Form L 1124 PDF Details

In the intricate landscape of healthcare licensure, the FORM L, known as the Physician Licensure Evaluation, stands as a critical document for physicians seeking licensure or credential verification in Texas. This comprehensive form, required by the Texas Medical Board, plays a pivotal role in assessing a physician's qualifications, including verifications of postgraduate training and professional history. Each applicant must secure evaluations from every facility they've been affiliated with over the past five years, though in certain circumstances, information beyond this period may be requested. The process involves a detailed scrutiny of an applicant's medical competence, ethical behavior, and overall readiness to provide safe, professional medical care. Beyond capturing essential personal information, contacts, and affiliations, the form also includes a consent section, authorizing the release and exchange of sensitive information among hospitals, educational institutions, and other relevant bodies. This ensures a transparent evaluation process, allowing evaluators like Chiefs of Staff or Medical Directors to assess and report on the applicant's clinical skills, professional conduct, and any notable circumstances that might affect their practice. Intricately designed to foster a rigorous vetting process, the FORM L embodies the Texas Medical Board's commitment to maintaining high standards within the medical community, safeguarding patient care and public health.

Form NameForm L 1124
Form Length3 pages
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Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesex parte order orange county florida, L-1124-INFO, 7th, Notice

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Physician Licensure Evaluation – Texas Medical Board

Verification of Postgraduate Training and Professional Evaluation


Complete the information in this box. You must have evaluations from every facility with which you have been affiliated in the past 5 years. Note – your licensure analyst may require additional evaluations outside the past 5 years.

Applicant’s Current Full Name: ____________________Name at time of affiliation if different: _______________________



Applicant’s Date of Birth: ______________

Applicant TMB ID# _________________

Applicant’s Address: ____________________________Telephone: ________________ E-Mail: ____________________

Name of Evaluating Hospital/Institution _________________________________________________________________

Address of Evaluating Hospital/Institution _______________________________________________________________

Dates of affiliation From (mm/yy) ___________ To (mm/yy) _________

Department of Affiliation_______________________

Your position at the time of affiliation:

 Intern  Resident  Fellow  Faculty  Staff

I hereby authorize all hospitals, institutions or organizations, my references, personal physicians, employers (past, present and future), business or professional associates (past, present and future) and all governmental agencies (local, state, federal, or foreign) to release to the Texas Medical Board or its successors any information, files or records, including medical records, educational records, and records of psychiatric treatment and treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse or dependency, requested by the Board in connection with this application, necessary to determine my medical competence, professional conduct, or physical and/or mental ability to safely engage in the practice of medicine. I further authorize the Texas Medical Board or its successors to release to the organizations, individuals, or groups listed above, any information, which is material to this application, or any subsequent licensure.

I authorize the release of the information contained in this evaluation form to the Texas Medical Board.


Applicant’s Signature


A physician who currently holds one of the following positions must complete this evaluation: Chief of Staff, Department Chairman, Medical Director, or Training Director. Letters of recommendation or standard institution verification forms will not be accepted in lieu of this form.

This completed evaluation should be sent directly to the Texas Medical Board offices via mail, fax, or email.

By mail - Place this form in an envelope of the hospital/institution that you represent, seal the envelope and place your signature over the outside sealed envelope flap. Send to: Texas Medical Board, MC-240, P.O. Box 2029, Austin, TX 78768-2029

By fax - Evaluator must submit the form along with an official hospital/institution coversheet to 888-790-0621. Fax submitted by the applicant and/or without the appropriate coversheet cannot be accepted.

By email - Evaluator must submit the form from an official hospital/institution email address to Emails sent from the applicant or from a non-agency email address cannot be accepted.


 Chief of Staff

Evaluating Physician’s

 Department Chairman

 Medical Director


 Training Director





Evaluating Physician's License Number and

State of Licensure


Version 01.2020


Applicant's Name___________________________________________

Page 2



This is important: All information on this Form L, (including attachments that you provide as the Evaluating Physician) regarding a licensure applicant is confidential pursuant to §164.007(c) of the Medical Practice Act. However, the Board must provide a copy of this Form L and attachments to an applicant when an application is referred to the Licensure Committee for licensure determination. Any information furnished by you is further subject to Chapter 160.010, of the Medical Practice Act, Immunity from Civil Liability.

FOR TRAINING POSITIONS – Completion of the Verification of Post Graduate Training and the Verification of Professional History sections are required.

FOR NON-TRAINING POSITIONS – Only completion of the Verification of Professional History section is required.


This section relates to postgraduate training. If this individual did not complete postgraduate training at this institution please skip to the Verification of Professional History section.























PGY: _______







training positions only)




___ Internship



From: ___/___/___

To: ___/___/___




Report incomplete postgraduate years




___ Residency











Credit received?








___ Fellowship







(PGY) separately from those that were













___ Research





in progress




successfully completed.


















If the postgraduate year is currently in







*For partial credit– how many months?______




progress, report the expected completion












date in the “To” field.






PGY: _______







Report Internships, Residencies and












___ Internship



From: ___/___/___

To: ___/___/___



Fellowships separately. Use one section









___ Residency









per department.








Credit received?










___ Fellowship























___ Research





in progress













*For partial credit– how many months?______










































PGY: _______





























___ Internship



From: ___/___/___

To: ___/___/___











___ Residency



Credit received?












___ Fellowship





























___ Research





in progress














*For partial credit– how many months?______





















 Yes  No



Did this individual ever take a leave of absence or break from training?







 Yes  No



Did this individual resign from training?





(For training



 Yes  No



Were any limitations or special requirements placed upon this individual for




positions only)





professionalism or behavioral issues?






Please attach an



 Yes  No



Did this individual ever receive a written warning or documented counseling









about his/her behavior?







explanation for any














 Yes  No



Was this individual ever placed on probation for any reason?




“yes” response.









 Yes  No



Is this individual currently under investigation?
















 Yes  No



Were this individual’s privileges or duties ever reduced, suspended, or




















 Yes  No



Did this individual experience delayed promotion or delayed advancement to










the next level?










 Yes  No



Was this individual informed his/her contract would not be renewed?







 Yes  No

10. Was this individual suspended, terminated, or dismissed from training?



















Version 01.2020


Applicant's Name___________________________________________


Page 3












This evaluation is based on  Personal Knowledge

 Review of Credential File



How long have you known the applicant? Years________ Months ________



Is the applicant related to you?


 Yes

 No


Do you know the applicant well?


 Yes

 No


Has your acquaintance with the applicant continued until recent date?

 Yes

 No

6.Do you consider the applicant:

(a) Reliable?

 Yes

 No

(b) Ethical?

 Yes

 No

(c) Of good character?

 Yes

 No

7.Please rate the applicant:





(a)Professional ability

(b)Attention to duties

(c)Breadth of education

(d)Interpersonal skills

8.Has applicant, to your knowledge, ever been guilty of:

(a) Fraud or dishonesty?

 Yes

 No

(b) Unprofessional conduct?

 Yes

 No

9.To your knowledge, has the applicant ever:

(a) been warned, censured, reprimanded, disciplined, had admissions monitored or privileges limited

or suspended?

 Yes

 No

(b) had disciplinary action taken against him/her by a licensing agency?

 Yes

 No

(c) been denied or surrendered a federal or state controlled substance permit?

 Yes

 No

(d) been arrested, fined, charged with or convicted of a crime, indicted, imprisoned



or placed on probation?

 Yes

 No

(e) been a defendant in a legal action involving professional liability (malpractice) or had a



professional liability claim paid in his/her behalf or paid such a claim him/herself?

 Yes

 No

(f) been placed on probation, asked to withdraw, or reprimanded?

 Yes

 No

(g) been terminated, resigned in lieu of termination or during investigation?

 Yes

 No

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please provide any additional information you may have, including the names of other individuals who may have information concerning this applicant.

10. Are the dates of privileges provided by the applicant on the top portion of this form accurate?

 Yes

 No

11.If not, please provide the correct dates: Beginning month _____ / year ____Ending month _____ / year _______

Evaluating Physicians Name:






Version 01.2020

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Notice gaps to fill out

In the Title Chief of Staff, Department Chairman Medical, Evaluating Physicians NameDegree, Title, Phone, Fax, Printed, Address, EMail, Evaluating Physicians License, and LICENSURE APPLICATION FORM L box, note down your data.

Entering details in Notice stage 2

Inside the field dealing with FORM L, Applicants Name Printed, Page, This is important All information, FOR TRAINING POSITIONS Completion, FOR NONTRAINING POSITIONS Only, VERIFICATION OF POST GRADUATE, PROGRAM PARTICIPATION For training, Report incomplete postgraduate, If the postgraduate year is, Report Internships Residencies and, PGY Internship Residency, PGY Internship Residency, Department, and From, it's essential to put down some appropriate data.

FORM L, Applicants Name Printed, Page, This is important All information, FOR TRAINING POSITIONS  Completion, FOR NONTRAINING POSITIONS  Only, VERIFICATION OF POST GRADUATE, PROGRAM PARTICIPATION For training, Report incomplete postgraduate, If the postgraduate year is, Report Internships Residencies and, PGY   Internship  Residency, PGY   Internship  Residency, Department, and From in Notice

As part of field Report Internships Residencies and, PGY Internship Residency, From, Credit received, Full, Partial, in progress, For partial credit how many months, Department, PGY Internship Residency, From, Credit received, Full, Partial, and in progress, specify the rights and responsibilities.

part 4 to filling out Notice

Check the areas Applicants Name, Page, VERIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL, This evaluation is based on, Review of Credential File, How long have you known the, Is the applicant related to you, Do you know the applicant well, Yes, Yes, Has your acquaintance with the, Yes, Do you consider the applicant, a Reliable b Ethical c Of good, and Please rate the applicant and then complete them.

stage 5 to entering details in Notice

Step 3: Choose "Done". Now you can upload your PDF form.

Step 4: You should create as many copies of the form as possible to stay away from future misunderstandings.

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