Fl Miami Liheap Application PDF Details

Assistance for those facing difficulty in managing their home energy costs is crucial, and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Application form serves as a vital gateway for Miami-Dade residents seeking aid. This application, offered by the Miami Dade Community Action Agency, is designed to provide financial assistance to eligible low-income households to help with their energy bills. The form requires applicants to furnish comprehensive details, including personal identification, home energy specifics, social security cards for all members living in the household, proof of income for the past month, and details about the household's demographics, such as the number of elderly persons, disabled persons, and young children. Additionally, it seeks information on the applicant's housing situation, including if the cost of home energy is included in their rent or if they live in government-subsidized housing. As a precaution against fraudulent claims, a statement emphasizing the truthfulness and completeness of the provided information is included, reminding applicants of the priorities in assistance allocation—households with the lowest income and greatest need. Furthermore, it outlines the process for crisis assistance and regular home energy assistance, including the agency's response times and the applicant's right to an appeals hearing if necessary. This thorough application process ensures that aid is directed to those who genuinely need it, providing not just financial relief but also a sense of security during challenging times.

Form NameFl Miami Liheap Application
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesmiami dade low energy program, liheap application pdf, liheap miami, printable liheap application dade county

Form Preview Example

Miami Dade Community Action Agency

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program


For Office Use Only

Did you remember to attach COPIES of the following ?



Home Energy


] SS cards for all household members





] Proof of income for all household members (past month)



Disaster Assistance



Copy of identification for applicant only

Stamp Date to the Right



Copy and original of most recent energy bill


Your LIHEAP application is not a commitment that your bill will be paid. If eligible, a credit will be sent directly to the utility vendor. However:

You must continue to pay the amount owed on your bill.

1.Give the following information for yourself first and then each person living in your home. If more than six persons live in your home, list the additional persons, giving the same information on a separate sheet of paper and attach to this form.

Marital status: ________________ Place of birth: ________________

Ethnicity: ________________ Citizenship: _______________














Date of







Source of


First, Middle, Last

Social Security Number






to applicant




(Applicant Name)



































































































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2.The address where you are living:



___________, FL




Street Number and Name, RFD, Apt. or Lot No.


City or Town

Zip Code



Your mailing address, if different from above:








___________, FL




Street Number and Name, RFD, Apt. or Lot No.


City or Town

Zip Code



Day time telephone number where you can be reached: (

) _________________________


) __________________________

5.If your monthly household income is less than $738 per month, explain how you pay for food, shelter, clothing, transportation and home utilities.



6.Complete the following for your household:

Number of elderly persons (65 or older)


Number of disabled persons


Number of children 5 years of age or younger


7.If you share your living or mailing address with others who are not part of your home, list their names:

_______________________________________; __________________________________; ___________________________________

8.If you or anyone in your home are not a U.S. citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, give the person’s name and alien status under the Immigration and Naturalization Act.

Name: _________________________________________________ Alien Status: _____________________________________________


Are you or any member of your household a member of the Porch Creek Indian Tribe? Yes ______

No _______


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10.Check the programs that anyone in your household is currently eligible for or receiving assistance from:




_____Food Stamps


11.If you or any member of your household has received energy assistance in the last 13 months, complete the information below:




Name of Agency

Type of help (elderly, crisis, emergency)


12.Do any of the following situations currently apply to you? (Check appropriate box(es) below)



My electricity has been disconnected.



My current electric bill is delinquent.

[] I have a shut-off notice from the electric company.

[] None of the above currently apply to my household.



I have little or no propone, fuel oil or wood for heating.



I have a shut-off notice from my gas company.

[] My current natural gas bill is delinquent.

[] Other energy crisis-Describe:


13.If your cost of home energy is included in your rent, give name and telephone number of your landlord. Attach a copy of a letter from the landlord confirming that your rent includes utilities.

Landlord: __________________________________________

Landlord’s Telephone Number ( ) ____________________________

14.If you live in government subsidized housing, Section 8 housing complex, a dormitory, nursing home, adult foster home, or any kind of group living facility, complete the following:

Name of place where you live: _____________________________________________________________________________________


________________,FL ________________


Street Number and Name, RFD, Apt. or Lot Number

City or Town

Zip Code



15.Provide the following information about the primary source of energy you use to heat your home. Give only one company.




Customer’s Name on the

Customer’s Account

Company’s Telephone


Energy Source

Company’s Name











Natural Gas












Fuel Oil












Provide the following information about the primary source of energy you use to cool your home.





Customer’s Name

Customer’s Account

Company’s Telephone


Energy Source

Company’s Name

on the Account




Air Conditioning











17.If not given above in questions 15 or 16 provide the following information about your electric company.

Energy Source

Company’s Name

Customer’s Name on the


Customer’s Account


Company’s Telephone


18.Attach a copy of your current bills for all companies listed above in questions 15, 16, and 17.

FRAUD STATEMENT: The information above is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I understand that priority in providing assistance will be given to those households with the lowest income and greatest need, i.e. those households in which the elderly, disabled, medical needy or children reside. I authorize the agency to obtain and release confidential information on may behalf and to make benefit payments directly to my energy supplier. I am aware that after I have provided all the information requested, if I am applying for crisis assistance, the agency has 48 hours; 18 hours if my situation is life threatening, to approve or deny my application, and, if I’m applying for Home Energy Assistance, the agency has 45 days to approve or deny my application. I am aware that the agency has 45 days to make a payment to my fuel supplier on my behalf. I’m also aware that if I am approved or denied within the time allowed, or not approved for the correct amount, I have to right to an appeals hearing.

I have received a copy of the Miami Dade County Notice of Privacy Practices.



Return application to agency stamped below:




Applicant’s Signature






Eligibility Worker Signature






Supervisor/ Edit Staff


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How to Edit Fl Miami Liheap Application Online for Free

You can easily get documents working with our PDF editor. Improving the miami home energy assistance program file is simple for those who use these steps:

Step 1: Press the orange "Get Form Now" button on the webpage.

Step 2: The form editing page is now open. It's possible to add information or change existing details.

If you want to fill in the miami home energy assistance program PDF, enter the information for each of the parts:

printable liheap application dade county spaces to fill in

Within the box Page of note the information that the system requires you to do.

part 2 to entering details in printable liheap application dade county

You should be requested for certain significant details so you can submit the The address where you are living, Street Number and Name RFD Apt or, FL City or Town Zip Code County, Your mailing address if different, Street Number and Name RFD Apt or, FL City or Town Zip Code County, Day time telephone number where, If your monthly household income, utilities, and Complete the following for your field.

printable liheap application dade county The address where you are living, Street Number and Name RFD Apt or, FL  City or Town Zip Code County, Your mailing address if different, Street Number and Name RFD Apt or, FL  City or Town Zip Code County, Day time telephone number where, If your monthly household income, utilities, and Complete the following for your blanks to fill out

The Complete the following for your, If you share your living or, If you or anyone in your home are, Name Alien Status, and Are you or any member of your field needs to be used to provide the rights or obligations of both sides.

stage 4 to completing printable liheap application dade county

Review the areas Check the programs that anyone in, CSBG, Weatherization, TANFWAGES, Food Stamps, None, If you or any member of your, Name of Agency, Type of help elderly crisis, Date, Do any of the following situations, My electricity has been, I have a shutoff notice from the, I have little or no propone fuel, and If your cost of home energy is and then fill them in.

Entering details in printable liheap application dade county step 5

Step 3: If you're done, select the "Done" button to upload the PDF document.

Step 4: Create copies of your form - it may help you remain away from possible future challenges. And don't be concerned - we do not display or watch your details.

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