Mexico Commercial Invoice Form PDF Details

The Mexico Commercial Invoice form is a critical document for businesses and individuals looking to export goods into Mexico. This form, known as "Factura Comercial Para México" in Spanish, serves as a comprehensive record detailing the transaction between the exporter/vendor and the ultimate consignee. It encompasses essential information starting with the exporter/vendor details, invoice number, and the place and date of issuance. The form meticulously captures the origin of the goods; crucial for shipments including items from various origins. It outlines the target destination by specifying both the ultimate and intermediate consignees, alongside any pertinent references or delivery instructions. The logistical aspects are well-addressed too, with sections dedicated to the forwarding agent, terms of sale, carrier details, and the export and unloading ports. Furthermore, it breaks down the financial elements by listing the terms of payment, whether the goods are containerized, Schedule B numbers, tariff classification, quantity, gross weight, country of origin, unit price, and the total value in U.S. dollars. The precise number and type of packages, along with a detailed description of the commodities in Spanish, are crucial for customs compliance. Additional details like advanced ruling and date, commercial value, transportation, insurance, packing costs, and packaging identification marks are encapsulated. The form culminates with a declaration by the preparer, affirming the accuracy and truthfulness of the invoice contents under oath, alongside the preparer's signature. Issued by Buckland Global Trade Services Inc., this document underscores the importance of transparency and accuracy in international trade transactions, particularly for exports to Mexico.

Form NameMexico Commercial Invoice Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields56
Avg. time to fill out11 min 31 sec
Other namesmero factura commercial search, customs invoice template for mexico, export papers to mexico form, mexico invoice form

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Factura Comercial Para México

Exportador/Vendedor (Exporter/Vendor)









Número de Factura (Invoice No.)



Lugar y Fecha de Emisión de la Factura















(Place and date of Issuance of Invoice)




























Páis de Origen de la Mercancia (Origin)


If shipment includes goods of different

































origins enter origins in description field.




















Destinario Final (Ultimate Consignee)









Fabricante (Producer)























Destinario Intermedio (Intermediate Consignee)








Otras Referencias e Instrucciones para Consignación (Other References)




















Agente de Transporte de Carga (Forwarding Agent)











































Términos de Venta (Terms of Sale)

























Transportista (Carrier)

Puerto de Exportación (Port of Export)


Términos de Pago (Terms of Payment)
























Puerto de Descarga (Unloading Port)




































Si (Yes)
































Número de Schedule B Fracción Arancelaria





Peso Bruto

Páis de Origen




Precio por Unidad

Valor Total en Dólares

(Schedule B Number)




Schedule B




(Gross Weight)

(Country of Origin)




(price each)

de los E.U.A. (Total





(Schedule B Quantity)









Value in U.S. Dollars)















Número y Clase de Bultos: Descripción Detallada de la Mercanciá (incluyendo clase, tipo, número de serie, marcas, candidáes parciales/a granel;



(Number and kind of packages; detailed commercial description of commodities)

NOTA: La Descripción Deberá Ser en Esapanõl


















































































































Dictamen Anticipado y Fecha (Advanced Ruling, and Date)





Valor Comercial, LAB (Commercial Value, FOB)

























Costos de Transporte, Seguro, Empaque, y Otros












(Transportation, Insurance, packing, other costs)





















Identificaión de Empaque (Package Marks)













































Valor Total (Invoice Total)
























"Declaro bajo protesta de decrir la verdad, que el valor y las declaraciones












contendidas en esta factura son verdaderas y correctas." ("I declare under oath












that the value and specifications contained in this invoice are true and correct.")
















Firma del Declarante (Signature of Preparer)
































Buckland Global Trade Services Inc.

4402 Trade Center Blvd.

Laredo, Texas 78045

Telephone: (956) 753-5488 • Facsimile: (956) 753-2998