Form R1 09 PDF Details

In the heart of Wisconsin's commitment to preserving its natural waterways while balancing the needs of property management and environmental conservation, lies the Riprap Repair General Permit (R1-09) process, outlined by the Department of Natural Resources. This particular permit is instrumental for those looking to undertake riprap repair projects along the banks of public inland lakes and lowages, ensuring that such activities align with statewide environmental protection standards. Essential for maintaining the integrity of shorelines, the permit process mandates a thorough review, including the submission of the application in conjunction with the Water Resources Application for Project Permits (WRAPP) Form 3500-53, fulfilling a list of detailed eligibility standards and procedural requirements. Key elements include project site criteria, such as disturbance limits and construction materials, and adherence to environmental safeguards like native vegetation re-establishment and invasive species decontamination protocols. With comprehensive submittal requirements, including detailed plans, site maps, and photographs, alongside a certification by the landowner or authorized representative, this process underscores Wisconsin’s vigilant approach to environmental stewardship. Each application is meticulously evaluated to ensure it does not infringe upon public rights, cause environmental pollution, or harm riparian owners’ interests, with final approval granted only after careful consideration by authorized Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources employees. The intricate process embodies a balanced approach to shoreline management, safeguarding Wisconsin's waterways for future generations.

Form NameForm R1 09
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other nameswisconsin dnr riprap repair, rap, Riprap, plantings

Form Preview Example


State of Wisconsin

Attachment - Riprap Repair




Department of Natural Resources

General Permit Application Packet (R1-09)



page 1 of 4





This is your RiPRAP RePAiR GeneRAl PeRmiT

The Riprap Repair General Permit (GP) Attachment is to be used in conjunction with the Water Resources Application for Project Permits (WRAPP)(Form 3500-53) and will not be accepted if submitted separately. Use this form when repairing riprap on the bank of a public (navigable) inland lake or lowage. Be advised the Construction Erosion and Sediment Controlattachment is needed in addition to this General Permit Attachment if the land disturbing activity is one acre or more and the project is required to have an erosion and sediment control plan.

Please ill out the form below. After you clearly demonstrate the project is eligible for the GP, this permit application is “Approved” once it is signed and dated by an authorized Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources employee.

Section 1: Project Description

Landowner (Applicant) Name


Waterbody Name

Total Area of Construction Site (acres)

Total Estimated Disturbed Area (acres)

Section 2: Permit eligibility

To qualify for this GP, your project must meet certain eligibility standards. Please review and certify “Yes” the project has been designed and will be constructed in compliance with ALL of the following GP eligibility standards. If your project does not meet all of the eligibility standards, you will need to apply for an Individual Permit (IP). Be advised the Department has the inal discretion to determine GP eligibility and may require information in addition to the initial permit application submittal or require an Individual Permit (IP) if site-speciic conditions require additional review.

General Permit Eligibility Standard




The project will not disturb sensitive areas identiied in ch. NR 107. To determine if the project site is a


sensitive area, you may use the Designated Waters Theme on DNR’s Surface Water Data Viewer:




The riprap will not exceed 300 linear feet of shoreline.




The riprap will not be placed at an elevation higher than the ordinary high water mark plus the storm-wave


height. The storm wave height is calculated and provided in the Department’s shoreline energy calculator.


Clear documentation has been provided that proves the riprap previously existed.




The riprap will not be repaired no more than once every 5 years.




The riprap will consist of clean ieldstone or quarry stone varying in size 6 to 24 inches in diameter.




The toe of the riprap will not extend more than 8 feet waterward of the ordinary high water mark.




The riprap will be re-vegetated above the ordinary high water mark using native plantings, which may



include non-woody plants, native shrub plantings, native live stakes and/or native jointed plantings.




To stop the spread of invasive species and viruses from one public waterway to another public waterway,


all equipment or portions of equipment used for constructing, operating, or maintaining the project will be


decontaminated for invasive species and viruses before and after use or prior to use within another public







State of Wisconsin

Attachment - Riprap Repair




Department of Natural Resources

General Permit Application Packet (R1-09)




page 2 of 4










Section 3: Submittal Requirements














I have submitted a PeRmiT APPlicATion fee, in the form of a check, payable to “Wisconsin DNR.”




I have prepared and submitted DeTAileD PlAnS AnD/oR DRAwinGS, which clearly illustrate the project


has been designed and will be constructed in compliance with all of the General Permit Eligibility Standards.





I have submitted leGibile SiTe mAPS, which clearly illustrate the perimeter of the construction site and


relationship to nearby water resources (e.g. lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands) and major landmarks and roads.







I have submitted cleAR PhoToGRAPhS, which illustrate the entire project site in pre-construction




condition and the relationship to nearby water resources.






I have submitted a comPleTeD GeneRAl PeRmiT ATTAchmenT and provided 3 coPieS of the entire


application package.








Section 4: certiication














I hereby certify that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the property which is the


subject of this permit application.








I certify that the project has been designed and will be constructed in compliance with all of the General




Permit Eligibility Standards.







I certify that the information contained in this application submittal is true and accurate and understand


that failure to comply with any or all of the provisions of the issued permit may result in permit revocation, a

ine and/or imprisonment or forfeiture under the provisions of applicable laws.






I understand that I am responsible for obtaining all necessary local (e.g. city, town, village or county)


and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer permits or approval in addition to this state General Permit and prior to

commencing any work at the project site.













Section 5: Permission

















I hereby give the Department permission to enter and inspect the property at reasonable times, to



evaluate this notice and application, and to determine compliance with any resulting permit coverage.






Section 6: landowner or Authorized Representative Signature

Please sign below. By signing you are certifying that all of the requested items contained in this permit application attachment has been fulilled and the appropriate documentation is attached.

Name of Owner/Authorized Representative (please print)


Telephone Number


Date Signed


State of Wisconsin

Attachment - Riprap Repair




Department of Natural Resources

General Permit Application Packet (R1-09)



page 3 of 4





DePARTmenT of nATURAl ReSoURceS USe onlY


Section 7: findings of fact

1. The Department has determined that the project site and project plans meet the standards in s. 30.206, Stats. and ch. NR 328, Wis. Adm. Code., to qualify for this General Permit.

2. The proposed project will not injure public rights or interests, cause environmental pollution as deined in s. 299.01(4), Wis. Stats., or result in material injury to the rights of any riparian owner, if constructed in accordance with this permit.

3. The Department and the applicant have completed all procedural requirements, and the project as permitted will comply with all applicable requirements of Section 30.206, Wis. Stats., and Chapters NR 102, 103, 150, 299, 310 and 328.

Section 8: conclusions of law

1. The Department has authority under ch. 30, Wis. Stats., and ch. NR 328, Wis. Adm. Code, to issue a permit for the construction and maintenance of this project.

2. The Department has complied with s. 1.11, Wis. Stats.

Section 9: Permit conditions

1. The permit does not authorize any work other than what is speciically described in the application and plans dated as listed below and as limited by the conditions of the permit. A permittee shall obtain prior written approval of modiications from the department before modifying a project or amending permit conditions.

DATe of PlAnS: _____/_____/________

2.The permittee shall notify the department at telephone number listed below before starting construction and again not more than 5 days after the project is complete.

wDnR Phone nUmbeR: ( _____ ) _____ - _______

3. The permittee shall post a copy of this permit at a easily observed location on the project site visible from the waterway, beginning at least 5 days prior to construction and remaining at least 5 days after construction. The permittee shall also have a copy of the permit and approved plan available at the project site at all times until the project is complete.

4. Upon reasonable notice, the permittee shall allow access to the project site during reasonable hours to any department employee who is investigating the project’s construction, operation, maintenance or permit compliance.

5.The permittee shall complete the project on or before the expiration date listed below. If the project is not completed by the expiration date, the permittee shall submit to the department a written request for an extension prior to the expiration date of the permit. The request shall identify the requested extension date and the reason for the extension. The department may grant a permit extension for good cause shown. The permittee may not begin or continue construction after the original permit expiration date unless the department grants a new permit or permit extension in writing.

PeRmiT exPiR ATion DATe: _____/_____/________


State of Wisconsin

Attachment - Riprap Repair




Department of Natural Resources

General Permit Application Packet (R1-09)



page 4 of 4





6. The permittee shall submit a series of photographs to the department within one week of completion of work on the site. The photographs shall be taken from diferent vantage points and depict all work authorized by the permit.

7. The permittee shall maintain the project in good condition and in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit, this chapter and s. 30.206, Stats.

8. The department may modify or revoke the permit if the project is not completed according to the terms of the permit or if the department subsequently determines the activity is detrimental to the public interest.

9. Acceptance of a general permit and eforts to begin work on the activity authorized by the general permit signiies that the permittee has read, understood, and agreed to follow all conditions of the general permit.

10. This project shall comply with all conditions identiied in Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 328, and identiied in the Instructions for the General Permit application.

11. Invasive species decontamination activities shall be performed by taking actions speciied in a. to c. or h. Decontamination shall include either d., e., f., g., or h. for any equipment, or portions of equipment, that is used in non−frozen navigable waters when the air temperature is above 19 degrees Fahrenheit at the time the decontamination procedures take place.

a. Inspect all equipment used for constructing, operating, or maintaining the project and remove all plants and animals, and other mud, debris, etc.

b. Drain all water from equipment used in navigable waters.

c. Dispose of plants and animals in the trash. An operator may not transfer plants or animals or water from one navigable waterway to another.

d. Wash equipment at a temperature of not less than 212 degrees Fahrenheit water (steam clean).

e. Wash equipment with soap and water or high pressure water of not less than 2000 pounds per square inch.

f. Allow equipment to dry thoroughly for not less than 5 days.

g. Disinfect equipment with 200 parts per million (0.5 ounces per gallon) chlorine for not less than 10 minute contact time. Every efort should be made to keep the disinfection solution and rinse water out of surface waters.

h. Follow the most recent department approved disinfection protocols or department approved best management practices for infested waters. The department shall maintain on its website and make available at its oices a list of the most recent disinfection protocols or department approved best management practices for invasive species and viruses.

ThiS PeRmiT APPlicATion iS APPRoveD when iT iS SiGneD AnD DATeD below bY An AUThoRizeD DePARTmenT of nATURAl ReSoURceS emPloYee.


Date Application Received

Docket Number

Date Application Completed

Fee Received

















NHI Checked?

Archaeological & Historic Checked?





q Yes q No

q Yes

q No

q Yes q No

q Yes q No

q Yes q No

q Yes q No








State of wisconsin Department of natural





Date Signed









for the Secretary










Print Name





Issued by