Hud 92900 Pur Form PDF Details

The HUD 92900 PUR form, also known as the Mortgage Credit Analysis Worksheet for Purchase Money Mortgages, plays a critical role in the U.S. home buying process, especially for those leveraging loans guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Managed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and intricate in nature, this document is designed to delineate and analyze various financial aspects tied to securing a mortgage. It captures detailed information ranging from the borrower’s personal details and the specifics of the mortgage (including terms, rates, and the loan’s structure) to the property’s appraised value and the buyer's financial obligations. This form is instrumental in assessing the borrower's creditworthiness, ensuring the loan meets HUD's strict lending criteria. It encompasses an array of sections including borrower’s income, future monthly payments, and required cash investment, among others, making it a comprehensive assessment tool for both the lender and borrower. The HUD 92900 PUR form not only facilitates a systematic evaluation to determine eligibility for an FHA loan but also includes provisions for preventing loan fraud, emphasizing the importance of accuracy in the provided information. With its expiration and OMB approval numbers clearly stated, it remains a vital piece of documentation within the housing sector, necessitating careful completion by prospective homeowners and meticulous review by lenders.

Form NameHud 92900 Pur Form
Form Length7 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 45 sec
Other nameshud 27050 b, form hud 27050 b pdf, hud form 27050 b, OMB

Form Preview Example

Mortgage Credit

Analysis Worksheet

Purchase Money Mortgages

U.S. Department of Housing

OMB Approval No. 2502–0059

and Urban Development

(Expires 11/30/2010)

Office of Housing


Federal Housing Commissioner


See back of page for Public Burden and Sensitive Information statements

All numbered entries in $ except where noted.

Case number

Section of the Housing Act

Check one

Existing Construction

Proposed Construction

1a. Borrower's name











2a. Social Security Number































1b. Co–Borrower's name











2b. Social Security Number





























3a. Mortgage without Upfront MIP


3b. Total UFMIP

3c. Mortgage with UFMIP



4. Appraised Value (without CC)


5. a. Total Closing























Costs (CC)






















b. Less Paid by Seller























6. Current housing expenses


7. Term of loan


8. Interest rate


9. Adj. buy-down interest rate




c. Equals Borrower's CC _____________
















































10. Statutory Investment Requirements







14. Debts & Obligations


Monthly Payment


Unpaid Balance


a. Contract Sales Price











a. Total installment debt














































b. Borrower-Paid Closing Costs (from 5c)








b. Child support, etc.





























c. Unadjusted Acquisition (10a + 10b)









c. Other

































d. Statutory Investment Requirement (10a x 0.03)






Total monthly payments







11. Maximum Mortgage Calculation







15. Future monthly payments








a. Lesser of Sales Price (10a) or Value (from 4)








a. Principal & interest – 1st mortgage

























b. Required Adjustments (+/-)









b. Monthly MIP




























c. Mortgage Basis (11a + 11b)









c. Homeowners Association Fee








d. Mort Amt. (11c x LTV Factor

% or Less)





d. Ground rent

































12. Cash Investment Requirements









e. Principal & interest – 2nd mortgage






























a. Minimum Down Payment (10c-11d)










Hazard insurance









(This amount must equal or exceed 10d)



























g. Taxes & special assessments































b. Prepaid Expenses












Total mortgage payment




























c. Discount Points











i. Recurring expenses (from 14d)



























d. Repairs/Improvements (Non-Financeable)









Total fixed payment








e. Upfront MIP Paid in Cash







16. Ratios


















a. Loan–to–value (11d divided by 11a)





f. Non-Realty and Other Items

































Total Cash to Close (Sum of 12a thru 12f)








b. Mortgage Payment–to–income (15h divided by 13f)






























h. Amount Paid (Earnest Money, etc.)









c. Total fixed payment–to–income (15j divided by 13f)





















I. Amount of Gift Funds [Source ________________)



17. Borrower rating (enter “A” for acceptable or “R” for reject)
















a. Credit characteristics









Assets Available









































k. 2nd Mort (if applicable) [Source _______________)





b. Adequacy of effective income


































c. Stability of effective income








l. Cash Reserves (Sum 12h thru 12k, minus 12g)

















































d. Adequacy of available assets


























13. Monthly Effective Income









18. Borrower's CAIVRS Number


Co–borrower's CAIVRS Number


a.Borrower's base pay

b.Borrower's other earnings (explain)



Co-borrower's base pay



LDP/GSA (page no. & date)

LDP/GSA (page no. & date)



Co-borrower's other earnings (explain)









Net income from real estate




Attachment A Information




Gross monthly income





A1. Contract Sales Price of Property (line 10a above)








Remarks (attach additional paper if needed)















A2. 6% of line A1


















A3. Total Seller Contribution


















A4. Excess Contribution











Final application decision



Examiner's signature & date


Underwriter's signature & date



Previous editions are obsolete

form HUD-92900–PUR (10/98)

ref. Handbook 4155.1


HUD/VA Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application

OMB Approval No. VA: 2900-0144

HUD:: 25022502-0059-0059(exp(exp(11/30/2010. 9/30/2007))

Part I - Identifying Information (mark the type of application)



VA Application for


HUD/FHA Application for Insurance



Home Loan Guaranty


under the National Housing Act

2. Agency Case No. (include any suffix) 3. Lender’s Case No.

4.Section of the Act (for HUD cases)

5. Borrower's Name & Present Address (Include zip code)

6. Property Address (including name of subdivision, lot & block no. & zip code)

7. Loan Amount (include the UFMIP if

8. Interest Rate

9. Proposed Maturity

for HUD or Funding Fee if for VA)









10. Discount Amount

11.Amount of Up Front 12a.Amount of Monthly12b.Term of Monthly

(only if borrower is




permitted to pay)








/ mo.


13. Lender's I.D. Code


14.Sponsor / Agent I.D. Code












16. Name & Address of Sponsor / Agent



Lender's Name & Address




(include zip code)







17. Lender's Telephone Number

Type or Print all entries clearly

VA: The veteran and the lender hereby apply to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Guaranty of the loan described here under Section 3710, Chapter 37, Title 38, United States Code, to the full extent permitted by the veteran’s entitlement and severally agree that the Regulations promulgated pursuant to Chapter 37, and in effect on the date of the loan shall govern the rights, duties, and liabilities of the parties.

18. First Time Homebuyer?

a. Yes

b. No

19.VA Only

Title will be Vested in:


Veteran & Spouse

Other (specify)

20. Purpose of Loan (blocks 9 - 12 are for VA loans only)


Purchase Existing Home Previously Occupied


Finance Improvements to Existing Property


Refinance (Refi.)


Purchase New Condo. Unit


Purchase Existing Condo.Unit


Purchase Existing Home Not Previously Occupied




Construct Home (proceeds to be paid out during construction)





Finance Co-op Purchase






Purchase Permanently Sited Manufactured Home






Purchase Permanently Sited Manufactured Home & Lot







Refi. Permanently Sited Manufactured Home to Buy Lot













Refi. Permanently Sited Manufactured Home/Lot Loan





Part II - Lender’s Certification

21. The undersigned lender makes the following certifications to induce the

E. The Uniform Residential Loan Application and this Addendum were signed

Department of Veterans Affairs to issue a certificate of commitment to

by the borrower after all sections were completed.

guarantee the subject loan or a Loan Guaranty Certificate under Title 38, U.S.

F. This proposed loan to the named borrower meets the income and credit

Code, or to induce the Department of Housing and Urban Development -

requirements of the governing law in the judgment of the undersigned.

Federal Housing Commissioner to issue a firm commitment for mortgage

G. To the best of my knowledge and belief, I and my firm and its principals: (1)

insurance or a Mortgage Insurance Certificate under the National Housing Act.

are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared

A. The loan terms furnished in the Uniform Residential Loan Application and

ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal

this Addendum are true, accurate and complete.

department or agency; (2) have not, within a three-year period preceding

B. The information contained in the Uniform Residential Loan Application and

this proposal, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against

this Addendum was obtained directly from the borrower by an employee

them for (a) commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with

of the undersigned lender or its duly authorized agent and is true to the best

obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or

of the lender’s knowledge and belief.

local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; (b) violation of

C. The credit report submitted on the subject borrower (and co-borrower , if

Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft,

any) was ordered by the undersigned lender or its duly authorized agent

forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false state-

directly from the credit bureau which prepared the report and was received

ments, or receiving stolen property; (3) are not presently indicted for or

directly from said credit bureau.

otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal,

D. The verification of employment and verification of deposits were requested

State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in

and received by the lender or its duly authorized agent without passing

paragraph G(2) of this certification; and (4) have not, within a three-year

through the hands of any third persons and are true to the best of the

period preceding this application/proposal, had one or more public trans-

lender’s knowledge and belief.

actions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default.

Items "H" through "J" are to be completed as applicable for VA loans only.


H.The names and functions of any duly authorized agents who developed on behalf of the lender any of the information or supporting credit data submitted are as follows:

Name & Address

Function (e.g., obtained information on the Uniform Residential Loan


Application, ordered credit report, verifications of employment, deposits, etc.)

If no agent is shown above, the undersigned lender affirmatively certifies that all information and supporting credit data were obtained directly by the lender.

I.The undersigned lender understands and agrees that it is responsible for the omissions, errors, or acts of agents identified in item H as to the functions with which they are identified.

J.The proposed loan conforms otherwise with the applicable provisions of Title 38, U.S. Code, and of the regulations concerning g uaranty or insurance of loans to veterans.

Signature of Officer of Lender

Title of Officer of Lender

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

PartPartIIIIII- Notices- Noticesto Borrowersto Borrowers. Public .reportingPublicburdenreportingfor thisburdencollectionfor thisof informationcollectionis ofestimatedinformationto averageis estimated6 minutestoperaverageresponse,6includingminutesthepertimeresponse,forreviewingincludinginstructions,the searchingtime for Part III - Notices to Borrowers. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 6 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond required to respond to, a collection information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number can be located on the OMB Internet page at to, a collection information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number can be located on the OMB Internet page at OMBINV.LIST.OF.AGENCIES.html#list_OF_AGENCIES’.Privacy Act Information. The information requested on the Uniform Residential Loan Application and this Addendum is authorized by 38 html#LIST_OF_AGENCIES. Privacy Act Information. The information requested on the Uniform Residential Loan Application and this Addendum is authorized by 38 U.S.C. 3710 (if for DVA)and 12 U.S.C. 3710 (if for DVA)and 12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq. (if for HUD/FHA). The Debt Collection Act of 1982, Pub. Law 97-365, and HUD’s Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, 42U. U.S.C. 1701 et seq. (if for HUD/FHA). The Debt Collection Act of 1982, Pub. Law 97-365, and HUD’s Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, 42U.S.C. 3543, require persons applying for a S.C. 3543, require persons applying for a federally insured or guaranteed loan to furnish his/her social security number (SSN). You must provide all the requestedinformation, including your SSN. federally insured or guaranteed loan to furnish his/her social security number (SSN). You must provide all the requestedinformation, including your SSN. HUD and/or VA may conduct a computer match HUD and/or VA may conduct a computer match to verify the information you provide. HUD and/or VA may disclose certaininformation to Federal, State and local agencies when relevant to civil, to verify the information you provide. HUD and/or VA may disclose certaininformation to Federal, State and local agencies when relevant to civil, criminal, or regulatory investigations and prosecutions. criminal, or regulatory investigations and prosecutions. It will not otherwise be disclosed orreleased outside of HUD or VA, except as required and permitted by law. The information will be used

It will not otherwise be disclosed orreleased outside of HUD or VA, except as required and permitted by law. The information will be used to determine whether you qualify as a mortgagor. Anydisclosure to determine whether you qualify as a mortgagor. Anydisclosure of information outside VA or HUD/FHA will be made only as permitted by law. Failure to provide any of the requested information, of information outside VA or HUD/FHA will be made only as permitted by law. Failure to provide any of the requested information, including SSN, may

including SSN, may

page 1

form HUD-92900-A





VA Form 26-1802a (

Important Notice to Homebuyers

U.S. Department of Housing and

OMB Approval No. 2502-0059

Urban Development

(Expires 9/30/2007)



Office of Housing - Federal Housing

OMB Approval No. 2502-0524



(Expires 10/31/2004)

You must read this entire document at the time you apply for the loan.

Return one copy to lender as proof of notification and keep one copy for your records.

Condition of Property

The property you are buying is not HUD/FHA approved and HUD/FHA does not warrant the condition or the value of the property. An appraisal will be performed to estimate the value of the property, but this appraisal does not guarantee that the house is free of defects. You should inspect the property yourself very carefully or hire a professional inspection service to inspect the property for you.

Interest Rate and Discount Points

HUD does not regulate the interest rate or the discount points that may be paid by you or the seller or other third party. You should shop around to be sure you are satisfied with the loan terms offered and with the service reputation of the lender you have chosen.

The interest rate, any discount points and the length of time the lender will honor the loan terms are all negotiated between you and the lender.

The seller can pay the discount points, or a portion thereof, if you and the seller agree to such an arrangement.

Lenders may agree to guarantee or "lock-in" the loan terms for a definite period of time (i.e., 15, 30, 60 days, etc.) or may permit your loan to be determined by future market conditions, also known as "floating". Lenders may require a fee to lock in the interest rate or the terms of the loan, but must provide a written agreement covering a minimum of 15 days before the anticipated closing. Your agree- ment with the lender will determine the degree, if any, that the interest rate and discount points may rise before closing.

If the lender determines you are eligible for the mortgage, your agreement with the seller may require you to complete the transac- tion or lose your deposit on the property.

Don't Commit Loan Fraud

It is important for you to understand that you are required to provide complete and accurate information when applying for a mortgage loan.

Do not sign an incomplete or blank document; that is, one missing the name and address of the recipient and/or other important identifying information.

Do not falsify information about your income or assets.

Penalties for Loan Fraud: Federal laws provide severe penalties


Disclose all loans and debts (including money that may have

for fraud, misrepresentation, or conspiracy to influence wrongly the


been borrowed to make the downpayment).

issuance of mortgage insurance by HUD. You can be subject to a


Do not provide false letters-of-credit, cash-on-hand statements,

possible prison term and fine of up to $10,000 for providing false


gift letters or sweat equity letters.

information. Additionally, you could be prohibited from obtaining a


Do not accept funds to be used for your downpayment from any

HUD-insured loan for an indefinite period.


other party (seller, real estate salesperson, builder, etc.).

Report Loan Fraud: If you are aware of any fraud in HUD programs

Do not falsely certify that a property will be used for your primary

or if an individual tries to persuade you to make false statements on

residence when you are actually going to use it as a rental property.

a loan application, you should report the matter by calling your

Do not act as a “strawbuyer” (somebody who purchases a property

nearest HUD office or the HUD Regional Inspector General, or call

for another person and then transfers title of the property to that

the HUD Hotline on 1 (800) 347-3735.

person), nor should you give that person personal or credit information

Warning: It is a crime to knowingly make false statements to the

for them to use in any such scheme.

United States Government on this or any similar form. Penalties

Do not apply for a loan by assuming the identity of another

upon conviction can include a fine and imprisonment. For details


see: Title 18 U.S Code Section 1001 and Section 1010.






If you believe you have been subject to discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, you should call HUD's Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Complaint Hotline: 1 (800) 669-9777.

About Prepayment

This notice is to advise you of the requirements that must be followed to accomplish a prepayment of your mortgage, and to prevent accrual of any interest after the date of prepayment.

You may prepay any or all of the outstanding indebtedness due under your mortgage at any time, without penalty. However, to avoid the accrual of interest on any prepayment, the prepayment must be

received on the installment due date (the first day of the month) if the lender stated this policy in its response to a request for a payoff figure.

Otherwise, you may be required to pay interest on the amount prepaid through the end of the month. The lender can refuse to accept prepayment on any date other than the installment due date.

Previous editions are obsolete

Page 1 of 2

form HUD-92900-B (12/2000)



ref. Handbooks 4150.1 & 4155.1

FHA Mortgage Insurance Information

Who May be Eligible for a Refund?

Premium Refund: You may be eligible for a refund of a portion of the insurance premium if you paid an upfront mortgage insurance premium at settlement.

Review your settlement papers or check with your mortgage company to determine if you paid an upfront premium.


Assumptions: When a FHA insured loan is assumed the insur- ance remains in force (the seller receives no refund). The owner(s) of the property at the time the insurance is terminated is entitled to any refund.

FHA to FHA Refinance: When a FHA insured loan is refinanced, the refund from the old premium may be applied toward the upfront premium required for the new loan.

How are Refunds Determined?

The FHA Commissioner determines how much of the upfront premium is refunded when loans are terminated. Refunds are based on the number of months the loan is insured. After 60 months (5 years) no refund is due the homeowner.

How are Refunds Processed?

1.Refunds of unearned upfront mortgage insurance premiums are refunded upon the receipt of the termination notice initiated by the lender. Once HUD receives and processes the termination, the refund process is inititiated.

2.If you are eligible for a refund, HUD will either request Treasury to issue you a check directly or will send you an Application for Premium Refund (form HUD-27050-B).

3.Read the application carefully, sign, have it notarized, and attach proof of ownership at insurance termination.

4.Return application to the address shown on the HUD-27050-B.

5.HUD will request Treasury to issue a check if no additional information is needed.

How to Follow-Up

If you do not receive an application within 45 days after you have paid off your loan, check with your mortgage company to confirm that they have sent HUD a request for termination. If they confirm that the correct termination information was sent, contact HUD.

If you do not receive a refund or any other documentation from HUD within 60 days from the date you mailed your application, contact HUD immediately.

How to Contact HUD

By Phone:

800 697-6967

8:30 AM to 8:30 PM (EST) Monday through Friday

By Mail:

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

PO Box 23699

Washington, DC 20026-3699

Monthly Insurance Premiums

If you paid an upfront mortgage insurance premium, you will also be charged a monthly mortgage insurance premium until the loan to value of your mortgage reaches 78 percent of the initial sales price or appraised value of your home, whichever was lower (provided that premiums are paid for at least five years). You will reach the 78 percent loan-to-value threshold in one of two ways: Through normal amortization as you make your monthly pay- ments, or by paying additional principal on the mortgage. Your lender can advise you on when the mortgage will reach the 78 percent loan-to-value threshold. If you were not charged an upfront premium, as for example on condominiums, you will pay the monthly premium for the life of the mortgage.

Note: All inquiries should include your name, 10-digit FHA case number, paid in full date, property address, and a daytime phone number. Record your FHA case number here for future reference.

Important: The rules governing the eligibility for premium refunds are based on the financial status of the FHA insurance fund and are subject to change.


You, the borrower(s), must be certain that you understand the transaction. Seek professional advice if you are uncertain.

Acknowledgment: I acknowledge that I have read and received a copy of this notice at the time of loan application. This notice does not constitute a contract or binding agreement. It is designed to provide current HUD/FHA policy regarding refunds.

Signature & Date:Signature & Date:






Signature & Date:

Signature & Date:






Previous editions are obsolete

Page 2 of 2

form HUD-92900-B (12/2000)



ref. Handbooks 4150.1 & 4155.1










Assumption of HUD/FHA Insured Mortgages


Release of Personal Liability

You are legally obligated to make the monthly payments required by your mortgage (deed of trust) and promissiory note.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has acted to keep Investors and non-creditworthy purchasers from acquiring one-to-four family residential properties covered by certain FHA-insured mortgages. There are minor exceptions to the restriction on investors; loans to public agencies and some non profit organizations, Indian tribes or servicepersons; and loans under special mortgage insurance programs for property sold by HUD, rehabilitation loans or refinancing of insured mortgages. Your lender can advise you if you are included in one of these exceptions.

HUD will therefore direct the lender to accelerate this FHA-insured mortgage loan if all or part of the property is sold or transferred to a purchaser or recipient (1) who will not occupy the property as his or her principal residence, or (2) who does occupy the property but whose credit has not been approved in accordance with HUD requirements. This policy will apply except for certain sales or transfers where acceleration is prohibited by law.

When a loan is accelerated, the entire balance is declared "immediately due and payable". Since HUD will not approve the sale of the property covered by this mortgage to an investor or to a person whose credit has not been approved, you, the original homeowner, would remain liable for the mortgage debt even though the title to the property migh have been transferred to the new buyer.

Even if you sell your home by letting an approved purchaser (that is, a creditworthy owner-occupant) assume your mortgage, you are still liable for the mortgage debt unless you obtain a release from liability from your mortgage lender. FHA-approved lenders have been instructed by HUD to prepare such a release when an original homeowner sells his or her property to a creditworthy purchaser who executes an agreement to assume and pay the mortgage debt and thereby agrees to become the substitute mortgagor. The release is contained in Form HUD-92210-1, ("Approval of Purchaser and Release of Seller"). You should ask for it if the mortgage lender does not provide it to you automatically when you sell your home to a creditworthy owner-occupant purchaser who executes an agreement to assume personal liability for the debt. When this form is executed, you are no longer liable for the mortgage debt.


The terms of your loan require that you occupy the property as your principal residence. Occupancy must begin no later that 60 days after closing and must continue for at least one year thereafter. Failure to occupy the property as your principal residence, or misrepresentation about your intention to occupy the property, can result in severe penalties under Federal law, including foreclosure and loss of the property.

If extenuating circumstances arise, you should immediately notify your lender. Your lender can apply to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a waiver of this requirement.

There are some instances (for example, purchase of duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes in certain partsof the country) where we require occupancy prior to loan closing. If indicated below, occupancy prior to closing is a condition of this transaction:

[] Applicant mortgagors must occupy the subject property prior to the closing of this transaction, if this condition is not checked by us, then occupancy must take place within a reasonable time subsequent to closing.


FHA mortgage insurance (MIP) has been placed on your loan and may be canceled by FHA when the loan to value ratio reaches 78% of the lower of initial sales price or appraised value. For 30 year mortgages the mortgagor must have paid the annual mortgage insurance premiums for at least five (5) years. For 15 year mortgages there is no minimum time required for premium payments. If you were not charged an upfront premium, as for example on condominiums, you will pay the monthly premium for the life of the mortgage.

Section 1010 of Title 18, U.S.C., "Federal Housing Administration transactions," provides: "Whoever, for the purpose of - Influencing in any way the action of such Administration - makes, passes, utters, or publishes any statement, knowing the same to be false - shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." Other Federal Statutes provide severe penalties for any fraud as Intentional misrepresentation made for the purpose of Influencing the issuance of any guaranty or Insurance or the making of any loan by the Secretary of Veteran's Affairs

My signature is acknowledgment that I understand the above certifications and have received a copy of this document for my records.














Notice To Homeowner

Occupancy Agreement

MIP Disclosure

2C055-US (07/04)(d)








In addition to an FHA-insured mortgage, you may also qualify for other mortgage products offered by your lender. To assure that you are aware of possible choices in financing, your lender has prepared a comparison of the typical costs of alternative conventional mortgage product(s) below, using representative loan amounts and costs (the actual loan amounts and associated costs shown below will vary from your own mortgage loan transaction). You should study the comparison carefully, ask questions, and determine which product is best for you. The information provided below was prepared as of October 2006.

Neither your lender nor FHA warrants that you actually qualify for any mortgage loan offered by your lender. This notice is provided to you to identify the key differences between these mortgage products offered by your lender. This disclosure is not a contract and does not constitute loan approval. Actual mortgage approval can only be made following a full underwriting analysis by your mortgage lender.



FHA Financing

Conventional Financing





Sales Price




Mortgage Amount


($198,432 w/Upfront Mortgage




Insurance Premium)


Closing Costs




Discount Points




Downpayment Needed




Interest Rate and Term

6.50% / 30 year loan

6.50% / 30 year loan

of Loan in Years




Monthly Payment




(principal and interest only)








Monthly Mortgage Insurance




Premium (first year)¹




Maximum Number of Years

Approximately: 13 Years

Approximately: 13 Years

of Monthly Insurance




Premium Payments




Upfront Mortgage Insurance




Premium (if applicable)²




1/ Montly FHA mortgage insurance premiums are calculated on the average annual principal balance, i.e, as the amount you owe on the loan decreases each year, so does the amount of the monthly premium

2/ Based on an upfront FHA mortgage insurance premium rate of 1.50% 3/ Includes closing costs, prepaids and discount points

FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium Information:

If you paid an upfront mortgage insurance premium, you will also be charged a monthly mortgage insurance premium until the loan to value ratio of your mortgage reaches 78 percent of the INITIAL sales price or appraised value of your home, whichever was lower (provided that premiums are paid for at least five years). You will reach the 78 percent loan-to-value threshold in one of two ways: Through normal amortization as you make your monthly payments or by paying additional principal on the mortgage. Your lender can advise you on when the mortgage will reach the 78 percent level through normal amortization.

If you have a 15-year mortgage and make a downpayment in excess of 10 percent, you will not have to make monthly mortgage insurance premiums. You will also reach the 78 percent loan-to-value threshold earlier than on longer term mortgages and may not have to pay monthly mortgage insurance premiums for the full five years.

You are required to make these payments on your FHA-insured loan unless you refinance or the mortgage is otherwise paid in full.

If you were NOT charged an upfront premium you will pay the monthly premium for the life of the mortgage.

I/We have received a copy of this disclosure.













-1461 (D801) CHL (10/06)(d)



Property Address:

What is an "Identity of Interest?"

FHA defines an "Identity of Interest" as any relationship where the purchaser and seller are related, and/or affiliated through a business relationship. This could, for example, be parent/child as buyer/ seller, corporation selling to employee, or persons who are partners in other projects. FHA may restrict the loan to value on such loans to 85% of the lesser of the property value plus closing costs or acquisition cost.

Check the category that describes your situation:


I do not have an "I dentity of I nterest" with the seller of the property I plan to purchase.


I do have an "I dentity of I nterest" with the seller of the property I plan to purchase.

My relationship with the seller is:










-537 (0205) CHL (07/02)(d)

VMP Mortgage Forms - (800)521-7291

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Step 2: Once you open the PDF editor, you'll notice the form all set to be completed. Besides filling out different fields, you can also do some other actions with the Document, such as adding any textual content, changing the original text, adding illustrations or photos, putting your signature on the form, and more.

This PDF requires specific details to be filled out, hence ensure that you take your time to provide exactly what is asked:

1. First of all, once completing the OMB, start with the form section that includes the next blank fields:

A way to fill in FHA portion 1

2. Your next part is usually to fill out the next few blanks: Maximum Mortgage Calculation, Future monthly payments, a Lesser of Sales Price a or Value, a Principal interest st mortgage, b Required Adjustments, c Mortgage Basis a b, b Monthly MIP, c Homeowners Association Fee, d Mort Amt c x LTV Factor or Less, d Ground rent, Cash Investment Requirements, a Minimum Down Payment cd, This amount must equal or exceed d, b Prepaid Expenses, and c Discount Points d.

How one can prepare FHA part 2

Always be extremely attentive when filling out c Mortgage Basis a b and Cash Investment Requirements, because this is the section where most users make errors.

3. This third stage will be easy - fill out all of the fields in f Gross monthly income, Remarks attach additional paper if, A of line A, A Total Seller Contribution, A Excess Contribution, Examiners signature date, Underwriters signature date, CHUMS ID Number, Final application decision, Approve Reject, Previous editions are obsolete, and form HUDPUR ref Handbook to complete this part.

Writing part 3 of FHA

4. This next section requires some additional information. Ensure you complete all the necessary fields - Part I Identifying Information, Agency Case No include any suffix, VA Application for Home Loan, HUDFHA Application for Insurance, Borrowers Name Present Address, Section of the Act, for HUD cases, Loan Amount include the UFMIP if, Proposed Maturity, for HUD or Funding Fee if for VA, Discount Amount Amount of Up, mos, yrs y, Property Address including name, and only if borrower is permitted to - to proceed further in your process!

Stage # 4 in completing FHA

5. The last stage to conclude this document is essential. You need to fill out the necessary blank fields, and this includes Purchase Existing CondoUnit, Purchase Existing Home Not, Refi Permanently Sited, Refi Permanently Sited, Part II Lenders Certification, this Addendum are true accurate, B The information contained in the, C The credit report submitted on, D The verification of employment, E The Uniform Residential Loan, by the borrower after all sections, F This proposed loan to the named, requirements of the governing law, G To the best of my knowledge and, and Items H through J are to be, before submitting. Or else, it can generate an incomplete and probably incorrect paper!

Tips on how to complete FHA part 5

Step 3: Make certain your details are accurate and then simply click "Done" to conclude the task. Sign up with FormsPal right now and immediately get access to OMB, ready for downloading. All alterations you make are saved , letting you modify the file further if necessary. FormsPal guarantees safe document tools with no personal information recording or distributing. Rest assured that your data is in good hands with us!