Form DSA-6 PDF Details

Form DSA-6 is a document that is used to declare the availability of securities for sale. Issuers use this form to notify the SEC of their intent to offer and sell securities, as well as to disclose key information about the securities and the offering. The form must be filed before any securities can be sold, so it's important for companies to understand its requirements and complete it accurately. In this blog post, we'll provide an overview of Form DSA-6 and explain why it's such an important document for issuers. We'll also discuss some common mistakes that companies make when filling out this form. By understanding Form DSA-6, companies can ensure that they're in compliance with SEC regulations and are able to successfully sell their securities.

Form Name Form DSA-6
Form Length 2 pages
Fillable? No
Fillable fields 0
Avg. time to fill out 30 sec
Other names dsa 6, dsa 6 c form, form dsa 6 ae, dsa 6 form pdf printable

Form Preview Example



Rev 8/10


File this report at completion of project, when services in connection with the project are terminated, when work stops for more than one month, or when any building of the project is occupied. See instructions on page 2. Refer also to California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 1, Sections 4-214 (for essential services buildings) and 4-336 (for schools).



FINAL - All Work completed (entire DSA approved scope is 100% complete)


DSA File No.










Check all

Work not completed (describe in box 10 below)




DSA Application No.


Work Stopped
























Occupied Building(s) ______________________________________________





















School District/Owner:

5. Project Name (School):


















6.Scope of Entire Project

7.Contract Number

8.Final Project (or contract) Cost (Required only if work 100% complete)

9.Total Project Completion (% complete for entire DSA approved scope):

10.Describe all non-compliant work and/or work to be completed (______additional pages attached):

11. Total No. of change orders received:


Total No. of DSA approved change orders received:






12.I know of my own personal knowledge that the work described on this report has, in every material respect, been performed in compliance with the DSA approved documents. I declare under penalty of perjury that I prepared this report and that all statements are true.

Signature: ____________________________________ Print Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

Serving as:

Project Inspector








Other: ________________________________


Business Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________________________________________________ State:

Zip _________________













13. Contractor must also complete the following:

I am an authorized official of

working in the capacity of

with personal knowledge of the work of construction. I have been authorized by said firm or corporation to sign this report.

Submit completed form to the DSA Regional Office where this project was constructed:

DSA Oakland Region

DSA Sacramento Region

DSA Los Angeles Region

DSA San Diego Region

1515 Clay Street, Suite 1201

1102 Q Street, Suite 5200

700 N. Alameda Street, Suite 5-500

10920 Via Frontera Rd., Suite 300

Oakland, CA 94612

Sacramento, CA 95811

Los Angeles, CA 90012

San Diego, CA 92127





Form DSA-6 (rev 08-31-10)


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Instructions for Form DSA-6

The Inspector and Contractor(s) each complete and send separate forms to DSA.

The Inspector DOES NOT complete Section 13

1.Inspectors - Check “Final - Work 100% complete” ONLY when all work in the entire scope of the DSA application is completed in accordance with DSA approved documents. Construction contractors - Check this box only if all work in your contract has been completed in accordance with DSA approved documents. Both - If addenda, change orders or other documents are pending approval or if corrective work is required CHECK BOX 2 INSTEAD.

2.Check “Work not completed (describe in box 10 below)” when work is not 100% complete. Also, check one or more of the other three boxes to indicate the status of the project:

Check “Occupied Building(s)


” when building(s) involved in the project are occupied or reoccupied

List the name(s) of the building(s).


Check “Terminating” when your services have ended on the project for any reason.

Check “Work Stopped” when construction work has stopped for more than one month.

3.Provide DSA file and application number (file number is shown above the approval stamp on the first sheet of the drawings or the signature page of the specifications; application number appears on all approval stamps).

4.Enter the name of the School District or owner; provide an explanation in Section 10 for projects on school grounds that are not owned by the school district.

5.Project name must include the name of the school(s) where construction work is performed.

6.List scope of entire project as shown on DSA approved documents even if this report only pertains to a portion of that scope. See to verify project scope. See for standard nomenclature for describing the scope of the project.

7.Inspectors may enter “all” or list all contracts covered by this report; contractors enter the number assigned to your contract by the architect.

8.Inspectors enter total final project cost including all change orders. Contractors enter total final cost for your contract. Include the cost of all change orders and construction management contracts.

9.Inspectors enter total percentage of completion for the entire project scope; contractors enter total for your contract.


10.Include a description of all non-compliant and/or incomplete work. For “phased" projects or for contracts that cover only a part of the project, describe the scope of the applicable “phase” or contract. When certification of a “portion” of the scope is requested, indicate percentage of completion of the “portion” of scope constructed. If additional pages are needed, check the box and indicate the number of pages attached.

11.Enter the total number of change orders received and the total number of DSA approved change orders received. All change orders must be approved by DSA before the work may be considered 100% complete.

12.For the inspector, “all work” includes all construction as well as verification that all tests and special inspections have been performed. For the contractor “all work” means the work included in the scope of your contract. When construction is performed by school district employees or volunteers, a responsible school district employee must act as the “contractor” for the project and sign the form.

For the inspector “personal knowledge” means:

The actual personal knowledge which is obtained from the inspector’s personal continuous inspection of the work in all stages of its progress. For work performed away from the site, the project inspector may obtain personal knowledge from the reporting of testing or special inspection of materials and workmanship for compliance with approved plans, specifications and applicable standards. The exercise of reasonable diligence to obtain the facts is required.

For the contractor “personal knowledge” means:

The personal knowledge gained from constructing the building. The exercise of reasonable diligence to obtain the facts is required.

13.This section is for the contractor only; the inspector does not fill out Section 13. The contractor reports the name of the firm they represent on the first line and their official capacity (general superintendent, owner, etc) on the second line. When construction is performed by school district employees or volunteers, a responsible school district employee must act as the “contractor” for the project, sign the form in Section 12, and complete Section 13.

Form DSA-6 (rev 08-31-10)


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How to Edit Form DSA-6 Online for Free

dsa 6 form can be filled in effortlessly. Simply make use of FormsPal PDF editor to complete the job quickly. To retain our tool on the forefront of practicality, we aim to implement user-driven features and enhancements regularly. We're at all times looking for feedback - play a vital role in reshaping PDF editing. Getting underway is easy! All you should do is adhere to the following easy steps below:

Step 1: First, access the pdf tool by pressing the "Get Form Button" above on this page.

Step 2: With this advanced PDF editing tool, you could do more than just complete blanks. Try all of the functions and make your documents appear faultless with custom text added in, or fine-tune the file's original input to excellence - all accompanied by the capability to add stunning photos and sign the document off.

Completing this form demands focus on details. Ensure that every blank is filled in properly.

1. When filling in the dsa 6 form, make sure to complete all necessary blank fields in its associated form section. It will help to expedite the process, which allows your details to be handled without delay and correctly.

Part number 1 for filling in dsa form 6

2. Just after filling in this section, go to the next part and fill in all required particulars in these fields - Total No of change orders received, Total No of DSA approved change, I know of my own personal, Signature Print Name Date, Serving as, Project Inspector, Contractor, Other, Business Address, City State, Zip, Contractor must also complete the, working in the capacity of with, Submit completed form to the DSA, and cid DSA Sacramento Region cid DSA.

dsa form 6 conclusion process shown (stage 2)

Be really attentive while filling out Business Address and Zip, because this is the section in which many people make some mistakes.

3. The following step is normally fairly uncomplicated, Project name must include the, that scope See, Inspectors may enter all or list, contract by the architect, Inspectors enter total final, contract Include the cost of all, Inspectors enter total percentage, Include a description of all, only a part of the project, Enter the total number of change, All change orders must be approved, For the inspector all work, and been performed For the contractor - every one of these fields needs to be filled out here.

Filling in segment 3 in dsa form 6

Step 3: Make sure your information is accurate and click "Done" to conclude the project. Make a 7-day free trial plan at FormsPal and gain instant access to dsa 6 form - with all transformations saved and accessible from your personal account page. FormsPal offers safe form completion devoid of personal data recording or distributing. Rest assured that your data is secure here!