Form Shp 498A PDF Details

When buying a vehicle that's not in a condition to be immediately driven on public roads, the SHP-498A form becomes a critical document. This affidavit, specific to Missouri and administered by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, serves a vital function in the sale and purchase of vehicles deemed as junk, for salvage, or in need of rebuilding. It explicitly acknowledges the buyer's understanding that the vehicle purchased is in an unsafe mechanical condition and has not been subjected to an inspection to deem it safe for operation on public highways. The form outlines the vehicle's specifics, such as make, model, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), alongside the seller’s details. It requires the buyer's commitment to not operate the vehicle in its current state on public roads until it passes a thorough inspection where essential functions such as brakes, lights, and steering must be evaluated and, if found deficient, repaired at the purchaser's expense. This affidavit not only serves as a formal acknowledgment between buyer and seller but also as a safeguard that emphasizes the vehicle cannot be legally registered or operated on public roads without meeting safety criteria set by Missouri state laws. There’s a clear warning that selling a vehicle in such conditions without an approval certificate for operation is a violation, potentially leading to penalties under specific sections of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo.). It is important for both parties to understand their obligations and the legal framework surrounding the sale of a vehicle in need of significant repairs or reconstruction, as highlighted by the stipulations and the necessity of providing a copy of this affidavit to the seller.

Form NameForm Shp 498A
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesmissouri junk affidavit, salvage affidavit, missouri junk affidavit pdf, mo junk affidavit

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SHP-498A 05/12





Vehicle Identification Number





Name of Seller

I understand the vehicle listed above which I am buying from the seller has not been inspected and is in an unsafe mechanical condition. The vehicle is being purchased for junk, salvage, or rebuilding. I understand the vehicle cannot be operated in its present condition; therefore, I agree the vehicle will either be towed or hauled from the place of purchase. I further understand the vehicle cannot be registered and operated upon a public highway until I have the vehicle inspected. If any defects are discovered in the vehicle’s brakes, lights, turn signals, steering mechanism, horn, mirrors, windshield wipers, tires, wheels, exhaust system, glass, or fuel system, during the inspection, they must be repaired at my own expense.

I certify I have read the above statement, or the above statement has been read to me, and that I fully understand the conditions under which the vehicle is being purchased.

Purchaser’s Printed Name

Purchaser’s Signature


NOTE: The sale of this vehicle in its present condition without an approval certificate and its operation upon the streets and highways of Missouri from the place of purchase, is a violation of Section 307.380, RSMo., and may subject the seller to penalties pursuant to Sections 307.380 and 307.390, RSMo., 1986.









Subscribed and sworn to before me this


day of











Notary Public









County of





, State of Missouri.


My commission expires







(A copy of this affidavit must be given to the seller.)