Form Rtb2 PDF Details

The RTB2 form plays a pivotal role in the Right to Buy scheme, serving as a crucial communication tool between tenants and landlords within the framework established by the Housing Act 1985. When a tenant expresses an interest in purchasing their rented property, the RTB2 form is utilized by landlords to formally respond to this claim. The form comprises two main sections—Part A and Part B—each designed to address different outcomes of the tenant's Right to Buy claim. Part A is used when the landlord acknowledges the tenant's right to acquire the property, detailing the admission and providing essential information such as the property's address, the date the claim was received, and noting that the purchase price will be determined based on the property's market value as of that date. Conversely, Part B is reserved for instances where the landlord denies the tenant's right to buy, citing specific reasons for this decision and making clear that, under certain conditions, the tenant has no right of appeal to a residential property tribunal. This comprehensive approach ensures tenants are fully informed of the terms or reasons related to their claim, upholding fairness and transparency in the Right to Buy process.

Form NameForm Rtb2
Form Length8 pages
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Avg. time to fill out2 min
Other namesrtb2, dwellings, 1990, rtb2 form

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Form RTB2

Housing Act 1985: Section 124

Notice in Reply to Tenant's Right to Buy Claim

Landlord's name (complete in all cases)

Landlord's Reference

The Landlord should delete any Part of this notice which does not apply


Part A: Admission of the right to buy

To: Name(s) of person(s) whose right to buy is admitted


Other Names

Your right to buy the following property is allowed

Address of property

Your claim was received on:

(insert date)

The purchase price will be based on the property's market value at this date

Note to tenant

The landlord is required to send you a notice stating the proposed terms of sale, including the purchase price, within the next eight weeks (or 12 weeks if you are buying a lease of the property rather than the freehold).

Signed on behalf of the landlord

Job Title



Part B: Denial of the right to buy on grounds other than paragraph 11 of Schedule 5 to the Housing Act 1985

To: Name(s) of person(s) whose right to buy is denied


Other names

Your right to buy the following property is denied:

Address of property

Reasons for denial

In the opinion of the landlord you do not have the right to buy for the following reason(s): (Give full reasons including references to any relevant statutory provisions).

Note to tenant

Your right to buy has been denied in the circumstances set out in the Housing Act, 1985, as amended. You have been denied the right to buy for the reason(s) set out above and, therefore, do not have the right of appeal to a residential property tribunal. The booklet "Your Right to Buy your Home" contains guidance and explains how to get help and advice if you dispute the reason(s) given.

Signed on behalf of the landlord


Job Title


Part C: Elderly persons’ dwellings: Denial of the right to buy on the grounds in Paragraph 11 of Schedule 5 to the Housing Act 1985

To: Name(s) of person(s) whose right to buy is denied


Other Names

Your right to buy the following property is denied:

Address of property

Reason for denial

In the opinion of the landlord you do not have the right to buy because paragraph 11 of Schedule 5 to the Housing Act 1985 applies. This means that the property

was first let before 1st January 1990,

is particularly suitable for occupation by elderly persons, and

was let for occupation by a person aged 60 or more.

Note to tenant

You have been denied the right to buy on the grounds in paragraph 11 of Schedule 5 to the Housing Act 1985. If you do not agree with this decision for denying the right to buy you may ask a residential property tribunal to decide whether it is correct. You must make your application within eight weeks. An application form can be obtained from the Residential Property Tribunal Service, telephone number 020 7446 7700; elderly-occupation.doc


Signed on behalf of the landlord

Job Title

