Illinois Form Bde 2342 PDF Details

Understanding how infrastructure projects impact the environment, particularly water quality during construction, is crucial. This concern is addressed by the Illinois BDE 2342 form, a comprehensive document designed in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. ILR10. Administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), this permit regulates storm water discharges from construction sites, ensuring that contractors adopt measures to prevent pollution. The form serves as a declaration by the person in charge that the information provided is accurate and complete under the threat of legal penalties for misinformation. It covers multiple aspects of construction projects, such as site description, the duration of the project, soil disturbances, and details of potentially erosive areas, alongside a thorough outline of the pollution control measures planned. This includes erosion and sediment controls, stabilization practices during and post-construction, and permanent storm water management control systems. By requiring detailed information on soils, runoff coefficients, and the presence of sensitive environments, the form obligates contractors to assess and minimize their environmental footprint conscientiously. Furthermore, the document mandates the identification of pollutants likely to be encountered during construction, driving the imperative for meticulous planning in pollution prevention measures and compliance with applicable state or local laws.

Form NameIllinois Form Bde 2342
Form Length8 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out2 min
Other namespracticable, idot bde 2342, 1998, summarizing

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Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan




Marked Rte.





Project No.





Contract No.



This plan has been prepared to comply with the provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)Permit No. ILR10 (Permit ILR10), issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for storm water discharges from construction site activities.

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

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I.Site Description:

A.Provide a description of the project location (include latitude and longitude):

B.Provide a description of the construction activity which is the subject of this plan:

C.Provide the estimated duration of this project:

D. The total area of the construction site is estimated to be





The total area of the site estimated to be disturbed by excavation, grading or other activities is



E.The following is a weighted average of the runoff coefficient for this project after construction activities are completed:

F.List all soils found within project boundaries. Include map unit name, slope information, and erosivity:

G.Provide an aerial extent of wetland acreage at the site:

H.Provide a description of potentially erosive areas associated with this project:

I.The following is a description of soil disturbing activities by stages, their locations, and their erosive factors (e.g. steepness of slopes, length of slopes, etc):

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J.See the erosion control plans and/or drainage plans for this contract for information regarding drainage patterns, approximate slopes anticipated before and after major grading activities, locations where vehicles enter or exit the site and controls to prevent offsite sediment tracking (to be added after contractor identifies locations), areas of soil disturbance, the location of major structural and non-structural controls identified in the plan, the location of areas where stabilization practices are expected to occur, surface waters (including wetlands) and locations where storm water is discharged to surface water including wetlands.

K.Identify who owns the drainage system (municipality or agency) this project will drain into:


The following is a list of General NPDES ILR40 permittees within whose reporting jurisdiction this project is located.

M.The following is a list of receiving water(s) and the ultimate receiving water(s) for this site. The location of the receiving waters can be found on the erosion and sediment control plans:

N.Describe areas of the site that are to be protected or remain undisturbed. These areas may include steep slopes, highly erodible soils, streams, stream buffers, specimen trees, natural vegetation, nature preserves, etc.

O.The following sensitive environmental resources are associated with this project, and may have the potential to be impacted by the proposed development:

Floodplain Wetland Riparian

Threatened and Endangered Species Historic Preservation

303(d) Listed receiving waters for suspended solids, turbidity, or siltation

Receiving waters with Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for sediment, total suspended solids, turbidity or siltation

Applicable Federal, Tribal, State or Local Programs


1.303(d) Listed receiving waters (fill out this section if checked above):

a.The name(s) of the listed water body, and identification of all pollutants causing impairment:

b.Provide a description of how erosion and sediment control practices will prevent a discharge of sediment resulting from a storm event equal to or greater than a twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour rainfall event:

c.Provide a description of the location(s) of direct discharge from the project site to the 303(d) water body:

d.Provide a description of the location(s) of any dewatering discharges to the MS4 and/or water body:

2.TMDL (fill out this section if checked above)

a.The name(s) of the listed water body:

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b.Provide a description of the erosion and sediment control strategy that will be incorporated into the site design that is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the TMDL:

c.If a specific numeric waste load allocation has been established that would apply to the project’s discharges, provide a description of the necessary steps to meet that allocation:

P.The following pollutants of concern will be associated with this construction project:

Soil Sediment


Concrete Truck Waste

Concrete Curing Compounds

Solid Waste Debris



Fertilizers / Pesticides


Petroleum (gas, diesel, oil, kerosene, hydraulic oil / fluids) Antifreeze / Coolants

Waste water from cleaning construction equipment Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

This section of the plan addresses the controls that will be implemented for each of the major construction activities described in I.C. above and for all use areas, borrow sites, and waste sites. For each measure discussed, the Contractor will be responsible for its implementation as indicated. The Contractor shall provide to the ResidentEngineer a plan for the implementation of the measures indicated. The Contractor, and subcontractors, will notify the ResidentEngineer of any proposed changes, maintenance, or modifications to keep construction activities compliant with the Permit ILR10. Each such Contractor has signed the required certification on forms which are attached to, and are a part of, this plan:

A.Erosion and Sediment Controls: At a minimum, controls must be coordinated, installed and maintained to:

1.Minimize the amount of soil exposed during construction activity;

2.Minimize the disturbance of steep slopes;

3.Maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct storm water to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal and maximize storm water infiltration, unless infeasible;

4.Minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil.

B.Stabilization Practices: Provided below is a description of interim and permanent stabilization practices, including site- specific scheduling of the implementation of the practices. Site plans will ensure that existing vegetation is preserved where attainable and disturbed portions of the site will be stabilized. Stabilization practices may include but are not limited to: temporary seeding, permanent seeding, mulching, geotextiles, sodding, vegetative buffer strips, protection of trees, preservation of mature vegetation, and other appropriate measures. Except as provided below in II(B)(1) and II(B)(2), stabilization measures shall be initiated immediately where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no case more than one (1) day after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceases on all disturbed portions of the site where construction will not occur for a period of fourteen (14) or more calendar days.

1.Where the initiation of stabilization measures is precluded by snow cover, stabilization measures shall be initiated as soon as practicable.

2.On areas where construction activity has temporarily ceased and will resume after fourteen (14) days, a temporary stabilization method can be used.

The following stabilization practices will be used for this project:

Preservation of Mature Vegetation

Erosion Control Blanket / Mulching

Vegetated Buffer Strips


Protection of Trees


Temporary Erosion Control Seeding

Other (specify)

Temporary Turf (Seeding, Class 7)

Other (specify)

Temporary Mulching

Other (specify)

Permanent Seeding

Other (specify)

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Describe how the stabilization practices listed above will be utilized during construction:

Describe how the stabilization practices listed above will be utilized after construction activities have been completed:

C.Structural Practices: Provided below is a description of structural practices that will be implemented, to the degree attainable, to divert flows from exposed soils, store flows or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site. Such practices may include but are not limited to: perimeter erosion barrier, earth dikes, drainage swales, sediment traps, ditch checks, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, level spreaders, storm drain inlet protection, rock outlet protection, reinforced soil retaining systems, gabions, and temporary or permanent sediment basins. The installation of these devices may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

The following structural practices will be used for this project:


Perimeter Erosion Barrier

Rock Outlet Protection

Temporary Ditch Check


Storm Drain Inlet Protection


Sediment Trap

Slope Mattress

Temporary Pipe Slope Drain

Retaining Walls

Temporary Sediment Basin

Slope Walls

Temporary Stream Crossing

Concrete Revetment Mats

Stabilized Construction Exits

Level Spreaders

Turf Reinforcement Mats

Other (specify)

Permanent Check Dams

Other (specify)

Permanent Sediment Basin

Other (specify)

Aggregate Ditch

Other (specify)

Paved Ditch

Other (specify)

Describe how the structural practices listed above will be utilized during construction:

Describe how the structural practices listed above will be utilized after construction activities have been completed:

D.Treatment Chemicals

Will polymer flocculants or treatment chemicals be utilized on this project:



If yes above, identifywhere and how polymer flocculants or treatment chemicals will be utilized on this project.

E.Permanent Storm Water Management Controls: Provided below is a description of measures that will be installed during the construction process to control volume and pollutants in storm water discharges that will occur after construction operations have been completed. The installation of these devices may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

1.Such practices may include but are not limited to: storm water detention structures (including wet ponds), storm water retention structures, flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and natural depressions, infiltration of runoff on site, and sequential systems (which combine several practices).

The practices selected for implementation were determined on the basis of the technical guidance in Chapter 41 (Construction Site Storm Water Pollution Control) of the IDOT Bureau of Design and Environment Manual. If practices other than those discussed in Chapter 41 are selected for implementation or if practices are applied to situations different from those covered in Chapter 41, the technical basis for such decisions will be explained below.

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2.Velocity dissipation devices will be placed at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel as necessary to provide a non-erosive velocity flow from the structure to a water course so that the natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected (e.g. maintenance of hydrologic conditions such as the hydroperiod and hydrodynamics present prior to the initiation of construction activities).

Description of permanent storm water management controls:

F.Approved State or Local Laws:The management practices, controls and provisions contained in this plan will be in accordance with IDOT specifications, which are at least as protective as the requirements contained in the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Illinois Urban Manual. Procedures and requirements specified in applicable sediment and erosion site plans or storm water management plans approved by local officials shall be described or incorporated by reference in the space provided below. Requirements specified in sediment and erosion site plans, site permits, storm water management siteplans or site permits approved by local officials that are applicable to protecting surface water resources are, upon submittal of an NOI, to be authorized to discharge under the Permit ILR10 incorporated by reference and are enforceable under this permit even if they are not specifically included in the plan.

Description of procedures and requirements specified in applicable sediment and erosion site plans or storm water management plans approved by local officials:

G.Contractor Required Submittals: Prior to conducting any professional services at the site covered by this plan, the Contractor and each subcontractor responsible for compliance with the permit shall submit to the Resident Engineer a Contractor Certification Statement, BDE 2342a.

1.The Contractor shall provide a construction schedule containing an adequate level of detail to show major activities with implementation of pollution prevention BMPs, including the following items:

Approximate duration of the project, including each stage of the project

Rainy season, dry season, and winter shutdown dates

Temporary stabilization measures to be employed by contract phases

Mobilization timeframe

Mass clearing and grubbing/roadside clearing dates

Deployment of Erosion Control Practices

Deployment of Sediment Control Practices (including stabilized construction entrances/exits)

Deployment of Construction Site Management Practices (including concrete washout facilities, chemical storage, refueling locations, etc.)

Paving, saw-cutting, and any other pavement related operations

Major planned stockpiling operations

Timeframe for other significant long-term operations or activities that may plan non-storm water discharges such as dewatering, grinding, etc.

Permanent stabilization activities for each area of the project

2.The Contractor and each subcontractor shall provide, as an attachment to their signed Contractor Certification Statement, a discussion of how they will comply with the requirements of the permit in regard to the following items and provide a graphical representation showing location and type of BMPs to be used when applicable:

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Vehicle Entrances and Exits – Identify type and location of stabilized construction entrances and exits to be used and how they will be maintained.

Material Delivery, Storage and Use – Discuss where and how materials including chemicals, concrete curing compounds, petroleum products, etc. will be stored for this project.

Stockpile Management – Identify the location of both on-site and off-site stockpiles. Discuss what BMPs will be used to prevent pollution of storm water from stockpiles.

Waste Disposal – Discuss methods of waste disposal that will be used for this project.

Spill Prevention and Control – Discuss steps that will be taken in the event of a material spill (chemicals, concrete curing compounds, petroleum, etc.)

Concrete Residuals and Washout Wastes – Discuss the location and type of concrete washout facilities to be used on this project and how they will be signed and maintained.

Litter Management – Discuss how litter will be maintained for this project (education of employees, number of dumpsters, frequency of dumpster pick-up, etc.).

Vehicle and Equipment Fueling – Identify equipment fueling locations for this project and what BMPs will be used to ensure containment and spill prevention.

Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance – Identify where equipment cleaning and maintenance locations for this project and what BMPs will be used to ensure containment and spill prevention.

Dewatering Activities – Identify the controls which will be used during dewatering operations to ensure sediments will not leave the construction site.

Polymer Flocculants and Treatment Chemicals – Identify the use and dosage of treatment chemicals and provide the Resident Engineer with Material Safety Data Sheets. Describe procedures on how the chemicals will be used and identify who will be responsible for the use and application of these chemicals. The selected individual must be trained on the established procedures.

Additional measures indicated in the plan.


When requested by the Contractor, the Resident Engineer will provide general maintenance guides to the Contractor for the practices associated with this project. The following additional procedures will be used to maintain, in good and effective operating conditions, the vegetation, erosion and sediment control measures and other protective measures identified in this plan. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to attain maintenance guidelines for any manufactured BMPs which are to be installed and maintained per manufacture’s specifications.

IV. Inspections:

Qualified personnel shall inspect disturbed areas of the construction site which have not yet been finally stabilized, structural control measures, and locations where vehicles and equipment enter and exit the site using IDOT Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Erosion Control Inspection Report (BC 2259). Such inspections shall be conducted at least once every seven (7) calendar days and within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of a storm or by the end of the following business or work day that is 0.5 inch or greater or equivalent snowfall.

Inspections may be reduced to once per month when construction activities have ceased due to frozen conditions. Weekly inspections will recommence when construction activities are conducted, or if there is 0.5” or greater rain event, or a discharge due to snowmelt occurs.

If any violation of the provisions of this plan is identified during the conduct of the construction work covered by this plan, the Resident Engineer shall notify the appropriate IEPA Field Operations Section office by email at:, telephone or fax within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident. The Resident Engineer shall then complete and submit an “Incidence of Non-Compliance” (ION) report for the identified violation within five (5) days of the incident. The Resident Engineer shall use forms provided by IEPA and shall include specific information on the cause of noncompliance, actions which were taken to prevent any further causes of noncompliance, and a statement detailing any environmental impact which may have resulted from the noncompliance. All reports of non-compliance shall be signed by a responsible authority in accordance with Part VI. G of the Permit ILR10.

The Incidence of Non-Compliance shall be mailed to the following address:

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Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

Division of Water Pollution Control

Attn: Compliance Assurance Section

1021 North Grand East

Post Office Box 19276

Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

Additional Inspections Required:

V.Failure to Comply:

Failure to comply with any provisions of this Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan will result in the implementation of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/Erosion and Sediment Control Deficiency Deduction against the Contractor and/or penalties under the Permit ILR10 which could be passed on to the Contractor.

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Contractor Certification Statement

Prior to conducting any professional services at the site covered by this contract, the Contractor and every subcontractor must complete and return to the Resident Engineer the following certification. A separate certification must be submitted by each firm. Attach to this certification all items required by Section II.G of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which will be handled by the Contractor/subcontractor completing this form.



Marked Rte.



Project No.




Contract No.

This certification statement is a part of SWPPP for the project described above, in accordance with the General NPDES Permit No. ILR10 issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

I certify under penalty of law that I understand the terms of the Permit No. ILR 10 that authorizes the storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the construction site identified as part of this certification.

In addition, I have read and understand all of the information and requirements stated in SWPPP for the above mentioned project; I have received copies of all appropriate maintenance procedures; and, I have provided all documentation required to be in compliance with the Permit ILR10 and SWPPP and will provide timely updates to these documents as necessary.



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Name of Firm






Street Address



Items which this Contractor/subcontractor will be responsible for as required inSection II.G. of SWPPP:

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BDE 2342a (Rev. 3/20/14)