Form Jdf 963 PDF Details

Understanding the Jdf 963 form is essential for anyone involved in the probate process within Colorado. This document, officially titled "Notice of Non-Appearance Hearing on Petition for Final Settlement," plays a pivotal role in the closing stages of estate management. It communicates to all interested parties that a hearing concerning the final settlement of an estate will occur, yet physical attendance is neither required nor expected. Set by the district or Denver Probate Court, the hearing aims to finalize the distribution of the estate's assets and resolve any outstanding claims or payments. The form outlines the hearing's date, time, and location, and clearly states the responsibilities of interested persons – highlighting the significance of filing objections if they disagree with the settlement terms. To ensure the court addresses any concerns, the document stresses filing a written objection and furnishing a copy to both the person requesting the court order and the personal representative. If objections arise, they must be formally set for an appearance hearing within a tight timeframe to avoid dismissal. Moreover, the form provides a section for certifying the service of notice, underscoring the importance of transparency and due process in estate settlement proceedings. Altogether, the Jdf 963 form serves as a critical notice in safeguarding the rights and interests of all parties involved in the estate, ensuring that the final settlement proceeds smoothly and in accordance with the law.

Form NameForm Jdf 963
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesR7, JDF, E-Served, Colorado

Form Preview Example


District Court Denver Probate Court




__________________ County, Colorado




Court Address:








In the Matter of the Estate of:











Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address):


Case Number:


Phone Number:___________ E-mail:__________________________




FAX Number:____________ Atty. Reg. #: ____________________


Division _____ Courtroom ______


****** Attendance at this hearing is not required or expected. *******

To All Interested Persons:

A non-appearance hearing on the Petition for Final Settlement and proposed Order is set at the following date, time and location or at a later date to which the hearing may be continued.



(Select a future date - 10 calendar days plus 3 calendar days for mailing.)

Time: 8:00 a.m.





Date: ________________________





Signature of Person Giving Notice or Attorney


Interested persons have the responsibility to protect their own rights and interests within the time and in the manner provided by the Colorado Probate Code, including the appropriateness of claims paid, the compensation of personal representatives, attorneys and others, and the distribution of estate assets. The Court will not review or adjudicate these or other matters unless specifically requested to do so by an interested person.

Any interested person wishing to object to the Petition must file a specific written Objection with the Court on or before the hearing and must furnish a copy of the Objection to the person requesting the court order and the personal representative. JDF 722 (Objection form) is available on the Colorado Judicial Branch website ( If no objection is filed, the Court may take action on the Petition without further notice or hearing. If any objection is filed, the objecting party must, within ten days after filing the objection, set the objection for an appearance hearing. Failure to timely set the objection for an appearance hearing as required shall result in the dismissal of the objection with prejudice without further hearing.

Actual distribution of estate assets normally does not occur at the hearing.


I certify that on _____________________ (date) a copy of this Notice along with the Petition and proposed Order

identified above was served on each of the following:


Name of Person to Whom







Manner of











you are Sending this





























































*Insert one of the following: Hand Delivery, First-Class Mail, Certified Mail, E-Served or Faxed.



Note: Do not set matters on the non-appearance docket, unless they are expected to be routine and unopposed.


How to Edit Form Jdf 963 Online for Free

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Completing this PDF calls for focus on details. Ensure each and every blank field is filled out properly.

1. The sample notice of non appearance necessitates particular details to be typed in. Make certain the subsequent blanks are finalized:

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2. Once your current task is complete, take the next step – fill out all of these fields - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, I certify that on date a copy of, Relationship, Manner of Service, Name of Person to Whom you are, Signature, and JDF R NOTICE OF NONAPPEARANCE with their corresponding information. Make sure to double check that everything has been entered correctly before continuing!

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In terms of CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE and Signature, be certain that you review things in this section. The two of these are the key ones in this document.

Step 3: Reread all the information you have typed into the blanks and then hit the "Done" button. Create a free trial account at FormsPal and get instant access to sample notice of non appearance - downloadable, emailable, and editable inside your personal cabinet. FormsPal is committed to the personal privacy of all our users; we always make sure that all personal information used in our tool is kept confidential.