Form 47 Pa PDF Details

Navigating through the paperwork after the loss of a loved one can be a daunting task, especially when trying to understand specific forms required by insurance companies. One such document, the 47 Pa form, serves a crucial role in the realm of non-contestable preneed claims for those insured by the Investors Heritage Life Insurance Company in Pennsylvania. This form, mandatory to be filled out by a licensed funeral director, encompasses vital information about the deceased, including their name, social security number, policy numbers, and the nature of the policy, whether it be life insurance or an annuity. Additionally, it collects details on the deceased's date and place of birth, alongside the date and place of death, which are essential for processing claims promptly and efficiently. The form also asks for the primary cause of death as listed on the death certificate, location of death, and information about the person arranging the funeral. A unique aspect of this form is its requirement for the funeral director to certify the completion of their services, ensuring that the procedure for claim settlement aligns with the company’s policies and state law requirements. Moreover, any attempt to provide false information or conceal facts is treated as a fraudulent act, highlighting the importance of accuracy and transparency in submitting this form. Knowing these details helps in understanding the form's purpose in the claim process, offering a streamlined way for beneficiaries to receive due benefits without unnecessary delays.

Form NameForm 47 Pa
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namespa 47, form 47 pa, pa 47 form, pa form 47pa

Form Preview Example

INVESTORS HERITAGE Life Insurance Company

200 CapitalAvenue • PO Box 717 • Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0717




( Use ON LY for N on - Con t e st a ble Pr e n e e d Cla im s)

INSTRUCTIONS: Mail completed form with the Policy and Obituary (Newpaper Clipping).

Name of Deceased




Social Security Number



Deceased was














Fem ale














Address (P.O. Box - No. - Street)









Zip Code

































Policy Number(s)


Issue Date of Policy(ies)



Type of Policy(ies)




















Life Insurance





















Life Insurance






















Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:




Date of Death:


Place of Death:








(Month / Day / Year)

(City and State)


(Month / Day / Year)




(City and State)

PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH as listed on the death certificate filed with the Bureau of Vital Statistics

Where did death occur?


Nursing Home


Other: ________________________

























Name of Person Arranging Funeral


Relationship to Deceased


Social Security Number










Address (P.O. Box - No. Street)







Zip Code








Telephone Number


Were the Policy Proceeds Assigned?

Is the Newspaper Obituary Attached?






















I he r e by ce r t ify t ha t I a m a n a ut hor ize d, lice nse d Fune r a l D ir e ct or ; t ha t t he a bove na m e d I nsur e d is de ce a se d a s se t for t h a bove ; t h a t I w ill/ h a ve pr e pa r e ( d) for fin a l disposit ion t h e body of t h e a bove na m e d pe r son; a nd t ha t I w ill/ ha ve fully pe r for m ( e d) t he fune r a l se r vice s for t he a bove na m e d pe r - son . I hereby cert ify t hat all inform at ion above is t rue and correct t o t he best of m y knowledge and belief. I underst and t hat t he life insurance policy is not cont est able because it was guarant eed issue or because it has been in effect for t wo ( 2) years from t he dat e of issue. The Obit uary ( newspaper clipping) , t he Cert ificat e of Perform ance, if required by st at e law, and t he policy should accom pany t his form . I nvest ors Herit age reserves t he right t o request addit ional inform at ion which it , in it s sole discret ion, deem s necessary t o adj udicat e a claim .

An y pe r son w h o k n ow in gly a n d w it h t h e in t e n t t o de fr a u d a n y in su r a n ce com pa n y or ot h e r pe r son files an applicat ion for insurance or set t lem ent of claim cont aining any m at erially false inform at ion or conce a ls for t he pur pose of m isle a ding, infor m a t ion conce r ning a ny fa ct m a t e r ia l t he r e t o com m it s a fr a udule nt a ct , w hich is a cr im e a nd subj e ct s such pe r son t o cr im ina l a nd civil pe na lt ie s.

Name and Address

Signature of Funeral Director

Funeral Director License No.





Telephone Number

Email Address









Tax I.D. Number






For m 47 PA Rev. 6/ 2006

How to Edit Form 47 Pa Online for Free

Working with PDF documents online can be a piece of cake using our PDF editor. Anyone can fill in pa 47 here effortlessly. To retain our editor on the leading edge of practicality, we aim to put into practice user-driven capabilities and improvements on a regular basis. We're always looking for suggestions - assist us with reshaping PDF editing. Starting is simple! All you have to do is take these easy steps below:

Step 1: Open the PDF file inside our editor by pressing the "Get Form Button" at the top of this webpage.

Step 2: This editor will allow you to work with almost all PDF files in many different ways. Modify it by writing personalized text, correct existing content, and put in a signature - all manageable in minutes!

When it comes to blanks of this specific PDF, here's what you need to know:

1. While submitting the pa 47, make sure to incorporate all of the needed blank fields in their associated part. This will help hasten the work, allowing your details to be processed fast and accurately.

Learn how to fill in pa cyf 47 part 1

2. Now that this section is done, it's time to add the needed specifics in Address PO Box No Street, City, State, Zip Code, Telephone Number, Were the Policy Proceeds Assigned, Is the Newspaper Obituary Attached, cid Yes cid No, cid Yes cid No, I hereby cert ify t hat I am an, Signature of Funeral Director, Funeral Director License No, Telephone Number, Tax ID Number, and Email Address so you can move on to the third stage.

Filling out segment 2 in pa cyf 47

You can certainly make an error when filling in the Funeral Director License No, therefore make sure to take another look prior to deciding to send it in.

Step 3: Before finishing this document, you should make sure that all blanks were filled in the proper way. As soon as you confirm that it's correct, click “Done." Sign up with FormsPal now and easily get pa 47, set for downloading. All modifications made by you are saved , meaning you can edit the form at a later stage if needed. Here at, we aim to be certain that your information is kept protected.