Freddie Mac Form 99 PDF Details

In the realm of mortgage servicing and legal compliance, the Freddie Mac 99 form plays a vital role in ensuring that servicers select law firms capable of providing default-related legal services while adhering to the stringent requirements set forth by Freddie Mac. This form, also known as the Servicer Selection Form, is an essential document that mortgage servicers must submit for each law firm within every jurisdiction they intend to retain. Its detailed sections require comprehensive information about the servicer and the firm, including but not limited to contact details, firm jurisdiction, and attorney information, thereby facilitating a structured and transparent selection process. Moreover, the form includes sections dedicated to the certification of due diligence by the servicer, including disclosures of any potential legal or reputational risks associated with the law firm. This due diligence is critical in mitigating risks and ensuring that all involved parties adhere to the highest standards of legal compliance and integrity. The Freddie Mac 99 form exemplifies the meticulous processes necessary for maintaining the integrity of legal services in the domain of mortgage defaults, affirming the importance of thorough evaluation and certification in the selection of legal partners.

Form NameFreddie Mac Form 99
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesfreddie mac 99, selective service, form servicer, fhlmc exhibit 99

Form Preview Example

Exhibit 99

Servicer Selection Form

Exhibit provided for illustrative purposes only

Servicer must submit this form to Freddie Mac for each law firm and jurisdiction that the Servicer wishes to retain to provide default-related legal services with respect to Freddie Mac Mortgage. All sections must be completed. If a section is not applicable, enter N/A.


Name of Mortgage Servicer

Freddie Mac Servicer Family ID

Servicer Address




Contact Name for Questions Regarding This Form

Position in Company

Telephone Number

Servicer Contact E-mail

Date Prepared


Mailing Address:

Firm EIN

Name of Firm as Noted on Form W-9

Firm Address




Contact Information:

Contact Name

Position in Firm

For illustrative purposes only



Volume 2

Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide


Bulletin 2013-3



Telephone Number

Firm Contact E-mail

Firm E-mail for Contract Correspondence


Jurisdiction where Servicer intends to use firm:

Jurisdiction Office Location

Same as mailing address?



Street Address




Firm office locations (city/state) other than those listed above:

Names of attorneys in the firm who will provide the mortgage default-related services in jurisdiction(s) listed above:

For illustrative purposes only



Volume 2

Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide


Bulletin 2013-3



List the names of affiliated third-party vendors the firm intends to use for Freddie Mac matters:


Servicer certifies that it has conducted due diligence as required by the Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (“Guide”) and has concluded that the firm does not, in the totality of the circumstances, pose a legal and/or reputational risk or exhibit systemic issues that may lead to reputational and/or legal risk.

If the firm has disclosed, or the Servicer has otherwise become aware of, sanctions, bar complaints/ reprimands, government investigations, damages or settlements as a result of allegations of professional negligence, or significant litigation asserting systemic issue(s) with the firm, describe the issue(s) and provide an explanation regarding the Servicer’s conclusion that the firm is acceptable considering the totality of the circumstances.

Check this box if the Servicer is not aware of any such matters.

If the Servicer has determined that the firm, its attorneys, notaries or third-parties that the firm relies on to perform any aspect of mortgage default-related services have previously prepared, executed, or notarized documents that have not been in compliance with applicable law, please explain how the firm has instituted controls, procedures, and processes to address the contributing cause(s) of the firm’s failure to comply with applicable law.

Check this box if the Servicer has made no such determination regarding the firm.

For illustrative purposes only



Volume 2

Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide


Bulletin 2013-3



Has the firm previously had referrals of Fannie Mae Mortgage loans or Freddie Mac Mortgages suspended or been terminated by Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac?



If "Yes," please describe below:

Has any partner, shareholder, or employee of the firm previously been a partner, shareholder, or principal at another firm which had referrals of Fannie Mae Mortgage loans or Freddie Mac Mortgages suspended or was terminated by Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac?



If "Yes," please describe below:

Does the Servicer have knowledge of any current, past (within the last five years), or pending personal and/or financial relationships between (a) the Servicer and the law firm, including its partners and shareholders (as applicable) and (b) the law firm, including its partners and shareholders (as applicable), and any outsourcing company or other third-party vendor utilized by the Servicer to assist in Servicing defaulted mortgage loans?



If "Yes," please describe below:

Does the Servicer have a contract with the firm?



For illustrative purposes only



Volume 2

Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide


Bulletin 2013-3




We/I certify that we have conducted a review of the firm and the firm satisfies the minimum requirements for selection and engagement set forth in the Guide.

The electronic signature below and its related fields are treated by Freddie Mac like a physical handwritten signature on a paper form.

We/I certify.




By submitting this form, the Servicer acknowledges that any decision by Freddie Mac related to the Servicer’s selection of the firm will be based on the Servicer’s representations, submissions, and information provided in this form.

For illustrative purposes only



Volume 2

Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide


Bulletin 2013-3



How to Edit Freddie Mac Form 99 Online for Free

Should you wish to fill out servicer selection get, there's no need to download and install any kind of programs - simply try our online tool. The editor is continually upgraded by our team, getting powerful features and growing to be much more versatile. With a few simple steps, you may start your PDF journey:

Step 1: Open the PDF inside our tool by pressing the "Get Form Button" above on this webpage.

Step 2: As you access the online editor, you'll notice the document made ready to be completed. Besides filling in various fields, you could also perform other sorts of things with the PDF, namely writing custom words, changing the original textual content, inserting graphics, affixing your signature to the document, and more.

In order to finalize this document, make sure you provide the necessary information in every single blank:

1. Firstly, when completing the servicer selection get, beging with the part that has the following blank fields:

exhibit 99 freddie conclusion process clarified (step 1)

2. Once your current task is complete, take the next step – fill out all of these fields - Firm EIN, Name of Firm as Noted on Form W, Firm Address, City, State, Zip, Contact Name, Position in Firm, Mailing Address, Contact Information, For illustrative purposes only, and SingleFamily SellerServicer Guide with their corresponding information. Make sure to double check that everything has been entered correctly before continuing!

Simple tips to prepare exhibit 99 freddie step 2

3. In this specific stage, review Telephone Number, Firm Contact Email, Firm Email for Contract, III FIRM JURISDICTION ATTORNEY, Jurisdiction where Servicer, Jurisdiction Office Location Same, Street Address, City, State, Zip, and Firm office locations citystate. All these must be completed with highest precision.

exhibit 99 freddie completion process clarified (portion 3)

It's easy to get it wrong while filling in the Zip, so you'll want to look again before you decide to finalize the form.

4. This next section requires some additional information. Ensure you complete all the necessary fields - Names of attorneys in the firm who - to proceed further in your process!

Names of attorneys in the firm who, Names of attorneys in the firm who, and Names of attorneys in the firm who of exhibit 99 freddie

5. Because you approach the conclusion of your file, you'll find just a few more things to complete. Particularly, IV SERVICER CERTIFICATION, Servicer certifies that it has, and If the firm has disclosed or the must all be filled in.

The way to prepare exhibit 99 freddie step 5

Step 3: Check that your information is correct and then press "Done" to conclude the task. Go for a free trial subscription with us and get instant access to servicer selection get - with all adjustments kept and available in your personal cabinet. At, we do our utmost to make sure your details are kept protected.