Metrolift Application PDF Details

Completing the METROLift Application form is a critical step for individuals in Houston, TX, seeking access to paratransit services due to disabilities that prevent them from using standard METRO bus services. This comprehensive form, located at 1900 Main P.O. Box 61429 Houston, TX 77208-1429, starts by gathering essential information about the applicant, including their contact details, social security number, and details about their mobility and health condition. It emphasizes the necessity for honest and thorough responses to accurately assess eligibility for METROLift service, with the option for assistance from friends, guardians, or healthcare representatives in filling out the initial portion. A significant part of the application process involves a detailed assessment, pages 5 and 6, to be filled out by a certified health professional. This section is crucial in providing expert insight into the applicant's physical capabilities and limitations. Additionally, the form covers orientations on the applicant's mobility aids, the ability to navigate to bus stops, understand bus signs, and their overall independence in public settings. It reassures applicants of the confidentiality of their personal and medical information while also warning against the provision of false information, which could lead to denial of services. Lastly, it sets expectations on the behavior and cooperation required from approved applicants, emphasizing the importance of updating METROLift on any changes in their condition or personal information that might affect their service eligibility.

Form NameMetrolift Application
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields137
Avg. time to fill out28 min 58 sec
Other namesmetro lift houston application form, metro lift application spanish, metrolift application pdf, metrolift com

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1900 Main

P.O.Box 61429

Houston, TX 77208-1429

Client ID #

Date Entered

Processed by

Application for METROLift Service

Instructions: On pages 1 – 4 of this application, METROLift is asking for information about you and your ability to use METRO bus service. Please take the time to answer ALL questions carefully and completely. We cannot determine your eligibility for METROLift service without this information. A friend, guardian, caregiver, agency service representative or family member may help you complete your portion of the application, pages 1- 4. Accurate information is required about you, your medical impairment, and your functional capacity. Pages 5 - 6 must be completed and certified by a physician/certified health professional who is familiar with your impairment or condition.

If you have questions, please call METROLift Customer Service at 713-225-0119.

Have you ever applied for METROLift?




Name of Applicant







Social Security Number (ONLY last 4 digits)

Nombre de solicitante










Numero del Seguro Social del Solicitante












(Los ultimos 4 numeros)












XXX - XX - ___________



















Address/Street / Dirección/Calle










Zip Code/Codigo Postal






Numero de Apatamento






























Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento



Home Phone Number/En Casa Número de Teléfono



Other Phone/Otro Teléfono



















Apartment Complex Name/Nombre














Gate Code/Codigo de Cochera

de Apartamentos


































Mailing Address/Dirección de Envío













Zip Code/Codigo Postal

If different from home address/Si diferente de domicilio































Applicant Signature (required)


















































































Name of Emergency Contact/Contacto de Emergencia



Emergency Phone/Numero de Emergencia

METRO 0447-16

Page 1


1.Please state your disability(s).

2.What assistive device(s) do you use when traveling? (Please check all that apply.)

Support Cane

Manual wheelchair

Trained service animal


Powered wheelchair

Communications device


Power scooter

“White cane”

Leg brace(s)

Portable oxygen


Other (describe)



3.What is the nearest street intersection to your home? (Example: Polk & Wayside)

4.Can you walk or use your wheelchair or assistive device(s) from your home to that

intersection without assistance?





If “no,” please explain.





5.Can you find your way to a bus stop without getting lost? If "no," please explain.



6. How long can you stand and wait for a bus?



15 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

Less than 5 minutes

7.All buses have a "destination sign" in front, which shows the route name and number.

Can you read a bus destination sign?



Can you ask the driver where the bus is going?



Can you give or write a note to the driver?



Can you understand the driver's answer?



If "no" to any questions, please explain.















Page 2

8. If you were on the bus, could you pay the fare by putting money in the fare box, or by tapping the

METRO Q Card on the Q box?


If “no” please explain



9.If you were on the bus, could you recognize the place where you wanted to get off the bus?

Yes No

If "no," please explain.

10.Please tell us about the times when you can use METRO’s local fixed-route bus service? (Example: if short distance to bus stop; take attendant; need to get somewhere.)

11.Have you ever received " orientation and mobility training "or " travel training?" Yes If " yes," please list any METRO bus routes on which you can travel:


12.Please tell us the reasons you feel you cannot use METRO’s local fixed-route bus service for some or all trips.

13.How do you currently travel (self, family, friends, bus, rail, METROLift, etc.)? Please explain.

14. Do you require someone to travel with you?


If "yes," please explain



15.Can you wait independently alone at your residence and places to which you travel?

Yes No

If "no," please explain.

Page 3


I state that the information I have provided is true and accurate.

I authorize the release of diagnostic and functional information as requested on pages 5 and 6 to METRO for the sole purpose of making a determination regarding my eligibility for paratransit service (METROLift) and understand that personal and medical information will be kept confidential.

I understand that intentionally providing false or misleading information or refusal to undergo an in-person interview assessment is grounds for denial of METROLift services.

If approved, I agree to follow the rules and guidelines established by METROLift and to promptly inform METROLift of any changes in my residence, phone number and, if applicable, my representative's name and phone number; and any significant change in my condition that would affect my level of mobility.

I understand that failure to follow proper procedures or cooperate with METROLift staff, demonstrating illegal or disruptive behavior or, if my condition at any time poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, such situations may result in either suspension and/or termination of service.

Applicant’s Signature:


If someone other than the applicant is preparing this form, please provide the following information about the preparer:

Name: (please print) ________________________________________________

Day Phone: ______________________________ Relationship: ______________

Preparer’s Signature: ______________________ Date: ____________________

Page 4

Dear Physician or Healthcare Professional:

We need your assistance in determining eligibility for services provided by METROLift to persons with disabilities who are unable to use local bus transportation. We are seeking specific information as to what prevents the person from using METRORail and the METRO bus routes that provide transportation throughout the area. METRO buses are equipped with ramps, lifts, and kneeling features to assist boarding as well as automatic announcements of major stops to help riders know where they are along the route. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 49 CFR 37.121, Subpart F states– “..each public entity operating a fixed route system shall provide paratransit or other special service to individuals with disabilities that is comparable to the level of service provided to individuals without disabilities who use the fixed route system.” “By complementary, DOT means service for individuals with disabilities who cannot use the fixed route bus system.” The information requested of you in the following sections will be used to help determine the applicant’s METROLift eligibility. It is important that all questions be answered completely and accurately to the best of your knowledge and in accordance with your records. If the information is incomplete or unclear, we may need to contact you for clarification. Thank you for your cooperation.

1.Have you previously seen this patient?



2.Please rate (Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / None / Don’t Know) the applicant in terms of:

a. Upper body strength

b. Lower body strength



e.Self awareness

f.Independent judgment

g.Sense of direction

h.Ability to understand and follow instructions

i.Verbal communication

j.Written communication

k.Stamina and endurance

Excellent Good Fair Poor None Don’t Know

3.In your opinion, can the applicant travel independently from his/her house to the sidewalk?




If "no" or "sometimes," please explain.

4. Can the applicant walk up and down two steps?




5.Assuming the use of a mobility aid, if applicable, and with no major barriers in his/her path, how far can the applicant independently travel without assistance?

less than 1/4 mile

1/4 mile

1/2 mile

3/4 mile

more than 3/4 mile

Page 5

6.Does the applicant’s disability require him/her to travel with another person who provides personal





7.Please provide medical diagnoses in layman’s terms to describe the applicant’s primary impairments or disabling conditions.

8.We are seeking specific information as to what prevents your patient from accessing the local bus and rail system.


Is the condition

Permanent or

Temporary (months)



If visually impaired, what is the applicant's best corrected acuity?


(Snellen)? (R)












Field Restriction: (R)







Date of Testing:




If cognitively impaired, what is the applicant’s cognitive age, and IQ level?


Is the applicant a wheelchair user?



Does the applicant use other mobility aids?


No Yes

If yes, how often

No If yes, please describe.


I certify that the information I have provided herein is a fair representation of this applicant’s medical impairment or condition and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information provided herein will be used for the sole purpose of determining the applicant’s eligibility for paratransit services. I also agree that METROLift may contact me for clarification of any information I have provided and that I will reply in good faith.

Physician’s/Health Professional’s Full Name

Institution/Facility/Agency Name

Street Address









Suite #













Zip Code




Medical/Social Worker’s License Number



Telephone #




Fax #




Physician’s/Health Professional’s Signature











***Note: Additional signature of physician/healthcare professional on his/her

letterhead or prescription verifying completion of application is required.

Page 6

How to Edit Metrolift Application Online for Free

Our PDF editor that you can take advantage of was designed by our finest software engineers. It is easy to get the metro lift eligibility file fast and efficiently using this software. Just keep up with the following guideline to start out.

Step 1: Press the orange "Get Form Now" button on the following page.

Step 2: At this point, you are able to modify the metro lift eligibility. This multifunctional toolbar makes it easy to include, delete, customize, highlight, and undertake other commands to the words and phrases and areas within the form.

To fill out the template, enter the information the program will require you to for each of the appropriate segments:

portion of empty spaces in el metro lift application

You should type in the details inside the area Have you ever applied for, TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT, Name of Applicant Nombre de, LastApellido FirstNombre, AddressStreet DirecciónCalle, Apartment Numero de Apatamento, CityCiudad, Social Security Number ONLY last, XXX XX Zip CodeCodigo Postal, Date of BirthFecha de Nacimiento, Home Phone NumberEn Casa Número de, Other PhoneOtro Teléfono, Apartment Complex NameNombre de, Gate CodeCodigo de Cochera, and Mailing AddressDirección de Envío.

el metro lift application Have you ever applied for, TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT, Name of Applicant Nombre de, LastApellido FirstNombre, AddressStreet  DirecciónCalle, Apartment Numero de Apatamento, CityCiudad, Social Security Number ONLY last, XXX  XX   Zip CodeCodigo Postal, Date of BirthFecha de Nacimiento, Home Phone NumberEn Casa Número de, Other PhoneOtro Teléfono, Apartment Complex NameNombre de, Gate CodeCodigo de Cochera, and Mailing AddressDirección de Envío fields to insert

Jot down the demanded data when you're on the Mailing AddressDirección de Envío, Applicant Signature required Firma, DateFecha, Name of Emergency ContactContacto, METRO, and Page box.

part 3 to finishing el metro lift application

The Please state your disabilitys, What assistive devices do you use, Support Cane, Manual wheelchair, Trained service animal, Crutches, Walker, Powered wheelchair, Communications device, Power scooter, White cane, Leg braces, Portable oxygen, None, and Other describe area is the place where each party can place their rights and responsibilities.

Completing el metro lift application stage 4

Finish by checking these fields and filling them out correspondingly: Can you walk or use your, If no please explain, Can you find your way to a bus, If no please explain, How long can you stand and wait, minutes minutes minutes Less, All buses have a destination sign, Can you read a bus destination sign, and Yes No.

el metro lift application Can you walk or use your, If no please explain, Can you find your way to a bus, If no please explain, How long can you stand and wait, minutes  minutes  minutes Less, All buses have a destination sign, Can you read a bus destination sign, and Yes No blanks to fill out

Step 3: If you're done, hit the "Done" button to upload the PDF file.

Step 4: Make a duplicate of every single file. It should save you time and make it easier to stay clear of worries in the future. By the way, your information isn't shared or analyzed by us.

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