Itd 3171 Form PDF Details

In Idaho, individuals aiming to delve into the automobile dealership industry, whether as owners or salespersons, must navigate the procedural path laid down by the Idaho Transportation Department’s Vehicle Services, starting with the ITD 3171 form. This pivotal document, designed to streamline and formalize the application process, mandates complete and accurate fill-out to avoid rejection. Not just a mere formality, the ITD 3171 serves as a cornerstone for maintaining the industry's integrity, necessitating the enclosure of the application fee along with a meticulously completed application for each salesperson. Remarkably, this form transitions to act as a temporary license for a duration of 60 days post-signature, contingent on timely submission and adherence to fee payments. It distinguishes between full-time and part-time salespersons, while also accommodating active dealer owners without imposing a financial burden. However, the Idaho Code is stringent about the applicant's history, emphasizing transparency and honesty to preempt the possibility of entrusting dealership responsibilities to individuals with questionable pasts. Concomitantly, the form embodies a declaration of accuracy under the penalty of license forfeiture, underscoring the gravity of truthful representation in the realm of vehicle sales in Idaho.

Form NameItd 3171 Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesitd 3170 form, idaho salesperson, itd form 3171, idaho salesperson application

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Dealer Owner and Salesperson Application

Idaho Transportation Department – Vehicle Services

PO Box 34; Boise, ID 83707-0034

 Enclose application fee and a completed application for each salesperson.

ITD 3171 (Rev. 8-21)

This form must be completed in full or it will be returned. A copy of this application does not act as a temporary license until it is signed, mailed to the Department and fees are paid. For a new application, this form must be mailed within 5 days of signing it and for a renewal, it must be mailed before the salesperson’s license expires. The Department will not accept applications that are received more than 10 business days after the date the application is signed. This application will act as a temporary license 60 days from the signature date. Applicants who already have an Idaho credential will not be required to take a new picture. Applicants without an Idaho credential will be directed to a sheriff’s driver licensing office to have their picture taken.

Please check appropriate box(es) from each section:

Full-time Salesperson (30 hours or more per week) with Idaho driver’s license or ID card ($36.00) Part-time Salesperson (Less than 30 hours per week) with Idaho driver’s license or ID card ($36.00) Full-time Salesperson without Idaho driver’s license or ID card ($26.00*)

Part-time salesperson without Idaho driver’s license or ID card ($26.00*) Active Owner ID card ($0.00)

Inactive Owner/Officer/Director – No ID card ($0.00) Add Sponsoring Dealer ($36.00)

Duplicate card ($18.00)

*Applicants who do not possess an Idaho driver’s license or ID card must go to a county sheriff’s DMV office to get their photo taken. In addition to the fee paid with this application, ten dollars ($10.00) will be due at the time of this photo.

Idaho Code - Idaho Code 49-1602(1) states that the Department may

refuse to issue a license to an applicant who has ever been convicted

in a court of record in this state of a violation of a law, provision, or rule

and regulation promulgated for this

act. The applicant shall not

practice any fraud; make any fraudulent representation; violate any of the provisions of Idaho

Code Title 49,

Chapters 2, 4, 5 or 16, or Idaho

Code 49-1418, or Title 48, Chapter 6; any rules and regulations promulgated by the Idaho

Transportation Department; federal motor vehicle

safety standards, or odometer fraud. Additionally, Idaho Code 49-1602(5) states that the Department may deny a salesperson license if any information provided on this sheet is found to be incomplete, incorrect or fictitious.

Have you ever had a Vehicle Dealer, Salesperson, or Manufacturer License revoked, suspended, or subjected to

other disciplinary action; or were you ever a partner, officer, director, or stockholder in a firm w hose license was subjected





to other disciplinary action; or have you ever been convicted of a felony in conjunction with a dealership in Idaho or









any other state? If yes, explain the circumstances on the back of this form.





Name as it Appears on Your Driver's License (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE)

Driver's License Number

Driver's License State

Current Salesperson Number (If Applicable) Date of Birth

Social Security Number

Daytime Phone Number

Residence Address (Number and Street - No PO Box)




THE UNDERSIGNED hereby applies for a sales license in accordance with the provisions of the Idaho Vehicle Dealer's L icense and Salesman's act.

I affirm under penalty of license forfeiture that the answers and information contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Applicant's Signature



Primary Dealer License Number





Dealership Name

Dealership City

Additional Dealer No.(s) Currently Licensed With

Dealership email address




*All credit card transactions are subject to a 3% Access Idaho service fee.

Sponsoring Dealer Certification for Sales Personnel

I hereby certify that a background check has found the applicant suitable for a salesperson position and that he/she is an employee over 18 years of age. I understand that this application is invalid until submitted to ITD and fees are paid.

Printed Name of Authorized Dealership Representative

Signature of Authorized Dealership Representative



How to Edit Itd 3171 Form Online for Free

This PDF editor was created to be so simple as possible. Once you follow the following steps, the process of managing the idaho transportation department 3171 document will be effortless.

Step 1: Choose the orange button "Get Form Here" on the following website page.

Step 2: At this point, you're on the document editing page. You can add information, edit present details, highlight particular words or phrases, place crosses or checks, add images, sign the document, erase unrequired fields, etc.

Complete the idaho transportation department 3171 PDF by entering the details required for each individual section.

idaho application vehicle fields to fill out

Write the essential particulars in the Drivers License Number, Drivers License State, Social Security Number, Daytime Phone Number, Residence Address Number and, City, State, Zip, THE UNDERSIGNED hereby applies for, Applicants Signature, X Dealership Name, Dealership email address, Date, Primary Dealer License Number, and Dealership City part.

Entering details in idaho application vehicle part 2

Step 3: Select the "Done" button. You can now upload your PDF document to your gadget. As well as that, you may forward it via electronic mail.

Step 4: To protect yourself from different hassles later on, you should have a minimum of several duplicates of your document.

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