Fashion Design Internship Agreement Form PDF Details

Are you considering a fashion design internship? A fashion design internship can provide you with invaluable experience in the industry. It is important to have a written agreement in place so both you and your employer know what is expected of each party. This sample form will help guide you through the process. By agreeing to the terms laid out in this form, both you and your employer can be confident that the internship will run smoothly.

Form NameFashion Design Internship Agreement Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields13
Avg. time to fill out2 min 51 sec
Other namesfashion designer apprentice form, fashion designer application form, tailoring application form, fashion apprentice form

Form Preview Example


Please FAX completed form to 330-672-3772, Attention: Melanie Carrico

PART 1: To be completed by the student:


(print name)_____________________________signature___________________________

Student e-mail address: __________________________ID#:_______________________

Employer: ________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________(include zip code)

Employer phone number: _____________________________________________________

Some of the primary tasks that will be assigned to ME include:

Part 2: Completed by employer:

The above named employer agrees to hire the above named student from __________, to

____________, dates as a fashion design intern.

The student intern will / will not (circle one) be paid a wage of _____/ hour.

In order to meet University requirements, the student must complete 225 hours of supervised work while enrolled in the class. Additionally, the student will complete a self-evaluation of their performance at midterm (after the completion of at least 110 hours of work and no later than the completion of 140 hours of work)and interview a superior. At the end of the internship, the supervisor will complete and evaluation form and the student will write a report on their internship experience.

Any questions about the internship may be directed to Melanie Carrico, Associate Professor, Shannon Rodgers and Jerry Silverman School of Fashion Design and Merchandising, Kent State University, 330-672-0197, A complete syllabus for the internship class is available at

Supervisor of fashion design interns: __________________________________________

(print name and title above)

Signature: _______________________________________________________________