Handgun Change Form PDF Details

In an era where personal information changes can frequently occur due to various life events, keeping one's legal documents up to date is imperative for ensuring compliance with state laws and maintaining one's rights, especially when it comes to firearm licenses. The Handgun Change Form, specifically State Form 53228 approved by the State Board of Accounts in 2010, provides a mechanism for individuals in Indiana to notify the state police of important updates. These updates may include a change in name or address or the request for a duplicate handgun license. The form outlines different scenarios under which an update or a duplicate request might be necessary, including for retired Law Enforcement Officers, Deputy, or Corrections Officers, as well as licensed handgun dealers, who are exempt from the fee typically required. Simplifying the process, the form includes sections for the original license information, the new name or address information, the reason for the request, and an affirmation section where the applicant attests to the truthfulness of the provided information under penalty of perjury. Importantly, the form also details the payment process for applicable fees through a certified check or money order payable to the State of Indiana, along with the address to which payments and forms should be sent. The availability of fax submissions for fee-exempt requests further streamlines the process for individuals needing to make prompt updates, ensuring that gun ownership rights are maintained in accordance with state legislation.

Form NameHandgun Change Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other nameshandgun license change, indiana state police gun permit, indiana handgun license change, handgun change

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State Form 53228 (R2 /11-10)

Approved by State Board of Accounts, 2010


INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Any payment due may be made via a certified check or money order made payable to the State of Indiana.

2.Please send payment to: Indiana State Police, Firearms Section, PO Box 3089, Indianapolis, IN 46206-3089.

3.If no fee is due, the request may be faxed to: 317-233-9730.

4.The laws requlatinq handqun licensinq are covered in IC 35-47-2. Indiana statutes are available at http://www.in.qov/leqislative/.

I am submitting this written request to the Superintendent of the Indiana State Police for the following purpose:

Notification of new address only (no fee) - No duplicate license or confirmation will be received.

Notification of name change only (no fee) - No duplicate license or confirmation will be received.

Request for duplicate license ($20 fee)

Notification of name or address change and request for a duplicate license ($20 fee)

Request for a duplicate license by a retired Law Enforcement Officer, Deputy, or Corrections Officer (fee exempt under IC 35-47-2-4)

Request for a duplicate license by an Indiana Licensed Handgun Dealer (fee exempt under IC 35-47-2-4)



License number (if known)



Date of birth (month, day, year)













Address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code)










Telephone number (optional)




( )





Address (number and street, city, state, and ZIP code)










□ Original license lost / destroyed

□ New address

□ Legal name change

□ Other (please explain)









I affirm under the penalty for perjury as specified by IC 35-44-2-1 that the foregoing provided information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Any person giving false information or offering false evidence to obtain a firearms license may be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction may be punished by imprisonment up to three (3) years, to which may be added a fine of not more than $10,000.

Signature of applicant

Date of signature (month, day, year)



How to Edit Handgun Change Form Online for Free

It is simple to complete the indiana state police handgun licensing blanks. Our PDF editor makes it practically effortless to work with any type of PDF. Down the page are the primary four steps you should follow:

Step 1: The initial step would be to click the orange "Get Form Now" button.

Step 2: The document editing page is right now available. It's possible to add information or enhance present data.

Create the indiana state police handgun licensing PDF by typing in the details required for each area.

filling out indiana state police handgun licensing portal part 1

Write the necessary particulars in the PLEASE CHANGE MY NAME OR ADDRESS, Name, Address number and street city, Telephone number optional, Original license lost destroyed, New address, Legal name change, Other please explain, REASON FOR REQUEST, I affirm under the penalty for, Signature of applicant, Date of signature month day year, and AFFIRMATION part.

part 2 to filling out indiana state police handgun licensing portal

Step 3: Choose the "Done" button. Next, it is possible to export your PDF file - upload it to your device or deliver it via email.

Step 4: Make at least a few copies of the file to keep clear of different potential difficulties.

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