Form T-22B PDF Details

In the state of Georgia, vehicle inspections by a law enforcement officer are a critical step in ensuring the legality and safety of motor vehicles, motorcycles, or scooters. The Georgia Department of Revenue - Motor Vehicle Division requires the submission of the T-22B form, a Certification of Inspection by a Duly Constituted Georgia Law Enforcement Officer, for this purpose. Revised in May 2020, this document serves as a testament to a thorough examination carried out by a certified officer, covering various aspects such as the vehicle's year, make, model, body style, color, and the visibility of the Public Vehicle Identification Number (PVIN). Furthermore, it delves into specifics like the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Label, the method of attaching the PVIN plate/label, and the documentation proving ownership of the vehicle being examined. The form mandates the recording of the owner's full legal name, driver’s license number, mailing address, and phone number, alongside the law enforcement officer’s certification, including their name, badge number, official title, and an inquiry into the Georgia Crime Information Center’s (GCIC) and/or National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) stolen vehicle files. Ensuring accuracy and legibility when filling out this form in blue or black ink is essential, as any correction or alteration will render it invalid. Designed to facilitate the verification of a vehicle's compliance with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS), this certification plays a pivotal role in maintaining road safety and compliance with state regulations.

Form NameForm T-22B Georgia
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields48
Avg. time to fill out9 min 55 sec
Other namesform t22b, t 22b form, t 22 b form, t22b

Form Preview Example







Georgia Department of Revenue - Motor Vehicle Division

Certification of Inspection by a Duly Constituted

Georgia Law Enforcement Officer

T-22B (Revised 5-2020)

Web and MV Manual

This form must be completed by a Georgia law enforcement officer, then submitted to the county tag office by the vehicle owner. Please refer to to locate the county tag office in your county of residence.

Purpose of this form: This form is to be used by a Georgia law enforcement officer to certify inspection of a motor vehicle, motorcycle or scooter.

Completing this form: This form must be completed in its entirety, legibly printed in blue or black ink. Any correction or alteration will void this form. Section A: Record the vehicle inspection information.

Section B: Record the full legal name, driver’s license number, mailing address and telephone number of the vehicle owner.

Section C: Complete the law enforcement officer’s certification with signature and date.








































































































































































































































Body Style:




































































































































Public Vehicle Identification No. (PVIN):













































































Visible through windshield: [ ]

Yes [ ]






































Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Label:













































































Location: ____________________________






























































Public Vehicle Identification No. (PVIN) Plate / Label Attachment:




Supporting Documentation Establishing Ownership of the Applicant:








Check applicable box.














Check applicable box.


















] Rosette Rivets








] Certificate of Title


















] Screws






Missing / Not Visible




] Vehicle Registration Card / Notice











Describe condition: ____________________________________________


] Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin









































If no Certificate of Title or Vehicle Registration Card, describe



Has the manufacturer affixed a National Highway Transportation Safety


documents presented:






















Administration (NHTSA) label certifying the vehicle, motorcycle or






scooter conforms to applicable U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety







Standards (FMVSS)? [

] Yes

[ ] No































































































































































































Vehicle Owner’s


First, Middle Initial, Last, Suffix


















Driver’s License No.:













































Full Legal Name:



























































































































Mailing Address:


Street No.

Street Name































Apt./Suite No.






































































































































ZIP Code:











Telephone No.:



























































































































Law Enforcement























































































Officer’s Name:


















































































Badge No.:















Official Title / Rank:


















































































































Law Enforcement



























Telephone No.:















































Agency’s Name:





























































































































Mailing Address:



Street No.

Street Name






























Apt./Suite No.






































































































































ZIP Code:














































































































GCIC/NCIC Response














































































to Stolen Inquiry:































The signature of the duly constituted law enforcement officer examining this vehicle certifies that said officer completed this form and conducted an inquiry on the Georgia Crime Information Center’s (GCIC) and/or National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) stolen vehicle files to establish the status of this vehicle under the penalty of false swearing (O.C.G.A. § 16-10-71).

Law Enforcement




Officer’s Signature:

Have a question? Visit our website at or scan the QR code above for more information.

How to Edit Form T-22B Georgia Online for Free

We were designing the PDF editor having the prospect of making it as quick to use as possible. This is why the procedure of filling out the t22b form will undoubtedly be effortless follow the following steps:

Step 1: To begin the process, select the orange button "Get Form Now".

Step 2: Now you can edit the t22b form. Our multifunctional toolbar will allow you to insert, remove, transform, and highlight text as well as undertake other sorts of commands.

Fill in the t22b form PDF by providing the details required for each section.

entering details in t22b form for georgia part 1

Feel free to enter the data within the field Public Vehicle Identification No, Supporting Documentation, Rosette Rivets, Adhesive, Certificate of Title, Screws, Missing Not Visible, Vehicle Registration Card Notice, Describe condition, Manufacturers Statement of Origin, Has the manufacturer affixed a, If no Certificate of Title or, B OWNER INFORMATION, Vehicle Owners Full Legal Name, and Mailing Address.

Finishing t22b form for georgia stage 2

The software will request for more info with a purpose to quickly prepare the area Law Enforcement Agencys Name, Mailing Address, Street No, Street Name, AptSuite No, Telephone No, City, State, ZIP Code, County, GCICNCIC Response to Stolen Inquiry, Date, Time, The signature of the duly, and Law Enforcement Officers Signature.

Filling in t22b form for georgia stage 3

Step 3: Select the Done button to save your form. At this point it is available for upload to your device.

Step 4: Produce duplicates of your document. This will protect you from potential future challenges. We cannot watch or publish your information, therefore be certain it is safe.

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