than HUD, a State or local government if the application is required |
Part II. Other Government Assistance and Expected Sources and |
by statute or regulation to be submitted to HUD for approval or for |
Uses of Funds. |
any other purpose. |
A. Other Government Assistance. This Part is to be completed by both |
B. Update reports (filed by “Recipients” of HUD Assistance): |
applicants and recipients for assistance and recipients filing update |
General. All recipients of covered assistance must submit update |
reports. Applicants and recipients must report any other government |
reports to the Department to reflect substantial changes to the initial |
assistance involved in the project or activity for which assistance is |
applicant disclosure reports. |
sought. Applicants and recipients must report any other government |
Line-by-Line Instructions. |
assistance involved in the project or activity. Other government |
assistance is defined in note 4 on the last page. For purposes of this |
Applicant/Recipient Information. |
definition, other government assistance is expected to be made |
All applicants for HUD competitive assistance, must complete the |
available if, based on an assessment of all the circumstances involved, |
information required in blocks 1-5 of form HUD-2880: |
there are reasonable grounds to anticipate that the assistance will be |
1. Enter the full name, address, city, State, zip code, and telephone |
forthcoming. |
Both applicant and recipient disclosures must include all other |
number (including area code) of the applicant/recipient. Where the |
government assistance involved with the HUD assistance, as well as |
applicant/recipient is an individual, the last name, first name, and |
any other government assistance that was made available before the |
middle initial must be entered. |
request, but that has continuing vitality at the time of the request. |
2. Entry of the applicant/recipient's SSN or EIN, as appropriate, is |
Examples of this latter category include tax credits that provide for a |
optional. |
number of years of tax benefits, and grant assistance that continues to |
3. Applicants enter the HUD program name under which the assistance is |
benefit the project at the time of the assistance request. |
being requested. |
4. Applicants enter the amount of HUD assistance that is being |
The following information must be provided: |
requested. Recipients enter the amount of HUD assistance that has |
1. Enter the name and address, city, State, and zip code of the |
been provided and to which the update report relates. The amounts |
government agency making the assistance available. |
are those stated in the application or award documentation. NOTE: In |
2. State the type of other government assistance (e.g., loan, grant, |
the case of assistance that is provided pursuant to contract over a |
loan insurance). |
period of time (such as project-based assistance under section 8 of the |
3. Enter the dollar amount of the other government assistance that is, |
United States Housing Act of 1937), the amount of assistance to be |
or is expected to be, made available with respect to the project or |
reported includes all amounts that are to be provided over the term of |
activities for which the HUD assistance is sought (applicants) or |
the contract, irrespective of when they are to be received. |
has been provided (recipients). |
5. Applicants enter the name and full address of the project or activity for |
4. Uses of funds. Each reportable use of funds must clearly identify |
which the HUD assistance is sought. Recipients enter the name and |
the purpose to which they are to be put. Reasonable aggregations |
full address of the HUD-assisted project or activity to which the update |
may be used, such as "total structure" to include a number of |
report relates. The most appropriate government identifying number |
structural costs, such as roof, elevators, exterior masonry, etc. |
must be used (e.g., RFP No.; IFB No.; grant announcement No.; or |
contract, grant, or loan No.) Include prefixes. |
B. Non-Government Assistance. Note that the applicant and recipient |
Part I. Threshold Determinations - Applicants Only |
disclosure report must specify all expected sources and uses of funds - |
both from HUD and any other source - that have been or are to be, |
made available for the project or activity. Non-government sources of |
Form HUD-2880 (3/13) |