the parent pays the lesser amount to the provider and no payment is made by the State.
5) How can I find a child care provider?
You may call a parent counselor at your local Child Care Resource & Referral Agency (CCR&R) at 1-877-202-4453 (toll-free) to get help finding child care for your child. You must have a child care provider before you submit your application.
6) Will my information be verified?
Yes. Information submitted by the parent/guardian on the application and supporting documentation is verified through various agencies' databases and internet websites. Databases used include, but are not limited to: TANF, Food Stamps, Medical, employment Security, Department of Labor, Social Security Administration, Child Support Enforcement, and Chicago Public Schools. Information from these databases and websites will be taken into consideration when determining eligibility.
7) What does “income eligible” mean?
A family is considered income eligible when the combined gross monthly income of all family members is at or below the amounts listed below for the corresponding family size. In two-parent families, both incomes must be combined to determine eligibility. Two-parent families include those with 2 or more adults living in the home, such as the applicant and his or her spouse or parents of a common child in the home.
8) Must I be the child's parent to qualify for the program?
No. A child's legal guardian or other relatives caring for the child are also eligible and should fill out an application form. Foster parents can receive child care assistance from the Department of Children and Family Services.
9) How old can the child be?
All children under age 13 are eligible. Children 13 or older are eligible if they are under court supervision or have written documentation from a medical provider stating that they are physically or mentally incapable of caring for themselves.
10) Can I receive child care assistance for the time I travel to or from work or school/training?
Yes. You can receive child care assistance for reasonable time you spend traveling to and from your child care provider to your job or school /training, as well as for the time you are working or attending school/training.
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
11) What if my work schedule varies?
You may submit additional paycheck stubs and attach additional information to establish an average work schedule.
12) What if my child's other parent or stepparent lives in my home?
If the child's other parent or stepparent lives in your home, he or she also needs to be working or in school, training, or a TANF-required activity in order for you to receive a child care subsidy. The other parent or stepparent also needs to complete pages 4 - 6 of the application and submit the same kinds of documents as you do, which are listed in the application instructions. If the other parent or stepparent is not working or in school, training, or a TANF-required activity, you will need to write and sign a statement about why he or she cannot care for the child.
13) When will I find out if I'm approved for child care assistance?
You and your provider will be notified of approval or denial within 30 days after we receive your completed application and all of the required documentation. Incomplete applications are the #1 reason for delay.
14) When should I send my child to their child care provider and when should the child care provider start care?
Children should not attend child care prior to the approval notice unless the parent and the provider have a payment agreement plan in place until the approval/denial notice is received by both the parent and the provider.
15) Does my child care provider have to be licensed?
No. Certain home child care providers are not required to have a license. A provider without a license must be at least 18 years old and may not care for more than 3 children, including their own children, unless all of the other children are from the same household.
16) Will the State pay relatives to take care of my child?
Yes. Relatives can be paid to provide child care even if they live in the home with the child. Parents and step-parents cannot be paid as child care providers. TANF clients can be paid child care providers; however, earnings must be reported to their IDHS caseworkers. Exception: the State will not pay any relatives included in the child's TANF grant to care for the child.
17) Does the State do any kind of background check on child care providers?
In Illinois, all child care providers must undergo a backgound check. The background check consists of three parts: a CANTS check (Child Abuse
&Neglect Tracking System), a SOR check (Sex Offender Registry), and a criminal history record check wich is done through fingerprinting. Your provider will be required to have some or all of these checks. If care is done in your provider's home, anyone who lives in the home who is age 13
or older will also be required to be checked. There is no charge to the parent or the provider for the background check. Your CCR&R will tell your provider and their household members which checks they are required to complete.
18) Can my child care provider charge me more than my co-payment amount?
Yes, If your provider charges private paying parents a higher rate than the IDHS program pays, your provider can ask you to pay the difference by requiring a fee in addition to your co-payment. Be sure that you and your provider discuss what you are expected to pay before care for your child starts. If your provider's costs are too high for you, your CCR&R may be able to help you find a child care provider who is more affordable. Call them for help finding a new child care provider.
19) How much will the child care provider be paid by the State?
The most the State will pay depends on the age of the child, the region of the state, the type of child care provider, and whether the child is in full -time or part-time care. A copy of the rates can be obtained by calling the CCR&R. All providers are considered self-employed (NOT employees of IDHS or the CCR&R). Taxes cannot be taken out of payments. Providers are required by law to report all Child Care payments to the IRS as earned income. If your provider is not a corporation or governmental unit (public school or park district), and earns over $600 within a calendar year, your provider will receive a copy of the 1099 Miscellaneous Form from the Office of the Comptroller reporting his/her income to the IRS. Your provider should receive the form by February 15th.
20) When will my child care provider get paid?
It can take 4 to 8 weeks for your provider to receive the first payment. After your provider receives the first payment, regular payments will arrive on a monthly basis. The reason the first payment takes longer is your provider's name and social security number must be recorded with the Office of the Comptroller before any payments can be made. To do this, the CCR&R will mail your provider a W9 tax form. The sooner he or she neatly completes and returns the W9 form to the CCR&R, the sooner he or she gets paid.
After the Office of the Comptroller has your provider's information on file, we can send him or her the first "billing certificate." This is the form that you and your provider complete each month to tell IDHS how much to pay your provider.
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State of Illinois
Department of Human Services - Bureau of Child Care and Development
Parent/Guardian Name:
21) How can my child care provider expect to be paid?
IDHS is offering for family home child care providers to receive their payments through the Illinois Debit MasterCard. The Debit Card presents the opportunity for home child care providers to receive their payments in a quicker, less expensive manner than a paper check. The provider will receive payment for all children they are providing care for on one card. No more worrying about lost or stolen checks! Each month the provider will receive a statement identifying each case for which they are receiving payment. For more information regarding the Illinois Debit MasterCard, go to the following website: http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=45466 or contact your CCR&R.
Payments can be deposited directly into your provider's bank account. This can be especially helpful if your provider has been having trouble with mail. Call 217-557-0930 to set up direct deposit. For purposes of record keeping, your provider may want to ask the bank what kind of receipt information they can pass on, as the provider will not receive payment information from IDHS or the Comptroller's office when using direct deposit.
Effective September 20, 2011, Home Child Care Providers will receive all provider payments on the Illinois Debit Mastercard card unless they choose direct deposit. Paper checks will remain an option if the provider cannot accept an electronic method for receiving funds.
The IDHS Child Care Telephone Billing System is an easier and faster way to get paid. Contact your CCR&R for more information.
22) How can I or my child care provider check status of payments?
Clients and providers can call the IDHS toll free phone number to find out payment information. If you have a touch-tone phone, you can call 1-800-804-3833 to find out if your payments have been entered by the CCR&R and mailed by the State Comptroller. This toll free number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also get payment information by visiting the State Comptroller's web site at:
www.comptroller.state.il.us and select "vendor payments."
23) What should I do if my circumstances change?
The parent or provider should call us when any of the following changes occur:
* Change Providers |
* |
Change address |
* Stop working or change jobs * Stop receiving TANF |
* |
Stop attending school or training |
* |
Have medical/maternity leave |
* |
Change family size |
* |
Have any other changes that may affect your eligibility |
* |
Change income |
Failure to report any changes within 10 days may result in an overpayment which you will have to pay back and/or loss of child care benefits. If you stop working, you may be able to continue to receive a child care subsidy up to 30 days after the loss of your job while you look for work.
24) If I am a client or child care provider and I move, will my mail and checks be forwarded?
No, all clients and providers must fill out and submit a client/provider address form within 10 days of relocating.
25) How can I verify employment if I am self employed or cash paid?
A copy of the most recent, signed federal income tax return and all applicable schedules and attachments. After April 15th of each year, only the tax return for the previous year is acceptable. If the tax return was submitted electronically, you must provide a copy of the receipt in the absence of a signature. If a tax return is not available, a monthly statement of earnings and expenses must be submitted until an income tax return is submitted.
If you are paid in cash, a payment verification letter is required from each individual who pays you in cash for performing a service. You cannot write the letter yourself. It MUST be from the person who pays you.
All verifications must include the following information:
1.The name, address, and phone number, of the individual completing the letter;
2.The type of work performed;
3.Who performed the work;
4.The date(s) the work was completed or if the activity is on-going;
5.The rate of pay; and
6.The employee's schedule. If the expenses exceed the gross receipts, the self-employment income will be zero (-0-). Those additional expenses which exceed the gross receipts will not be subtracted from other earned or unearned income in the household. If the number of hours worked cannot be verified, the amount of child care services allowed shall not exceed the documented income divided by the current State minimum hourly wage.
Example: A parent reports that she cleans 5 homes per week and only earns $100 per week. To calculate the number of hours/days to approve, divide $100 by $8.25 (State minimum wage effective 7/1/10) = 12.12 hours. Depending on the parent's actual work/transportation schedule, the parent could be approved
for either: 1 full and 1 part time day, |
2 full and 1 part day, or 3 part days of care. |
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