Form T1A PDF Details

Tax season is upon us and with it brings a wave of new forms to be filled out. One such form is the T1A, which is used to declare income from property you own outside of Canada. This form can be daunting, but with a little guidance you'll be able to complete it without any trouble. In this blog post we'll provide an overview of the T1A form and its requirements, as well as some tips on how to complete it accurately. So read on for all the information you need to file your T1A correctly this tax season!

Form NameForm T1A
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesForm T1A form t1a kcc transport

Form Preview Example

Application for transport to school

For academic year 2013-2014

This form must be returned to the Admissions and Transport Oice by 31 July or 6 weeks before travel is required

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS and tick the relevant boxes


4-16 years

Pupil Details






For oice use only














Name of Pupil:






Pupil number



























Distance NAS school









Tel No:





Distance to chosen school

Date of Birth:





















Date moved to this address:







Previous address (if applicable):













Name of School to which transport is required:












Name of Parent/Guardian: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms /













Name of Brother / Sister at same school














Previous School (if diferent)














Boarding Point (if known):














Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN)?



Please return this form with a copy of your child’s statement and any other information you wish to be taken into consideration. Please also indicate by ticking the box if you are interested in being considered for a Personal Transport Budget

If attending the Isle of Sheppey Academy to which site is transport required?


If attending Eastchurch Primary School to which site is transport required? All Saints


St Clement

Is your child a looked after child under the care of the Local Authority? Yes



Which Local Authority is the corporate parent:

Children in Local Authority Care – a child under the age of 18 years for whom the local authority provides accommodation by agreement with their parents/carers (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) or who is the subject of a care order under Part IV of the act. This applies equally to children who immediately after being looked after by the local authority became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. (As deined by Section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2022 or Section 8 or 14a of the Children Act 1989).

Denomination Travel If you are applying under the denominational travel criteria, please turn page and complete the required declaration at the bottom of the form.

I attach two passport-sized photographs with pupil’s name and address on back

If I am not eligible to receive transport assistance, I wish to be considered for a VSPS seat on hired transport

I have read and understood the accompanying Transport information booklet

Low Income Families Transport If you are applying under the Low income Families Criteria please turn page to part T1B and complete the required additional information.

Low Income Families including Children with SEN If you are applying under the Low income Families Criteria and your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN), please turn page to part T1B and complete the required additional information.

I conirm that the details I have provided are complete and accurate. I understand that you may take action against me, including criminal prosecution and civil recovery, if I have provided false information in this application form.

I consent to the disclosure of information on this form by Kent County Council for the purpose of the veriication of this claim and the investigation, prevention, detection and prosecution of fraud.


Parent / Guardian






Admissions and Transport Oice, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone Kent ME14 1XQ