Form Sca Fc 108 PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of a divorce in West Virginia involves various legal documents, with the SCA-FC-108 form being one of the most critical for individuals responding to a divorce petition. Unpacking this form reveals a structured way for the Respondent, or the person replying to the divorce request, to address multiple facets of their situation. This includes affirming or disputing the claims made in the divorce petition, detailing arrangements concerning any children involved, such as their residency and health insurance, and responding to claims about marital assets and responsibilities. Additionally, the form acts as a platform for respondents to assert their stance on pivotal issues like spousal support, property division, and parental responsibilities. It also includes sections where respondents can request the court to make specific rulings on these matters. By filling out the SCA-FC-108, individuals partake in a process that aims to ensure fair treatment and consideration of both parties' rights and wishes in the dissolution of a marriage. The detailed sections guide the respondent through a comprehensive response that addresses personal liberty, safety, property division, financial responsibilities, and the welfare of any children involved, making it an indispensable document in the family court system of West Virginia.

Form NameForm Sca Fc 108
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesvirginia divorce, WV, SCA-FC-108, custodial

Form Preview Example



The Marriage / Children Of:

Petitioner (First/Middle/Last)


Civil Action No.




Respondent (First/Middle/Last)


YES NO Are you currently a party to a domestic violence proceeding?

In answer to the Petition for Divorce, the Respondent says the following:

1.The Respondent admits irreconcilable differences exist between the Petitioner and the Respondent.

2.The Respondent admits all of the allegations in the Petition except the matters contained in the items




3.The Petitioner and Respondent are the parents of:

No children were born during this marriage; and no children are expected.

The children whose names and dates of birth are:


Date of Birth


Date of Birth











































In the rest of this Answer, "the children" always means the children whose names you just listed.


A child is currently expected, and the estimated date of delivery is




4. The children currently live with:


Respondent .






Another person, or persons, whose name(s) and address(es) are:






















SCA-FC-108: Answer to Divorce Petition

Page 1 of 5

Review Date: 05/2014; Revision Date: 05/2014;

WVSCA Approved: 06/17/2014

5.During the last five years, if any of the children have lived at addresses other than their current address, use the following space to list where they lived, and for how long. If there is not enough room in the following space, use an additional sheet of paper.

I have attached


additional sheet(s).

Child's Name


Dates of Residence

6.Who provides health insurance for the children?





Another person, whose name and address is:



The children DO NOT have health insurance coverage.

The West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program (WV CHIP) can help parents obtain free or low cost health care for their children. For more information, call 1-877-982-2447, or ask the Family Court staff about WV CHIP.

7.Answer all of the following questions.

YES NO a. Has the Respondent been a party or witness in any other proceeding, in any state, concerning the allocation of custodial responsibility for the children?

YES NO b. Is the Respondent aware of any other proceeding, past or present, in any state, concerning allocation of custodial responsibility for the children?

YES NO c. Is the Respondent aware of any person, other than the Petitioner and Respondent, who has physical custody of, or claims any custodial right concerning the children?

SCA-FC-108: Answer to Divorce Petition

Page 2 of 5

Review Date: 05/2014; Revision Date: 05/2014;

WVSCA Approved: 06/17/2014

THEREFORE, the Respondent asks that the Court grant a divorce, and to grant such other relief as the Court considers proper, including the matters specifically stated below:

Approve the Proposed Parenting Plan filed by the Respondent.

Order the Petitioner to pay support for the minor children.

Order the Petitioner to maintain health insurance coverage on the children, if reasonably available, and to assist with reasonable health care expenses not covered by insurance or by a government medical card.

Order the Petitioner to pay spousal support.

Make a fair and equitable division of marital property.

Award the Petitioner / Respondent the exclusive use and possession of the marital home

located at



Award the Petitioner/

Respondent the exclusive use and possession of the following motor




Award the Petitioner/ Respondent the exclusive use and possession of the furniture, furnishings and appliances located in the marital home.

Award the Respondent the exclusive use, possession and ownership of the following marital property

Description of Property

Estimated Value

















Order that the Respondent be held solely responsible for the following debts:


Description of Debt

Amount Owed






SCA-FC-108: Answer to Divorce Petition

Page 3 of 5

Review Date: 05/2014; Revision Date: 05/2014;

WVSCA Approved: 06/17/2014

Order that the Petitioner be held solely responsible for the following debts:

Description of Debt

Amount Owed






Prohibit the Petitioner from conveying or otherwise disposing of any marital property prior to the time the Court divides the property.

Grant Respondent the right to resume using the previous name



Prohibit the Petitioner from annoying, abusing, threatening, or interfering with the personal liberty and safety of the Respondent.

Grant this other relief:



Respondent's Signature


SCA-FC-108: Answer to Divorce Petition

Page 4 of 5

Review Date: 05/2014; Revision Date: 05/2014;

WVSCA Approved: 06/17/2014

You must sign the following Verification before a Notary Public or Deputy Circuit Clerk.


I, _________________________________________, after making an oath or affirmation to tell the truth,

say that the facts I have stated in this Answer To Divorce Petition are true to the best of my personal

knowledge and belief; and if I have provided information given to me by others, I believe that information to

be true.







This Verification was sworn to or affirmed before me on the _______ day of ___________________, 20_____.


Notary Public / Other Official

My commission expires: __________________________________________.


State of West Virginia

County of ______________________________

I, ____________________________________, state that I mailed my Answer to Divorce Petition by

first class United States Mail, postage paid, to ____________________________________, at the address of


on the _______ day of _____________________________, 20_____.






SCA-FC-108: Answer to Divorce Petition


Page 5 of 5

Review Date: 05/2014; Revision Date: 05/2014;

WVSCA Approved: 06/17/2014

How to Edit Form Sca Fc 108 Online for Free

We were making the PDF editor having the idea of making it as effortless to use as it can be. Therefore the process of typing in the SCA-FC-108 will be effortless as you go through these actions:

Step 1: Hit the "Get Form Now" button to get going.

Step 2: The document editing page is presently open. You can add text or enhance present data.

The PDF template you decide to fill in will consist of the following areas:

step 1 to filling out irreconcilable

Note the data in The Petitioner and Respondent are, No children were born during this, The children whose names and dates, Name, Date of Birth, Name, Date of Birth, In the rest of this Answer the, A child is currently expected and, The children currently live with, Petitioner, Respondent, and Another person or persons whose.

Filling out irreconcilable step 2

Identify the most significant details about the During the last five years if any, I have attached, additional sheets, Childs Name, Address, Dates of Residence, Who provides health insurance for, Petitioner, Respondent, Medicaid, WV CHIP, and Another person whose name and field.

Finishing irreconcilable part 3

The The children DO NOT have health, The West Virginia Childrens Health, Answer all of the following, YES, NO a Has the Respondent been a, concerning the allocation of, YES, NO b Is the Respondent aware of, concerning allocation of custodial, YES, NO c Is the Respondent aware of, has physical custody of or claims, SCAFC Answer to Divorce Petition, and Page of field enables you to point out the rights and responsibilities of both sides.

step 4 to entering details in irreconcilable

End up by reading these fields and filling them in accordingly: THEREFORE the Respondent asks that, Approve the Proposed Parenting, Order the Petitioner to pay, Order the Petitioner to maintain, Order the Petitioner to pay, Make a fair and equitable division, Award the, Petitioner, Respondent the exclusive use and, located at, Award the, Petitioner, Respondent the exclusive use and, vehicles, and Award the.

part 5 to filling out irreconcilable

Step 3: Select the "Done" button. Now you may export your PDF form to your device. As well as that, it is possible to forward it through email.

Step 4: To prevent yourself from any sort of headaches in the long run, try to get at the very least a couple of copies of your form.

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