Exxonmobil Volunteer Involvement Program PDF Details

Engaging in the community and supporting charitable causes has always been a cornerstone of corporate responsibility, a notion well embraced by the ExxonMobil Foundation through its Volunteer Involvement Program (VIP). Launched in 1996, this initiative seeks to foster a culture of volunteerism among ExxonMobil employees, retirees, and their families by offering financial grants to eligible nonprofit organizations where these individuals donate their time. By providing a monetary contribution for every 20 hours of volunteer service completed, the program underscores the value of personal involvement over mere financial donations. The VIP not only showcases the diverse range of eligible volunteering activities—from disaster relief and emergency services to youth and educational support—it also outlines clear eligibility criteria for both volunteers and beneficiary organizations, reinforcing the program’s intention to enrich community welfare and support various societal goals. Furthermore, with provisions for individual and team volunteering, it inherently promotes teamwork and greater collective impact, while meticulously detailing the application process to ensure transparency and accessibility. The ExxonMobil Foundation’s dedication to advancing educational, environmental, and humanitarian causes is vividly reflected in the VIP guidelines, echoing a commitment to building stronger communities through active participation and engagement.

Form NameExxonmobil Volunteer Involvement Program
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ExxonMobil Foundation

Volunteer Involvement Program (VIP) Guidelines

Effective January 1, 2007

Initiated in 1996, the Volunteer Involvement Program is funded by ExxonMobil Foundation, the primary philan- thropic arm of Exxon Mobil Corporation. The Volunteer Involvement Program seeks to encourage employees, retirees, and other eligible participants to actively con- tribute their time and talent to charitable organizations by providing contributions on their behalf. The intent of this program is to encourage volunteerism to worthwhile charitable activities in the community, rather than to pro- vide large sums of money to organizations. ExxonMobil Foundation is committed to supporting charitable activi- ties that: advance education or science; combat com- munity deterioration and juvenile delinquency; relieve the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; lessen neighborhood tensions; lessen the burdens of govern- ment; eliminate prejudice and discrimination; and defend human and civil rights secured by law.

General Guidelines

The Volunteer Involvement Program is designed for employ- ees, retirees, and other eligible participants who volunteer in the community on an individual or Team basis. A $500 grant can be awarded to a charitable, nonprofit organization after an eligible participant or Team volunteers at least 20 hours of their time to the organization during a calendar year. Interpretation, application, and administration of the VIP program, which can be suspended, changed, revised, or terminated at any time, shall be determined by ExxonMobil Foundation, and its decision shall be final.

Individual Volunteer Grant Guidelines

apply for a Team VIP Grant. A project is a specifically defined work activity that requires multiple volunteers working together at the same location at the same time. A project may have

a duration of one day or may be a reoccurring project such as a team working together on the activity once a month. A project that requires more than one team and generates more than one $500 VIP grant is subject to prior review by Public Affairs (for contacts, check www.easymatch.com/exxonmobil or call ExxonMobil Matching Gifts). An organization may receive a maximum of $10,000 per calendar year in Team Volunteer Grants, in addition to the $5,000 maximum for Individual Volunteer Grants.

Eligible Applicants

The following are eligible to participate:

Regular employees of Exxon Mobil Corporation or its affiliates that operate in the United States;

■฀Retirees from the above companies or Exxon Corporation;

Spouses and dependent children ages 12-25 of employees and retirees referred to above (spouses and children participate in the Individual VIP as part of the four individual grants per employee or retiree per year);

Surviving spouses of deceased employees and retirees of the above companies or Exxon Corporation;

Present and former outside directors of Exxon Mobil Corporation.

Non-U.S. payroll employees are eligible while on assignment in the U.S. with Exxon Mobil Corporation consolidated affiliates.

Note: Retirees of Mobil Corporation are not eligible for this program, but may apply for a grant through the Mobil Retiree Volunteer Program.

Eligible Organizations

Each eligible participant (employee, retiree, surviving spouse, or director) may apply for four individual grants per calendar year. These grants may be for the same or separate organiza- tions, provided 20 hours of work is performed for each grant. An organization may receive a maximum of $5,000 per calendar year of Individual Volunteer Grants, in addition to the $10,000 maximum for Team Grants.

Although spouses and children may participate as part of the four individual grants per employee or retiree per year, hours may not be combined. All application forms must be completed by the employee, retiree, surviving spouse, or director. A separate application must be completed for each $500 grant request.

Team Volunteer Grant Guidelines

A team of at least five eligible participants who volunteer for a combined total of at least 20 hours on a specific project may

Eligible organizations must be charitable and recognized as tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code and have an Employer Identification Number (EIN), or be an instrumentality of a state or local government under IRC Section 170(c)(1). Public chari- ties are included, but private foundations are excluded.

Eligible organizations include those providing:

Disaster relief and emergency services;

Community assistance including food, shelter and clothing;

Assistance to the disabled and underprivileged;

Youth empowerment and a chance at a brighter future;

Family crisis services and programs;

Senior citizens with a better quality of life;

Health care, health volunteer services, and cure for diseases;

Cultural organizations including arts, museums, cultural and historical societies, performing arts, public broadcasting, etc.;

Civic services including volunteer fire departments, emergency management, community centers and services, and libraries;

Youth activities (age 18 and under);

Parks, nature centers, botanic gardens;

K-12 education (accredited private and public schools) and support- ing organizations such as PTA;

Colleges and universities;

Educational tutoring and mentoring;

Environmental programs including biodiversity, conservation, and preservation of endangered species and habitats; and

Humane societies, animal shelters, SPCA, etc.

Ineligible Organizations

Ineligible organizations include those not recognized as charitable and tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code or an instrumentality of a state or local government under IRC Section 170(c)(1). Further, organizations whose primary mission does not meet the charitable definition for VIP purposes are ineligible.

Ineligible organizations include:

Political organizations;

Churches, synagogues, etc., insofar as the activities are religious (church-sponsored accredited schools are eligible);

Organizations with limited constituencies, such as sororities, frater- nities, alumni associations, business leagues, foreign language and social clubs, and veteran’s groups;

Organizations that represent a conflict of interest for employees or the Company, or may involve the Company in controversial issues;

Non-accredited K-12 schools or school districts;

K-12 booster clubs or similar organizations (supporting athletics, band, cheerleading, drill team, choir, etc.) whose purpose is other than to support the school’s educational objectives;

Hobby and other civic clubs, including genealogical societies, gar- den clubs, sportsmen clubs, participatory sports, etc.; and

Private foundations.

Volunteer Activities

The purpose of the Volunteer Involvement Program is to encourage charitable volunteerism in the community rather than simply con- tribute large sums of money to non-profit organizations. Volunteer service, activities and projects should be consistent with our pledge to be a good corporate citizen and support important societal goals including education, health and human services, and the environment.

Volunteer activities for organizations where the volunteer or anyone in the volunteer’s family is a member or receives any direct benefit of more than nominal value in return for the grant are ineligible for a VIP grant. It is the policy of ExxonMobil that employees and retir-

ees avoid any actual or apparent conflict of interest between their own personal interests and the interests of the Foundation. Any questions regarding conflicts of interest should be discussed with the employee’s supervisor, or referred to ExxonMobil Foundation.

Volunteer efforts at K-12 schools, colleges, or universities should sup- port academics and meet the definition of charitable for VIP purposes. Volunteer efforts supporting extracurricular activities (including con- cessions, carnivals, student chaperoning, athletics, band, cheerleading, etc.) are ineligible for VIP. Office and classroom assistance and PTA activities are eligible, as long as the effort does not benefit extracur- ricular activities.

Volunteer efforts associated with fundraising events may qualify for a VIP grant provided participation is open to the general public; the event is planned, organized, and sponsored by the non-profit organi- zation; and ExxonMobil volunteers are only assisting with the work necessary to put on the fundraising project, such as staffing of a reg- istration table, serving of refreshments, event clean-up, etc. The time that a person spends raising donations or walking in a walk-a-thon, riding in a bike-a-thon, etc. does not constitute volunteer work for the purposes of VIP.

Application Procedure

Upon completing 20 hours of volunteer service, the eligible partici- pant should complete Part A of the application form and send the form to the charitable organization. The organization completes Part B and then returns the application to the following:

Volunteer Involvement Program

ExxonMobil Matching Gift Programs

P.O. Box 7288

Princeton, NJ 08543-7288

All payments will be issued on a quarterly basis. Application dead- lines are as follows:

First Quarter - March 15

Second Quarter - June 15

Third Quarter - September 15

Fourth Quarter - December 15

Payments for all VIP grants will be consolidated into one check and mailed directly to the recipient organization approximately one month after the application deadline. A summary listing identifying all volunteers will be included with the payment. Volunteers will receive a quarterly notification that their volunteer grants have been paid.

Applications must be received by March 15 to receive payment for the previous calendar year’s efforts. Volunteer hours may not be carried over from year to year.

If you have questions or wish to check on the status of your application, please call ExxonMobil Matching Gifts toll free at (877) 807-0204, or email exxonmobil@easymatch.com.

Electronic applications are available at:


Individual Grant Application

2007 Volunteer Involvement Program

ExxonMobil Foundation


Reference No. __________________________________

(To be completed by ExxonMobil)

Part A - To be completed by volunteer and forwarded to charitable organization for verification of volunteer activity. Submit one applica- tion per $500 grant requested. (Note: If volunteer is spouse or child, application must include name and signature of employee/retiree.)

Name ____________________________________________________________________


Personnel Number ________________________

q Employee


q Retiree

Note: Although spouses and children may participate as part of the four individual


q Surviving spouse

q Director

grants per employee or retiree per calendar year, hours may not be combined.

Volunteer’s Name (If different from above) _____________________________________


Application Date __________________________


q Spouse


q Child - List age _______________



Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________


E-mail address ____________________________

City _______________________________________________________________________

State ___________________ Zip _______________

Work Phone (

) ______________________________________ Home Phone (



ExxonMobil Organization _______________________________________________________

Work Location _________________________

(Example: Upstream - ExxonMobil Production Company)

Calendar Year of Volunteer Service ____________ (Please submit one application per $500 grant requested)








JAN ________

FEB ________

MAR ________

APR ________

MAY ________

JUN ________









JUL ________

AUG ________

SEP ________

OCT ________

NOV ________

DEC ________

TOTAL ________

Name of Non-profit Organization to Receive Grant ____________________________________________________________________________

Describe Volunteer’s Activities _____________________________________________________________________________________________




CERTIFICATION BY THE VOLUNTEER I certify that at the time of this volunteer work I qualify as an eligible employee, retiree, surviving spouse, or director. I also certify that this volunteer work meets all of the conditions stated in the attached guidelines, including the stipulation that neither I nor any member of my family nor any individual designated by me has received or will accept any direct benefit of more than nominal monetary value in return for or as a result of this volunteer work or the grant provided by the Foundation.

Signature of Employee/Retiree ________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________

Part B - To be completed by the recipient organization. (Please type or print)



Name ___________________________________________________ Title ________________________________

Date ___________________

Name of Organization __________________________________________________________________ Phone (



Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________________________ State __________________ Zip _______________

Fax _____________________________ E-Mail Address ____________________________ Website Address _____________________________

Organization’s Nine (9) Digit Employer I.D. No. [Attach copy of 501(c)(3)] _______________________________________________________

Brief Description of Organization’s Purpose (Attach brochure if available) ________________________________________________________



I certify that the above volunteer services have been received and that the grant will be used to support the primary objectives of this organization which is classified as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or an instrumentality of a state or local government under IRC Section 170 (c) (1).

________________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________

Signature of Authorized Officer




January 2007

Team Grant Application

2007 Volunteer Involvement Program

ExxonMobil Foundation




Reference No. __________________________________



(To be completed by ExxonMobil)

Part A - List ExxonMobil employee/retiree/spouse/children team volunteers and personnel numbers.*

(Please type or print and use another sheet of paper if necessary.)


Team Contact Name ____________________________________________________

Personnel Number _______________________________

q Employee

q Retiree


q Surviving spouse

q Director


E-mail Address __________________________________________________

Application Date ________________________________

Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________________________ State __________________ Zip _______________

Work Phone (

) ______________________________________ Home Phone (



ExxonMobil Organization _______________________________________________________

Work Location __________________________

(Example: Upstream - ExxonMobil Production Company)



* Volunteer Name _______________________________________________________

Personnel Number _______________________________

Volunteer Name _______________________________________________________

Personnel Number _______________________________

Volunteer Name _______________________________________________________

Personnel Number _______________________________

Volunteer Name _______________________________________________________

Personnel Number _______________________________

Volunteer Name _______________________________________________________

Personnel Number _______________________________

Name of Organization ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date(s) of Project ______________________________________________________ Combined Hours (20 minimum required) ____________

Description of Project ____________________________________________________________________________________________________




If this project required more than one team and will generate more than one $500 Team Grant, prior approval MUST be obtained from Public Affairs. Attach pre-notification form with Public Affairs endorsement (for contacts, check www.easymatch.com/exxonmobil). Use attachment to list all Team Members (include Volunteer Name, Personnel Number, and hours each individual volunteer served).

CERTIFICATION BY THE VOLUNTEER I certify that at the time of this volunteer work I qualify as an eligible employee, retiree, surviving spouse, or director. I also certify that this volunteer work meets all of the conditions stated in the attached guidelines, including the stipulation that neither I nor any member of my family nor any individual designated by me has received or will accept any direct benefit of more than nominal monetary value in return for or as a result of this volunteer work or the grant provided by the Foundation.

Team Contact Signature __________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________

*If volunteer is a spouse/child, enter the personnel number of the employee/retiree

Part B - To be completed by the recipient organization. (Please type or print)

Name ___________________________________________________ Title ________________________________ Date ____________________

Name of Organization ________________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) __________________________

Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________________________ State __________________ Zip _______________

Fax _____________________________ E-Mail Address ____________________________ Website Address _____________________________

Organization’s Nine (9) Digit Employer I.D. No. [Attach copy of 501(c)(3)] _______________________________________________________

Brief Description of Organization’s Purpose (Attach brochure if available) ________________________________________________________



I certify that the above volunteer services have been received and that the grant will be used to support the primary objectives of this organization which is classified as a tax- exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or an instrumentality of a state or local government under IRC Section 170 (c) (1).

________________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________

Signature of Authorized Officer

999-0274-1B January 2007

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Fill out the exxon mobil matching gift forms PDF and enter the content for every single segment:

filling out exxonmobil easymatch part 1

Type in the necessary particulars in Although spouses and children may, Team Volunteer Grant Guidelines, Eligible organizations include, Disaster relief and emergency, Community assistance including, Assistance to the disabled and, Youth empowerment and a chance at, Family crisis services and, Senior citizens with a better, A team of at least five eligible, and Health care health volunteer segment.

part 2 to filling out exxonmobil easymatch

In the field talking about Cultural organizations including, Civic services including, ees avoid any actual or apparent, Youth activities age and under, Parks nature centers botanic, K education accredited private, ing organizations such as PTA, Colleges and universities, Educational tutoring and mentoring, Environmental programs including, Humane societies animal shelters, Ineligible Organizations, Ineligible organizations include, Volunteer efforts at K schools, and Volunteer efforts associated with, it's essential to put down some demanded data.

part 3 to completing exxonmobil easymatch

Describe the rights and obligations of the sides within the paragraph Ineligible organizations include, Political organizations, Churches synagogues etc insofar, churchsponsored accredited schools, Organizations with limited, Organizations that represent a, Nonaccredited K schools or school, K booster clubs or similar, than to support the schools, Hobby and other civic clubs, Private foundations, Volunteer Activities, The purpose of the Volunteer, Upon completing hours of, and Volunteer Involvement Program.

exxonmobil easymatch Ineligible organizations include, Political organizations, Churches synagogues etc insofar, churchsponsored accredited schools, Organizations with limited, Organizations that represent a, Nonaccredited K schools or school, K booster clubs or similar, than to support the schools, Hobby and other civic clubs, Private foundations, Volunteer Activities, The purpose of the Volunteer, Upon completing  hours of, and Volunteer Involvement Program blanks to fill

Finish by checking these sections and filling in the pertinent information: Individual Grant Application, COMPANY USE ONLY, ExxonMobil Foundation, Part A To be completed by, Name, Personnel Number, q Employee q Surviving spouse, q Retiree q Director, Note Although spouses and children, grants per employee or retiree per, Reference No, To be completed by ExxonMobil, Volunteers Name If different from, Application Date, and q Spouse.

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Step 3: Hit the button "Done". The PDF document can be transferred. You will be able upload it to your pc or send it by email.

Step 4: It could be easier to maintain duplicates of your form. There is no doubt that we will not share or view your details.

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