FMCSA Passenger Authorization Form PDF Details

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is a government agency that oversees commercial trucking and bus transportation in the United States. In order to ensure the safety of passengers, FMCSA has instituted a Passenger Authorization Form (PAF). This form must be completed by any passenger who will be traveling in a commercial vehicle. The PAF ensures that all passengers are aware of their rights and responsibilities while traveling, and helps to keep everyone safe on the road. completion of this form is mandatory for all passengers , so be sure to fill it out before your next trip ! The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is a government agencyresponsible for overseeingcommercial trucking and bus transportation in the United States. To ensurethe safety of passengers, FMCSA requires all passengers traveling in acommercialvehicle to complete a Passenger Authorization Form(PAF). The PAF helps keep everyone safe onthe road by ensuring all passengers ar

Form Name FMCSA Passenger Authorization Form
Form Length 5 pages
Fillable? No
Fillable fields 0
Avg. time to fill out 1 min 15 sec
Other names passenger authorization form, non employee passenger approval form, guest passenger authorization form, truck passenger authorization form

Form Preview Example




I hereby authorize Service of Process Agents, Inc., to file the necessary designation of agent form with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (formerly Federal Highway Administration) to assure my company's compliance with 49 C.F.R. §366 in all states. According to FMCSA Ruling, the filing of a BOC-3 form listing all 48 states will meet the requirement to designate agents and will comply with the requirement for obtaining FMCSA authority.

COST: $150.00 for all States (Annual Fee)

I hereby also authorize the Law Office of Seaton & Husk, L.P. to file on my behalf with the Federal Motor Carrier

Administration for authority to operate in interstate commerce.

COST: $350.00 (One-Time Fee), plus $300.00 filing fee charged by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Company Name:

Company Address:

City State, Zip:

Name of Contact

MC #:


Docket (MC/MX/FF) PIN Number:


I don’t know, please request.



U.S. DOT#:





Type or Print Name:

Signature of Authorized

US DOT PIN Number:

I don’t know, please request.





Type of Payment:


Total Paid:

$150.00 SPA






$350.00 Law Office




American Express


$300.00 FMCSA filing fee





Exp. Date:


Full Name on Card:




Security Code:


Billing Street Address:






City, State, Zip:






Billing Telephone No.:













Please complete and fax to 1-202-347-5986





Or email

Referral from the FMCSA



Referral from a Friend

If paying by check, please print and mail to:

FAX from us


Service of Process Agents, Inc.

OTHER: ________________________

P.O. Box 931, Washington, D.C. 20044

OMB NO. 2126-0016

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 2126-0016. It is estimated that an average of 2 burden hours per response is required to complete this collection of information. This estimate includes time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate or suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Systems Operations Team, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration


This application is for all businesses requesting operating authority as motor passenger common or contract carriers.



Docket No. MC

Fee No.




CC Approval No.



SECTION I Applicant Information

Do you now have authority from or an application being processed by the FMCSA, FHWA, OMCS, or ICC?



If yes, identify the MC/FF Number (or lead docket number):


DOING BUSINESS AS NAME (If different from Legal Business Name)


Physical Street Name and Number



Zip Code

Telephone Number






MAILING ADDRESS (If different from Business Address above)





Physical Street Name and Number



Zip Code

REPRESENTATIVE (Person who can respond to inquiries)


Title, Position, or Relationship to Applicant



Street Name and Number



Zip Code

Telephone Number

Fax Number

USDOT NUMBER (If available; if not, see instructions)

FORM OF BUSINESS (Select only one)


State of Incorporation









Sole Proprietorship

Legal Name of Owner










Legal Name of Each Partner

(separate names with a comma)

SECTION II Type of Operating Authority

Check box(es) for each type of Operating Authority requested.

Motor Common Carrier of Passengers

You must submit a filing fee of $300.00 for each box checked.

Motor Contract Carrier of Passengers


Insurance Information

All motor passenger carrier applicants must maintain public liability insurance. The amounts in parentheses represent the minimum amount of coverage required. Applicant will use vehicle with seating capacities of (select only one):

16 passengers or more ($5,000,000)

15 passengers or fewer only ($1,500,000)

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Expiration Date 1/8/2010

OMB NO. 2126-0016


Safety Certification


If you are subject to pertinent portions of the U.S. DOT's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) at 49 CFR, Chapter 3, Subchapter B (Parts 350-399), you must certify as follows:

Applicant has access to and is familiar with all applicable U.S. DOT regulations relating to the safe operation of commercial vehicles and the safe transportation of hazardous materials and it will comply with these regulations. In so certifying, applicant is verifying that, at a minimum, it:

(1)Has in place a system and an individual responsible for ensuring overall compliance with FMCSRs;

(2)Can produce a copy of the FMCSRs and the Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations;

(3)Has in place a driver safety training/orientation program;

(4)Has prepared and maintains an accident register (49 CFR Part 390.15);

(5)Is familiar with DOT regulations governing driver qualifications and has in place a system for overseeing driver qualification requirements (49 CFR Part 391);

(6)Has in place policies and procedures consistent with DOT regulations governing driving and operational safety of motor vehicles, including drivers’ hours of service and vehicle inspection, repair, and maintenance (49 CFR Parts 392, 395, and 396);

(7)Is familiar with and will have in place on the appropriate effective date, a system for complying with U.S. DOT regulations governing alcohol and controlled substances testing requirements (49 CFR Part 382 and 49 CFR Part 40).



If you will operate only small vehicles (GVWR under 10,000 pounds) and will not transport hazardous materials, you are exempt from FMCSRs, and must certify as follows:

Applicant is familiar with and will observe general operational safety guidelines, as well as any applicable State and local laws and requirements relating to the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles and the safe transportation of hazardous materials.



Compliance Certification

All Motor Passenger Carrier applicants must certify as follows:

Applicant is fit, willing, and able to provide the proposed operations and to comply with all pertinent statutory and regulatory requirements.



Government Funding Status

Specify the nature of governmental financial assistance you receive, if any, by selecting the appropriate box below. Select only one.

Public recipient - Applicant is any of the following: any state; any municipality or other political subdivision of a state; any public agency or instrumentality of such entities of one or more state(s); an Indian tribe; and any corporation, board or other person owned or controlled by such entities or owned by, controlled by, or under common control with such a corporation, board, or person which is receiving or has ever received governmental financial assistance for the purchase or operation of any bus.

Private recipient - Applicant is not a public recipient but is receiving, or has received in the past, governmental financial assistance in the form of a subsidy for the purchase, lease, or operation of any bus.

Non-recipient - Applicant is not receiving, or using equipment acquired with, governmental financial assistance.

Public Interest Criteria: Regular route applicants and private recipient applicants may introduce supplemental evidence describing how the proposed service will respond to existing transportation needs or is otherwise consistent with the public interest. Filing this evidence with the application is optional, but it may be needed later, if the application is protested.

Public Recipient Applicants: All public recipient applicants for charter or special transportation must submit evidence to demonstrate either that:

1)No motor common carrier of passengers (other than a motor common carrier of passengers that is a public recipient of governmental assistance) is providing, or is willing and able to provide, the transportation to be authorized by the certificate; or

2)The transportation to be authorized by the certificate is to be provided entirely in the area in which the public recipient provides regularly scheduled mass transportation services.

Supplemental evidence should be provided on a separate sheet of paper attached to this application.

Fitness Only Criteria: No additional evidence is needed from non-recipient applicants for charter and special transportation and applicants for contract carrier operations.

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Expiration Date 1/8/2010

OMB NO. 2126-0016


Scope of Operating Authority






Charter and special transportation, in interstate or foreign commerce, between points in the United States.

Charter and special transportation, between points in the United States, provided by United States-based enterprises owned or controlled by persons of Mexico.

Service as a common carrier over regular routes. (Regular route passenger carrier authority to perform regularly scheduled service only over named roads or highways.) Regular route passenger service includes authority to transport newspapers, baggage of passengers, express packages, and mail in the same motor vehicle with passengers, or baggage of passengers in a separate motor vehicle.

Service as a common carrier over regular routes provided by United States-based enterprises owned or controlled by persons of Mexico.

Applicants requesting authority to operate over regular routes - On a separate sheet of paper attached to the application, describe the specific routes over which you intend to provide regularly scheduled service. You must also furnish a map clearly identifying each regular route involved in your passenger carrier service description(s).

Intrastate authority

(a)Are you also requesting intrastate authority to provide the service described in item 3?


(b)Do you already hold interstate authority to provide the service described above?


(c)If you responded "YES" to 5(b) (i.e., if you already hold interstate authority to provide this service), was the authority issued on or before November 19, 1982?


If you responded "YES" to 5(c), you must attach to your application a copy of the interstate authority or authorities issued on before November 19, 1982, authorizing the transportation of passengers on the routes over which you request intrastate authority. You must mark the envelope and the application in the upper right corner of the front page "90-Day Intrastate Passenger Application."

NOTE: The FMCSA has no jurisdiction to grant intrastate authority independently of interstate authority on the same routes. Also, no carrier may conduct operations under a certificate authorizing intrastate regular route service unless it actually is conducting substantial operations in interstate commerce over the same route.

(6) Service as a contract carrier between points in the United States, under continuing contract(s) with persons or organizations requiring passenger transportation



Service as a contract carrier between points in the United States, under continuing contract(s) with:

Contracting persons or organizations

As a contract carrier, I will: (Check the box(es) indicating how you will meet the statutory requirements for contract carriage.)



Furnish the transportation service through the assignment of motor vehicles for a continuing period of time for the exclusive use of each group or organization served;

Furnish the transportation service designed to meet the distinct needs of each group, organization, or class of groups or organizations. Describe briefly the distinct need(s) below and/or introduce supplemental supporting evidence to identify service needs corresponding to the operations proposed.

(7)Alternative Service Descriptions

If you request authority that is not covered by items 1-6 above, (i.e., authority to operate in specific territories not identified in the service options previously set forth), describe in the space below.

This service description takes into account the applicant's operational capacity, is responsive to applicant's present and prospective service interest, is not unduly restrictive, and is consistent with the purposes of the Interstate Commerce Act. Certify by checking:


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Expiration Date 1/8/2010

OMB NO. 2126-0016



Disclose any relationship you have or have had with any other FMCSA-regulated entity (including entities licensed by the FHWA, OMCS, or ICC) within the past 3 years. For example, this could be through a percentage of stock ownership, a loan, or a management position. If this requirement applies to you, provide the name of the company, MC/FF Number, USDOT Number, and that company’s latest DOT safety rating. If you require more space, attach the information to this application form.


Applicant’s Oath

This oath applies to all supplemental filings to this application. The signature must be that of applicant,not legal representative.


, verify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America,

(Print Name)

that all information supplied on this form or relating to this application is true and correct. Further, I certify that I am qualified and authorized to file this application. I know that willful misstatements or omissions of material facts constitute Federal criminal violations punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001 by imprisonment up to 5 years and fines up to $10,000 for each offense. Additionally, these misstatements are punishable as perjury under 18 U.S.C. 1621, which provides for fines up to $2,000 or imprisonment up to 5 years for each offense.

I further certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States, that I have not been convicted, after September 1, 1989, of any Federal or State offense involving the distribution or possession of a controlled substance, or that if I have been so convicted, I am not ineligible to receive Federal benefits, either by court order or operation of law, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (21 U.S.C. 862).






FORM OP-1(P) (Revised 8/27/2007)

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Expiration Date 1/8/2010

How to Edit FMCSA Passenger Authorization Form Online for Free

passenger authorization form can be filled out very easily. Just use FormsPal PDF tool to complete the task without delay. Our editor is continually evolving to deliver the best user experience possible, and that's due to our resolve for continuous enhancement and listening closely to customer comments. By taking several simple steps, you can start your PDF journey:

Step 1: Click the "Get Form" button at the top of this page to access our PDF tool.

Step 2: Using this handy PDF editor, it is possible to do more than simply complete blanks. Edit away and make your documents appear high-quality with customized text incorporated, or adjust the original content to perfection - all comes with the capability to insert your own graphics and sign the file off.

When it comes to blank fields of this specific document, this is what you need to know:

1. Whenever completing the passenger authorization form, ensure to include all of the needed blanks in their relevant form section. It will help hasten the work, allowing your details to be handled swiftly and correctly.

Filling out section 1 of passenger authorization form trucking

2. Once this selection of fields is completed, proceed to type in the suitable details in all these - I WOULD LIKE TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD, Visa MasterCard American Express, Total Paid nonrefundable, SPA Law Office FMCSA filing fee, Number, Full Name on Card, Billing Street Address, City State Zip, Billing Telephone No, Signature, HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US, Referral from the FMCSA Referral, Exp Date, Security Code, and Please complete and fax to.

The best way to prepare passenger authorization form trucking step 2

3. Completing This application is for all, EINFederal ID, FOR FMCSA USE ONLY Docket No MC, Fee No, Filed, CC Approval No, SECTION I Do you now have, Applicant Information, YES, If yes identify the MCFF Number or, LEGAL BUSINESS NAME, DOING BUSINESS AS NAME, If different from Legal Business, BUSINESS ADDRESS Physical Street, and MAILING ADDRESS Physical Street is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

Filling in part 3 of passenger authorization form trucking

4. This next section requires some additional information. Ensure you complete all the necessary fields - Street Name and Number, City, State, Zip Code, Telephone Number, Fax Number, USDOT NUMBER, If available if not see, FORM OF BUSINESS, Select only one, Corporation, State of Incorporation, Sole Proprietorship, Legal Name of Owner, and Partnership - to proceed further in your process!

passenger authorization form trucking writing process detailed (stage 4)

5. When you near the final sections of this form, there are a few extra things to complete. Particularly, SECTION III All motor passenger, passengers or more, passengers or fewer only, Form OPP, Revised, and Expiration Date must be filled out.

Part no. 5 of filling in passenger authorization form trucking

You can easily get it wrong while filling in the Revised, therefore make sure to reread it prior to when you submit it.

Step 3: Go through everything you have inserted in the blanks and then click on the "Done" button. Right after starting a7-day free trial account at FormsPal, you'll be able to download passenger authorization form or email it right off. The PDF file will also be available in your personal cabinet with your each and every modification. With FormsPal, you can certainly fill out forms without worrying about personal data breaches or records being distributed. Our secure system makes sure that your private details are maintained safe.