The Momentum Myriad Application form encapsulates a comprehensive process designed to tailor a life insurance policy to fit the specific needs of its applicants. This detailed document covers various crucial aspects, starting from basic policy information, questioning whether it aligns with group solutions or stands alone, to the intricate details about the insured lives under the policy. It inquires about the total number of beneficiaries, stand-alone benefits, and if the application constitutes part of multiple policies, thus demonstrating the form's thorough reach in understanding the client's requirements and circumstances. Furthermore, it delves into policy start dates, offering options for automatic or fixed commencements, emphasizing the importance of timing in policy activation. The form also addresses the vital role financial advisers play, including their commission splits and the requisite confirmation of their understanding and acceptance of marketing life insurance under regulatory standards. This aspect underscores the collaboration between clients, advisers, and Momentum in crafting the insurance coverage. The application probes into more personal territories, such as the insured lives' details, highlighting the necessity of accurately capturing client data for tailored insurance solutions. It assesses the potential policyholder's financial stability, health history, and occupation, factors that significantly influence policy terms and conditions. Furthermore, the form inquires about any existing insurance policies or applications, ensuring transparency and avoiding overlaps or unnecessary replacements that might not serve the client's best interests. Remarkably, it incorporates sections for declaring any hazardous avocations and detailed medical history, pinpointing risks that could affect policy terms or necessitate special underwriting considerations. Lastly, with options to connect with Momentum Interactive and queries about lifestyle and health for possible discounts, the application exemplifies a holistic approach towards customizing life insurance, thereby offering a glimpse into the meticulous and client-centric nature of the Momentum Myriad Application process.
Question | Answer |
Form Name | Momentum Myriad Application Form |
Form Length | 26 pages |
Fillable? | Yes |
Fillable fields | 1373 |
Avg. time to fill out | 35 min 8 sec |
Other names | ADW, DFIX, RMB, RSA |
Application for Myriad
Policy number
Policy details
Is this application for one of a group of policies? |
Yes |
No |
Is this policy linked to a Myriad group solution policy? |
Yes |
No |
How many clients (insured lives and applicants) are there under this policy?
How many
How many beneiciaries does this policy have?
Multiply application included? |
Yes |
No |
Group number
Please number this application
Is this a conforming policy?
Starting date of policy
Automatic starting date
Fixed starting date*
The starting date will be the irst day of the month following the acceptance of the beneits.
0 1 – M M – 2 0 Y Y
* The starting date will be the date that the applicant has indicated, unless:
1.Momentum accepts the beneits after the date that the applicant has indicated and provided that none of the insured lives has had a birthday between the indicated date and the date of acceptance. The starting date will then be the irst day of the month following acceptance.
2.Momentum accepts the beneits after the date that the applicant has indicated and one of the insured lives has had a birthday between the indicated date and the date of acceptance. The starting date will then be the irst day of the month of the insured life’s birthday.
Financial adviser details
The commission split below applies to the entire policy contract. * Please complete details of servicing inancial adviser.
Name |
Financial adviser’s code |
Broker house code |
Commission ref no |
Commission split % |
Are you registered to market life insurance under the Association for Savings & Investment South Africa (ASISA) and are you fully conversant with and do you accept the ‘S’ reference system and the consequences thereof?
Fastlane requires the inancial adviser’s consent for the Momentum medical staff to visit the client
I request Momentum to contact my client(s) directly if the company requires additional medical information or tests. If you
do not want Momentum to contact your client, please mark No. (This service may not be available in certain areas and/or Yes for specialised examinations.)
Please complete the consultation address of the client in the space that we provide below the doctor’s information in Section 1.
FICA declaration
I conirm that I have identiied the client, including the policyholder, insured life/lives, premium payer and cessionary, where applicable, and veriied his/her/their details on this contract under the requirements that Section 21 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No 38 of 2001 sets out. I further conirm that, in terms of section 22 of the same Act, I have stored all the veriication documents.
Signature of servicing inancial adviser
Replacement of insurance
Does this application replace the whole or any part of your existing insurance with any insurer (whether replacement is to occur immediately or to replace an insurance discontinued within the last four months or within the next four months)?
If Yes, the inancial adviser must discuss and complete the Replacement Policy Advice Record (MYRIAD013).
Important note: The replacement of any insurance has various potentially detrimental consequences which your inancial adviser should disclose to you.
Momentum will not automatically cancel a Momentum policy(ies) on acceptance, unless the client submits a conditional termination form with this application form.
Declaration by the inancial adviser
I hereby declare that I have requested and recorded the client’s response to the above question with regard to replacement and that the client is fully aware of the possible detrimental consequences of the replacement of an insurance policy.
I further declare that, irrespective of the client’s response to the question with regard to replacement, that I have explained the following to the client:
1.The meaning of replacement,
2.That a replacement is potentially prejudicial, and
3.That where a replacement is considered, the client is legally entitled to comprehensive information regarding the consequences of replacement.
Signature of inancial adviser
Marketing adviser details
Branch name
Marketing adviser’s code
Telephone - work
Section 1: Insured life details
Client number 0 1
Tick the appropriate role(s) that this client will play on this policy:
Policyholder (contracting party) |
% Ownership |
Insured life
Previous surname(s)
Date of birth
Permanent identity/passport number Postal address
Initials |
First name |
Male |
Female |
Correspondence language |
English |
Afrikaans |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Nationality |
Permanent RSA ID |
Yes |
No |
Postal code |
Residential address |
Postal code |
Telephone - work |
Fax - work |
Telephone - home |
Fax - home |
Cellphone number |
Which method of communication do you prefer? |
Post |
Note: Certain Momentum documents are not yet available electronically and the posting of those will continue for the time being. |
Are you currently insolvent? |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, date of insolvency |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Marital status |
Single |
Married |
Separated |
Divorced |
Widowed |
Interest of applicant in the insured |
Business overheads cover |
Contingent liability |
life (need for insurance or insurable |
interest): |
Debtor’s cover |
Income replacement |
Keyperson |
Loan account protection |
Personal/Estate duty |
Security for loan/bond |
Section 1: Insured life details (continued)
Highest educational qualiication |
No matric |
Matric |
Highest educational qualiication of |
No matric |
Matric |
spouse |
Name of educational institution |
Monthly income |
Insured life |
R |
Spouse |
R |
Yes |
No |
Occupation |
Have you been continuously employed in a permanent and |
Yes |
No |
Percentage of working hours spent on travel |
% |
Percentage of working hours spent on administration |
% |
Percentage of working hours spent on supervision |
% |
Percentage of working hours spent on manual labour |
% |
Description of main duties |
Years with current employer |
Industry |
Do you intend to change your career or to become involved in any other occupation? |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, please provide details |
Will your occupation require you to travel or reside outside the borders of the RSA? |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, to which country, for how long and how often? |
Existing insurance history
Please ill in the table below, giving the total for which your life is currently insured, as well as simultaneous applications with Momentum or any other life insurers.
Existing insurance |
Death beneit |
Dread disease/ |
Lump sum disability |
Monthly disability |
Unnatural death/ |
critical illness |
income |
accident beneit |
Business |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Personal |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Simultaneous |
Death beneit |
Dread disease/ |
Lump sum disability |
Monthly disability |
Unnatural death/ |
applications |
critical illness |
income |
accident beneit |
Business |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Personal |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Replacement |
Death beneit |
Dread disease/ |
Lump sum disability |
Monthly disability |
Unnatural death/ |
insurance |
critical illness |
income |
accident beneit |
Business |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Personal |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Momentum Interactive
Do you want to become a member of Momentum Interactive?
If Yes, please complete the following:
Have you had any vehicle accident insurance claims during the last three years? Distance travelled by road during the last year (driver or passenger)
Are you the regular driver of a vehicle insured with Momentum
Please indicate your current Multiply statusNon-member Platinum
Private club
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes No
Silver Gold
New application*
Section 1: Insured life details (continued)
Momentum Interactive (continued)
Annual itness discount
Have you participated and successfully completed one of the following events during the last 12 months?
Yes |
No |
If Yes, please specify:
Road cycling
Mountain biking
Name of qualifying sport event
Half marathon
50 km and longer
35 km and longer
Sprint distance
Marathon and longer
90 km and longer
65 km and longer
Olympic distance and longer
> 1.5 km
Section 2: Underwriting of the insured life
Do you, have you or do you intend to participate in any pursuit or avocation that might be considered hazardous (e.g. aviation, diving, racing, parachuting, mountaineering, mining)?
If Yes, please provide full details
Insurance history
Has an insurer ever declined, postponed or withdrawn any of your beneit(s) applied for, or accepted it at an increased premium, or reduced the beneit(s) applied for, or issued a beneit subject to an exclusion clause, or have you ever been medically boarded, or have you ever submitted claims for disability or
If Yes, please provide full details
Medical history
If you answer Yes to any question, please provide full details in the space provided.
1.Heart or blood circulation
Do you have, or have you previously had any heart or blood circulation complaints (e.g. high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, palpitations, heart attack, heart murmur, rheumatic fever, stroke, brain disorders or any cardiac
Yes |
No |
procedures)? |
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
2. Respiratory and/or lung complaints
Last symptoms
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Do you have, or have you previously had any respiratory and/or lung complaints (e.g. asthma, bronchitis,
tuberculosis, persistent coughing or any breathing problems)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
3.Disorders of the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas or liver
Do you have, or have you previously had any disorders of the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas or liver (e.g. hiatus hernia, gall stones, hepatitis A/B/C, jaundice, gastric ulcers or recurrent indigestion problems)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
4.Disorders of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs
Do you have, or have you previously had any disorders of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs (e.g. kidney stones, bladder infection, blood in urine, protein in urine or prostate problems)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Section 2: Underwriting of the insured life (continued)
Medical history (continued)
5.Nervous or mental disorders
Do you have, or have you previously had any nervous or mental disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, consultation(s) with psychiatrist/psychologist, stress, epilepsy, migraine or blackouts)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
6.Disorders of the eye, ear, nose or throat
Do you have, or have you previously had any disorders of the eye (excluding conditions corrected by glasses, contact lenses or keratotomy), ear, nose or throat (e.g. defective vision, hearing loss, hoarseness)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
7.Problems with your spine, joints, bones, muscles, limbs or skin
Do you have, or have you previously had any problems with your spine, joints, bones, muscles, limbs or skin (e.g. back problems, neck problems, fractures/broken bones, gout, any arthritis, psoriasis, dermatitis)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
8.Diabetes, raised blood sugar, other endocrine, glandular, blood or hormonal disorders
Do you have, or have you previously had any form of diabetes, raised blood sugar, other endocrine, glandular, blood or hormonal disorders (e.g. thyroid or other glands problems, anaemia or bleeding disorders)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
9.Any form of cancer, growth or tumour
Do you have, or have you previously had any form of cancer, growth or tumour (including ibroadenomas, moles removed - both either malignant or benign)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
10.Drugs, tranquillisers or any other medicines
Are you taking, or have you ever taken any drugs, tranquillisers or any other medicines in any form for any other reason than colds and lu (e.g. antidepressants, tranquillisers, any homeopathic medicines, cannabis or cocaine)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
11.Have you sought any medical advice during the last ive years for any condition or symptoms, or have you been a patient in a hospital or nursing home, or undergone any medical examination (including but not limited to ECG, scans,
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Section 2: Underwriting of the insured life (continued)
Medical history (continued)
12.Have you ever been tested for, or received any medical advice, counselling or treatment in connection with AIDS, or any infection by one of the
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
13.Are you aware of any other illness, disorder, disability or accident, including motor vehicle accidents or other factors (past or present) which may inluence the risk applied for on this policy?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
14.Do you have any intention of having medical investigations, procedures or
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered?
Yes No
Yes No
Habits, measurements and family history
1.1Have you smoked or used any other form of tobacco in the past six months? If Yes, quantity per day?
1.2Do you consume any form of alcohol?
If Yes, how many units per week (1 unit = 1 bottle of beer or 1 glass of wine or 1 tot of spirits/liquor)?
1.3Have you ever received medical advice or participated in a rehabilitation programme to reduce alcohol and/or tobacco consumption?
If Yes, please provide full details
2. Measurements
2.2 Height |
, |
m |
Weight |
2.2Has your weight changed by more than 5 kg during the last year?
If Yes, please indicate how much it has changed by |
(kg), and why? |
3. Family history
Has any family member suffered from any major illness or hereditary disorders (e.g. heart disease, raised cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, depression, porphyria, polycystic kidneys) under the age of 60?
If Yes, please provide full details
Age diagnosed
I declare that all the information that I have supplied about my health, hobbies and occupation is correct and complete.
Signature of insured life
Section 2: Underwriting of the insured life (continued)
Medical doctor of the insured life
Please indicate the name of the doctor to whom we may send the reasons for health loadings or results of an HIV test. Conidential correspondence: Conidential doctor (may not be a hospital)
Surname |
Initials |
Telephone - work
Postal address
Postal code
Current/most recent doctor (if other than the above)
Telephone - work
When did he/she become your regular doctor?
D D – M M – Y Y Y Y
Consultation address
Postal code
Section 3: Additional beneit information
A. Income Protector and Temporary Income Protector
Income used in determining the beneit amount is deined as one of the following:
Gross Taxable Income
Taxable income payable or beneits receivable on account of the insured life’s employment, or any services rendered by the insured life.
Cost to Company Income
This equals Gross Taxable Income plus the value of the use of a motor vehicle, as well as the employer’s contributions to a medical scheme and a pension fund and the cost of any other beneits paid for by the insured’s employer and drawings in the form of dividends.
Gross Professional Income (professionals only)
For professionals that charge a fee for services, this equals the sum of the professional fee and the net income from trading activities, after deducting business overheads expenses.
1.Details of income
1.1What was your average monthly income from your occupation for the last 12 months?
1.2What amount of this income is based on commission?
1.3Income from other sources (other occupations, investments, rentals, etc.) will not be taken into account when determining a beneit amount. Do you receive such income?
If Yes, please provide details:
1.4 What will your projected monthly income for the next 12 months be?
2.Does your group beneit include an income disability beneit?
If Yes, please specify the amount:
Yes |
No |
R |
Yes |
No |
Section 3: Additional beneit information (continued)
B. Business Overheads Protector
1.Number of employees
2.Number of employees with your professional or trade qualiications
3.Details of your interest in the business:
3.1Total monthly overhead expenses
3.2Your percentage (%) share of overhead expenses
3.3Percentage (%) of business turnover from sale of goods
3.4Number of associates
3.5Your percentage (%) share of the business
Yes |
No |
C. Business Protector (Only for professionals)
The beneit amount is based on the sum of the professional fees, plus net income from trading activities.
1.What was your average monthly fee income and net income from trading activities in the last 12 months?
2.What is your expected average monthly fee income and net income from trading activities for the next 12 months?
D. Funeral Beneit
Please complete if you are the underwritten insured life on a Funeral Beneit and have children insured lives or extended family insured lives covered under the beneit.
Child insured life(lives)
Name and surname
Identity number
Extended family insured life(lives) (The spouse is not considered an extended family member)
Name and surname |
Gender |
Relationship |
Identity number |
1. Has any of the children insured lives or extended family insured lives, to your knowledge, ever been hospitalised, |
Yes |
No |
received treatment for any chronic condition or seen a specialist in the last year? |
If Yes, please provide details (including name of insured life and medical condition or impairment): |
Section 3: Additional beneit information (continued)
E. Education Protector
Details of biological/legally adopted child(ren) linked to an Education Protector.
Name and surname |
Gender |
Date of birth |
Identity number |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Section 4: Additional insured life/applicant details
Tick the appropriate role(s) that this client will play on this policy: |
Client number |
0 |
2 |
Policyholder (contracting party) |
% Ownership |
Insured life
A. Fill in if this client is an applicant or additional insured life
Surname/name of legal entity Previous surname(s)
Contact person in case of legal entity Gender
Date of birth
Permanent identity/passport number Postal address
Residential address
Initials |
First name |
Male |
Female |
Correspondence language |
English |
Afrikaans |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Nationality |
Permanent RSA ID |
Yes |
No |
Postal code
Postal code
Telephone - work |
Fax - work |
Telephone - home |
Cellphone number |
Which method of communication do you prefer? |
Post |
Note: Certain Momentum documents are not yet available electronically and the posting of those will continue for the time being. |
Are you currently insolvent? |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, date of insolvency |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
If a legal entity, has the legal entity been liquidated, placed under administration or are there any processes pending against |
Yes |
No |
the legal entity for liquidation or administration? |
Tax status |
Company/Close corporation (M) |
Sole proprietor/Partner (S) |
Natural person (N) |
Tax status of trust beneiciaries if the applicant is a trust |
Company (C) |
Natural person (P)
Section 4: Additional insured life/applicant details (continued)
B. Fill in if this client is an insured life
Marital status
Interest of applicant in the insured life (need for insurance or insurable interest):
Highest educational qualiication
Highest educational qualiication of spouse
Single |
Married |
Separated |
Divorced |
Widowed |
Business overheads cover |
Contingent liability |
Debtor’s cover |
Income replacement |
Keyperson |
Loan account protection |
Personal/Estate duty |
Security for loan/bond |
No matric |
Matric |
No matric |
Matric |
Name of educational institution |
Monthly income |
Insured life |
R |
Spouse |
R |
Yes |
No |
Occupation |
Have you been continuously employed in a permanent and |
Yes |
No |
Percentage of working hours spent on travel |
% |
Percentage of working hours spent on administration |
% |
Percentage of working hours spent on supervision |
% |
Percentage of working hours spent on manual labour |
% |
Description of main duties |
Years with current employer |
Industry |
Do you intend to change your career or to become involved in any other occupation? |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, please provide details |
Will your occupation require you to travel or reside outside the borders of the RSA? |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, to which country, for how long and how often? |
Existing insurance history
Please ill in the table below, giving the total for which your life is currently insured, as well as simultaneous applications with Momentum or any other life insurers.
Existing insurance |
Death beneit |
Dread disease/ |
Lump sum disability |
Monthly disability |
Unnatural death/ |
critical illness |
income |
accident beneit |
Business |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Personal |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Simultaneous |
Death beneit |
Dread disease/ |
Lump sum disability |
Monthly disability |
Unnatural death/ |
applications |
critical illness |
income |
accident beneit |
Business |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Personal |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Replacement |
Death beneit |
Dread disease/ |
Lump sum disability |
Monthly disability |
Unnatural death/ |
insurance |
critical illness |
income |
accident beneit |
Business |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Personal |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Section 4: Additional insured life/applicant details (continued)
Momentum Interactive
Do you want to become a member of Momentum Interactive?
If Yes, please complete the following:
Have you had any vehicle accident insurance claims during the last three years?
Distance travelled by road during the last year (driver or passenger)
Are you the regular driver of a vehicle insured with Momentum Short Term Insurance?
Please indicate your current Multiply status |
* For calculation purposes only, we regard the Multiply status as Bronze. |
Platinum |
Annual itness discount
Private club
Yes |
No |
km |
Yes |
No |
Silver |
Gold |
New application*
Have you participated and successfully completed one of the following events during the last 12 months?
Yes |
No |
If yes, please specify:
Road cycling
Mountain biking
Name of qualifying sport event
Half marathon
50 km and longer
35 km and longer
Sprint distance
Marathon and longer
90 km and longer
65 km and longer
Olympic distance and longer
> 1.5 km
Section 5: Underwriting of the additional insured life
Do you, have you or do you intend to participate in any pursuit or avocation that might be considered hazardous (e.g. aviation, diving, racing, parachuting, mountaineering, mining)?
If Yes, please provide full details
Insurance history
Has any insurer ever declined, postponed, withdrawn or accepted any of your beneits applied for at an increased premium, or reduced any of the beneits applied for, or issued a beneit subject to an exclusion clause, or have you ever been medically boarded or have you ever submitted claims for disability or
If Yes, please provide full details
Medical history
If you answer Yes to any question, please provide full detail in the space provided.
1.Heart or blood circulation
Do you have, or have you previously had any heart or blood circulation complaints (e.g. high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, palpitations, heart attack, heart murmur, rheumatic fever, stroke, brain disorders or any cardiac
Yes |
No |
procedures) |
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
2. Respiratory and/or lung complaints
Last symptoms
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Do you have, or have you previously had any respiratory and/or lung complaints (e.g. asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis,
persistent coughing or any breathing problems)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Section 5: Underwriting of the additional insured life (continued)
Medical history (continued)
3.Disorders of the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas or liver
Do you have, or have you previously had any disorders of the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas or liver (e.g. hiatus hernia, gall stones, hepatitis A/B/C, jaundice, gastric ulcers or recurrent indigestion problems)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
4.Disorders of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs
Do you have, or have you previously had any disorders of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs (e.g. kidney stones, bladder infection, blood in urine, protein in urine or prostate problems)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
5.Nervous or mental disorders
Do you have, or have you previously had any nervous or mental disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, consultation(s) with psychiatrist/psychologist, stress, epilepsy, migraine or blackouts)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
6.Disorders of the eye, ear, nose or throat
Do you have, or have you previously had any disorders of the eye (excluding conditions corrected by glasses, contact lenses or keratotomy), ear, nose or throat (e.g. defective vision, hearing loss, hoarseness)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
7.Problems with your spine, joints, bones, muscles, limbs or skin
Do you have, or have you previously had any problems with your spine, joints, bones, muscles, limbs or skin (e.g. back problems, neck problems, fractures/broken bones, gout, any arthritis, psoriasis, dermatitis)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
8.Diabetes, raised blood sugar, other endocrine, glandular, blood or hormonal disorders
Do you have, or have you previously had any form of diabetes, raised blood sugar, other endocrine, glandular, blood or hormonal disorders (e.g. thyroid or other glands problems, anaemia or bleeding disorders)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
9.Any form of cancer, growth or tumour
Do you have, or have you previously had any form of cancer, growth or tumour (including ibroadenomas, moles removed
- both either malignant or benign)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Section 5: Underwriting of the additional insured life (continued)
Medical history (continued)
10.Drugs, tranquillisers or any other medicines
Are you taking, or have you ever taken any drugs, tranquillisers or any other medicines in any form for any other reason than colds and lu (e.g. antidepressants, tranquillisers, any homeopathic medicines, cannabis or cocaine)?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
11.Have you sought any medical advice during the last ive years for any condition or symptoms, or have you been a patient in a hospital or nursing home, or undergone any medical examination (including but not limited to ECG, scans,
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
12.Have you ever been tested for, or received any medical advice, counselling or treatment in connection with AIDS, or any infection by one of the
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
13.Are you aware of any other illness, disorder, disability or accident, including motor vehicle accidents or other factors (past or present) which may inluence the risk applied for on this policy?
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
14.Do you have any intention of having medical investigations, procedures or
Condition/impairment |
Doctor’s name |
Currently on treatment? |
Last symptoms |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Y |
Y |
M |
M |
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes |
No |
Fully recovered?
Yes No
Yes No
Habits, measurements and family history
1. Habits
1.1Have you smoked or used any other form of tobacco in the past six months? If Yes, quantity per day?
1.2Do you consume any form of alcohol?
If Yes, units per week (1 unit = 1 bottle of beer or 1 glass of wine or 1 tot of spirits/liquor)?
1.3Have you ever received medical advice or participated in a rehabilitation programme to reduce alcohol and/or tobacco consumption?
If Yes, please provide details
2. Measurements |
2.2 Height |
, |
m |
Weight |
2.2Has your weight changed by more than 5 kg during the last year?
If Yes, please indicate how much it has changed by |
(kg), and why? |
Section 5: Underwriting of the additional insured life (continued)
Habits, measurements and family history
3.Family history
Has any family member suffered from any major illness or hereditary disorders (e.g. heart disease, raised cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, depression, porphyria, polycystic kidneys) under the age of 60?
If Yes, please provide full details
Age diagnosed
I declare that all the information that I have supplied about my health, hobbies and occupation is correct and complete.
Signature of insured life
Medical doctor of the insured life
Please indicate the name of the doctor to whom we may send the reasons for health loadings or results of an HIV test. Conidential correspondence: Conidential doctor (may not be a hospital)
Surname |
Initials |
Telephone - work
Postal address
Postal code
Current/Most recent doctor (if other than the above)
Telephone - work
When did he/she become your regular doctor?
D D – M M – Y Y Y Y
Consultation address
Postal code
Section 6: Additional beneit information
A. Income Protector and Temporary Income Protector
Income used in determining the beneit amount is deined as one of the following:
Gross Taxable Income
Taxable income payable or beneits receivable on account of the insured life’s employment, or any services rendered by the insured life.
Cost to Company Income
This equals Gross Taxable Income plus the value of the use of a motor vehicle, as well as the employer’s contributions to a medical scheme and a pension fund and the cost of any other beneits paid for by the insured’s employer and drawings in the form of dividends.
Gross Professional Income (professionals only)
For professionals that charge a fee for services, this equals the sum of the professional fee and the net income from trading activities, after deducting business overheads expenses.
1.Details of income
1.1What was your average monthly income from your occupation for the last 12 months?
1.2What amount of this income is based on commission?
1.3Income from other sources (other occupations, investments, rentals, etc.) will not be taken into account when determining a beneit amount. Do you receive such income?
Section 6: Additional beneit information (continued)
A. Income Protector and Temporary Income Protector (continued)
If Yes, please provide details:
1.4 What will your projected monthly income for the next 12 months be?
2.Does your group beneit include an income disability beneit?
If Yes, please specify the amount:
Yes |
No |
R |
Yes |
No |
B. Business Overheads Protector
1.Number of employees
2.Number of employees with your professional or trade qualiications
3.Details of your interest in the business:
3.1Total monthly overhead expenses
3.2Your percentage (%) share of overhead expenses
3.3Percentage (%) of business turnover from sale of goods
3.4Number of associates
3.5Your percentage (%) share of the business
Yes |
No |
C. Business Protector (Only for professionals)
The beneit amount is based on the sum of the professional fees, plus net income from trading activities.
1.What was your average monthly fee income and net income from trading activities in the last 12 months?
2.What is your expected average monthly fee income and net income from trading activities for the next 12 months?
D. Funeral Beneit
Please ill in if you are the underwritten insured life on a Funeral Beneit and have children insured lives or extended family insured lives covered under the beneit.
Child insured life(lives)
Name and surname
Identity number
Extended family insured life(lives) (The spouse is not considered an extended family member)
Name and surname
Identity number
Section 6: Additional beneit information (continued)
D. Funeral Beneit (continued)
1.Has any of the children insured lives or extended family insured lives, to your knowledge, ever been hospitalised, received treatment for any chronic condition or seen a specialist in the last year?
If Yes, please provide details including name of insured life and condition or impairment:
E. Education Protector
Details of biological/legally adopted child(ren) linked to an Education Protector.
Name and surname |
Gender |
Date of birth |
Identity number |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Section 7: Details of premium payer
If you have already illed in the personal details of the premium payer, please indicate the client number: |
Client number |
If you have not completed the personal details of the premium payer on the client page, please complete this part: |
Surname/name of legal entity Contact person in case of legal entity Type of entity
Date of birth
Permanent identity/passport number Registration number*
Postal address
Initials |
First name |
Company/close corporation |
Natural |
Partnership |
Male |
Female |
Correspondence language |
English |
Afrikaans |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Nationality |
Permanent RSA ID |
Yes |
No |
Postal code
Residential address
Postal code |
Telephone - work |
Fax - work |
Telephone - home |
Fax - home |
Cellphone number |
Which method of communication do you prefer? |
Post |
Note: Certain Momentum documents are not yet available electronically and the posting of those will continue for the time being.
* Registration number is compulsory for companies and close corporations.
Section 8: Premium details
Preferred day of the month that Momentum should collect the premium
Myriad premium amount |
R |
- |
Name of account holder
Name of inancial institution
Account number
Payment frequency
Account type
Branch code
Branch name
Should Momentum group all collections from this account number and deduct them from your account as one amount?
I, the undersigned, authorise Momentum to debit my account with the premiums due for the insurance. I undertake to inform Momentum of any change in my bank details and I authorise Momentum to verify such bank details with my bank. I accept that Momentum may debit my account on a date other than that speciied.
Signature of account holder
Section 9: Beneiciaries for proceeds (only applies to mortality beneits, Savings Beneit and Retirement Provider proceeds)
Title |
Initials |
First name and surname/name of legal entity |
Relationship |
Gender |
Identity number/Registration number |
to applicant |
M/F |
If there are more than four beneiciaries for proceeds on this contract, please use the Beneiciary for Myriad form (MYRIAD010) and attach it to this application form.
Section 10: Beneiciary for ownership of the policy
If you have already illed in the personal details of the beneiciary for ownership, please indicate the client number: Client number
If you have not completed the personal details of the beneiciary for ownership on the client page, please complete this part:
Title |
Initials |
First name and surname/name of legal entity |
Relationship |
Gender |
Identity number/Registration number |
to applicant |
M/F |
Signature(s) of witnesses
Signature of witness
Date D D – M M – 2 0 Y Y
Signature of witness
Section 11: Risk beneit details 18
Initials and surname of the insured life Initials and surname of second insured life* Initials and surname of child
Client number Client number Child number
Are you exercising an option to purchase this beneit? Yes If Yes, please attach the relevant form
(Exercising options with limited evidence of health – MOMUW100)
Death Beneit
Modiied Death Beneit
Unnatural Death Beneit
Last Survivor Death Beneit*
Education Protector – Death and Disability* Education Protector – Death and Impairment* Education Protector – Death*
Comprehensive Disability Beneit
Own Occupation Disability Beneit
Comprehensive ADW Disability Beneit
ADW Disability Beneit
Functional Impairment Beneit
Physical Impairment Beneit
Income Protector
Temporary Income Protector
Business Overheads Protector
Business Protector
Functional Protector
Comprehensive Living Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illness Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Beneit
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Accidental HIV Beneit
Future Cover – Death
Future Cover – Death and Disability
* Details for a second insured life are required for these beneits.
Beneit amount |
R |
Premium pattern: |
Tapering age: |
Waiting period: |
Beneit term: |
Level |
None |
From age 55 |
Income Protection Beneits |
Whole life |
To retirement age |
Compulsory |
From age 60 |
From age 65 |
7 days |
6 months |
To age 70 |
Fixed term |
Stepped |
10 years |
15 years |
1 month |
12 months |
Premium guarantee options: |
Additional feature: |
24 months |
To age 65 |
3 months |
Standard |
Premium payback option |
Payment term: (Temporary Income Protector) |
Extended |
6 months |
12 months |
Percentage of regulated commission required |
% |
24 months |
Increase options |
Beneiciaries |
Beneit share |
Premium increases: |
Voluntary beneit amount increases: |
Beneiciary number |
% |
Beneiciary number |
Compulsory increase |
% |
Fixed (DFIX) |
, |
% |
% |
Beneiciary number |
Voluntary increase |
, |
% |
CPI increase rate (DVPI) |
% |
Beneiciary number |
CPI increase rate (PVP) |
Rand Depreciation Index (DRDE) |
% |
Details of ancillary beneits
Disability/Impairment (Choose only one of the following beneits):
Tapering age: |
None |
From age 55 |
From age 60 |
From age 65 |
Physical Impairment Beneit |
Beneit term: Whole life |
To age 70 |
To age 65 |
Beneit amount |
Critical Illness (Choose only one of the following beneits):
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illnes Beneit
Beneit term: |
Whole life |
To age 65 |
Beneit amount |
R |
Living Beneits (Choose only one of the following beneits):
Comprehensive Living Beneit
Homeloan Protector
Beneit term: |
Whole life |
To age 65 |
Beneit amount |
R |
Premium Waivers: |
Client number |
Level |
Increasing |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Client number |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Section 11: Risk beneit details
Initials and surname of the insured life Initials and surname of second insured life* Initials and surname of child
Client number Client number Child number
Are you exercising an option to purchase this beneit? Yes If Yes, please attach the relevant form
(Exercising options with limited evidence of health – MOMUW100)
Death Beneit
Modiied Death Beneit
Unnatural Death Beneit
Last Survivor Death Beneit*
Education Protector – Death and Disability* Education Protector – Death and Impairment* Education Protector – Death*
Comprehensive Disability Beneit
Own Occupation Disability Beneit
Comprehensive ADW Disability Beneit
ADW Disability Beneit
Functional Impairment Beneit
Physical Impairment Beneit
Income Protector
Temporary Income Protector
Business Overheads Protector
Business Protector
Functional Protector
Comprehensive Living Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illness Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Beneit
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Accidental HIV Beneit
Future Cover – Death
Future Cover – Death and Disability
* Details for a second insured life are required for these beneits.
Beneit amount |
R |
Premium pattern: |
Tapering age: |
Waiting period: |
Beneit term: |
Level |
None |
From age 55 |
Income Protection Beneits |
Whole life |
To retirement age |
Compulsory |
From age 60 |
From age 65 |
7 days |
6 months |
To age 70 |
Fixed term |
Stepped |
10 years |
15 years |
1 month |
12 months |
Premium guarantee options: |
Additional feature: |
24 months |
To age 65 |
3 months |
Standard |
Premium payback option |
Payment term: (Temporary Income Protector) |
Extended |
6 months |
12 months |
Percentage of regulated commission required |
% |
24 months |
Increase options |
Beneiciaries |
Beneit share |
Premium increases: |
Voluntary beneit amount increases: |
Beneiciary number |
% |
Beneiciary number |
Compulsory increase |
% |
Fixed (DFIX) |
, |
% |
% |
Beneiciary number |
Voluntary increase |
, |
% |
CPI increase rate (DVPI) |
% |
Beneiciary number |
CPI increase rate (PVP) |
Rand Depreciation Index (DRDE) |
% |
Details of ancillary beneits
Disability/Impairment (Choose only one of the following beneits):
Tapering age: |
None |
From age 55 |
From age 60 |
From age 65 |
Physical Impairment Beneit |
Beneit term: Whole life |
To age 70 |
To age 65 |
Beneit amount |
19 |
Critical Illness (Choose only one of the following beneits):
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Elevated Comprehensive Critical Illness Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illness Plus Beneit
Comprehensive Critical Illnes Beneit
Beneit term: |
Whole life |
To age 65 |
Beneit amount |
R |
Living Beneits (Choose only one of the following beneits):
Comprehensive Living Beneit
Homeloan Protector
Beneit term: |
Whole life |
To age 65 |
Beneit amount |
R |
Premium Waivers: |
Client number |
Level |
Increasing |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Client number |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Section 12: Savings Beneit and Retirement Provider details
Please choose one of the following
Initials and surname of Savings Beneit insured life
Initials and surname of second Savings Beneit insured life
Savings Beneit
Client number
Client number
Premium: |
Recurring |
R |
- |
Single |
R |
- |
Single payment date |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
2 |
0 |
Y |
Y |
Type of single payment |
Voluntary |
If yes, transferring fund name:
To retirement age
Transfer from a
Transfer from a retirement annuity fund
Choose one investment fund:
RMB Money Market
RMB Absolute Focus
RMB Balanced
RMB International Balanced FoF*
LifeCycle Philosophy
Momentum Accumulator
Momentum Builder
Momentum Consolidator
Momentum Defender
RMB High Tide
RMB Property
* Not available on the Retirement Provider.
Premium increases
Voluntary increase
CPI increase rate (PVPI)
Beneiciary number
Beneiciary number
Beneit share Beneit share
, %
Premium Waivers |
Client number |
Level |
Increasing |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Premium Waivers |
Client number |
Level |
Increasing |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Please choose one of the following
Initials and surname of Savings Beneit insured life
Initials and surname of second Savings Beneit insured life
Savings Beneit
Client number
Client number
Premium: |
Recurring |
R |
- |
Single |
R |
- |
Single payment date |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
2 |
0 |
Y |
Y |
Type of single payment |
Voluntary |
If yes, transferring fund name:
To retirement age
Transfer from a
Transfer from a retirement annuity fund
Choose one investment fund:
RMB Money Market
RMB Absolute Focus
RMB Balanced
RMB International Balanced FoF*
LifeCycle Philosophy
Momentum Accumulator
Momentum Builder
Momentum Consolidator
Momentum Defender
RMB High Tide
RMB Property
* Not available on the Retirement Provider.
Premium increases
Voluntary increase
CPI increase rate (PVPI)
Beneiciary number
Beneiciary number
Beneit share Beneit share
, %
Premium Waivers |
Client number |
Level |
Increasing |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Premium Waivers |
Client number |
Level |
Increasing |
Death |
or |
Comprehensive Disability |
or |
Functional Impairment |
or |
Section 13: Savings Beneit and Retirement Provider commission
Advice fee - recurring premium
Commission as percentage of recurring premium
Advice fee - single premium
Advanced |
% |
As & when |
% |
Total (0 - 5%) |
% |
Initial commission (0 - 3%)
Replacement where the penalty is more than 15% |
Yes |
No |
Section 14: Funeral Beneit details
Client number
Initials and surname of underwritten insured life Beneit amount
Beneit amount increases
Percentage of regulated commission required
Fixed 5% per year (DFIX)
CPI increase rate (DVPI)
Beneiciary number Beneiciary number
Beneit share Beneit share
Client number
Initials and surname of second underwritten insured life Beneit amount
Beneiciary number Beneiciary number
Beneit share Beneit share
Section 15: Declaration by applicant(s), insured life/lives and fund member
I accept and understand that I am limiting my right to privacy. To enable the assessment of the risks and the calculation of the premium and to assist in considering any claim for beneits as a result of this, or any other application for insurance that I have made, or that was made for me as the insured life, I authorise the Momentum Group Limited (Momentum), including their current and future subsidiaries and/or representatives:
•to obtain from any person, other insurer, medical aid, medical practitioner/institution, any information that Momentum requires for purposes of under- writing this application and/or claims arising from this policy. I authorise such person(s) to give the said information to Momentum, and
•to share with other insurers any information in this application or in any related policy or other document, either directly or through a database oper- ated by or for insurers as a group, at any time (even after my death) and in such detailed, abbreviated or coded form as Momentum or the operators of such database may decide from time to time, and
•to disclose my medical information to any parties that Momentum uses in providing services in connection with the policy. I acknowledge that I cannot cancel this authorisation and that it will endure after my death.
I declare and conirm the following:
1.This application and any supplementary documents that were submitted in connection with it, form the basis of the contract I intend entering into.
2.All information that I have supplied is correct and complete.
3.That, should any material information be withheld or incorrectly furnished during the application process, Momentum may cancel the insurance contract or rectify the terms on which the contract was issued, and premiums paid may be used to offset expenses incurred by Momentum.
4.That it is prohibited in terms of the Long Term Insurance Act to sign a blank or incomplete application form. I acknowledge and understand that Momentum and/or any of its subsidiaries, agents and/or authorised representatives will not be responsible for any damage or loss that I sustain as a result of signing this application before completing it in full.
5.I will inform Momentum in writing if a change takes place in the health, avocation or occupation of the insured life(lives) between the date of this application and either the starting date of the policy, or the acceptance date, whichever occurs last. Where free cover is applicable, the duty to disclose changes in health terminates on the acceptance date. Failure to disclose these changes may result in the cancellation of the beneits and premiums paid may be used to offset expenses incurred by Momentum.
6.I understand that Momentum requires the insured life/lives to undergo an HIV test.
7.I consent that Momentum may communicate any information disclosed in this application to any person who may acquire rights to the policy in future.
Section 15: Declaration by applicant(s), insured life(lives) and fund member (continued)
8.I understand that a cession of this policy will amend the legal obligation of the insurer to the policy beneiciary. Momentum will pay the proceeds of the policy to the cessionary and not to the beneiciary.
9.I understand that changes to the beneiciaries may be made under this policy by notifying Momentum in writing. Momentum must receive such notice prior to the death of the insured life.
10.If I ind that this policy or any of the beneits that it contains are not what I require, I may cancel it. I will do so by informing Momentum in writing within 30 days of the date that I receive the acceptance letter or 60 days from the starting date of this policy, whichever occurs irst. Momentum will refund any premiums that I have paid, as long as it has not yet paid any beneit and I have not claimed a beneit and an insured event has not yet occurred. Momentum will, however, deduct the cost of any risk cover that I enjoyed and where applicable, the costs of investment losses and/or currency luctuations.
11.I have read the valid quotation that Momentum has issued that sets out the policy beneits for which I have applied on the properly completed policy application form. I conirm that my authorised inancial adviser has explained the contents of the quotation to me and I agree that the details set out in it are binding.
12.I accept all risks associated in communicating with Momentum via the electronic medium as selected in this application. I indemnify Momentum against any consequent loss that any third party or I may suffer as a result of the misuse, misapplication or misinterpretation of this communication.
13.Where Momentum is liable to pay interest on any amount(s) owed in terms of this contract, Momentum will determine the rate of interest to be applied in accordance with Momentum’s business practice at that time.
14.I accept that it is my sole responsibility to ensure that all premiums are paid and if premiums are in arrears or should I fail to pay premiums, it will prevent me from submitting any claim for beneits that the policy provides and may also result in the cancellation of the policy.
15.I agree that I shall inform Momentum in writing in the event that the insured life (lives) emigrates or is relocated to another country or if any new
vocation followed outside South Africa increases the insured life (lives) risk (including, but not limited to hobbies, humanitarian assistance and extramural activities, and the like).
16.I accept that once the policy has lapsed or terminated that I will not be eligible for any beneits under the policy, irrespective of when any alleged event happened.
Free cover
17.I acknowledge that a claim, based on free cover that Momentum offers, is also subject to the declaration and any terms and conditions contained in this application form.
Immediate cover
18.I acknowledge that a claim, based on my Application for immediate cover (MOMUW 064), is also subject to the declaration and any terms and conditions contained in this application form.
Momentum Interactive
19.I acknowledge, where I chose to become a member of Momentum Interactive, that I have read the terms and conditions that apply to membership.
20.Momentum Interactive offers two choices if you qualify for a premium discount. Please select the option that you require:
Contract premium remains unchanged (life cover will increase)
Reduce contract premium (life cover remains unchanged)
If no option is selected, then the contract premium will reduce and the life cover will remain unchanged.
Replacement of policies
21.Amounts payable under this policy are subject to the cancellation of all policies to be replaced as indicated in the Replacement policy advice record. If you fail to cancel the policy/policies you have indicated are being replaced, Momentum will adjust, or entirely cancel, the policy beneits this policy offers. You may further forfeit any premiums you paid on this policy to cover costs and commission payments.
Signature(s) of applicant(s) |
Date |
D |
D |
– |
M |
M |
– |
2 |
0 |
Y |
Y |
Client number
Client number
Section 16: Terms and conditions for Retirement Provider and Savings Beneit
I declare and conirm the following:
1.The original policy contract will incorporate by reference, the contractual terms and conditions of the application to add a Retirement Provider beneit to an existing Myriad policy and it will form part of the original terms and conditions. Should a dispute arise as to the interpretation of the policy con- tract, the original terms and conditions will apply.
2.I understand the inherent risks of signing a blank or incomplete application form. I acknowledge and understand that Momentum and/or any of its subsidiaries, agents and/or authorised representatives will not be responsible for any damage or loss that I sustain if I sign this application before completing it in full.
3.All information that I have supplied is correct and complete.
Section 16: Terms and conditions for Retirement Provider and Savings Beneit (continued)
General (continued)
4.I have read the valid quotation that Momentum has issued that sets out the policy beneits for which I have applied on the properly completed policy application form. I conirm that my authorised inancial advisor has explained the contents of the quotation to me and I agree that the details set out in it are binding.
5.I understand that a cession of this policy in terms of the Pension Funds Act will amend the legal obligation of the insurer to the policy beneiciary. Momentum will pay the proceeds of the policy in accordance with the cession whilst operative.
6.I understand that I may cancel or change the beneiciaries under the policy by notifying Momentum in writing. Momentum must receive such notiica- tion prior to my death.
7.I accept all risks associated in communicating with Momentum via electronic medium as selected in this application form. I indemnify Momentum against any consequent loss that any third party or I may suffer as a result of the misuse, misapplication or misinterpretation of this communication. In the event of a conlict between the contents of the electronic communication and any subsequent written instruction of the policyholder, the electronic communication will be binding on the policyholder.
8.I accept that it is my sole responsibility to ensure that all premiums are paid.
LifeCycle Philosophy
9.I acknowledge that Momentum has based this philosophy on four portfolios with different risk proiles. Momentum will automatically switch my
investment from portfolio to portfolio, depending on the remaining term to the contract maturity date, unless Momentum receives a witten instruction from me, where I clearly indicate my speciic investment choice.
10.Momentum reserves the right to alter the term to the maturity date that activates the switch from one portfolio to another. The effective date of a switch may also depend on my age.
11.As I near my speciied contract maturity date, I authorise Momentum to implement a conservative investment approach.
12.Momentum will pay the inancial adviser’s fees that this application form sets out. Momentum will deduct these fees from my investment. I acknowledge that these fees are based on the agreement between the inancial adviser and me.
13.The new business documents will clearly specify all fees that Momentum charge under these contracts. Momentum will send these to me after it has accepted the application. It is the responsibility of the inancial adviser to make sure that I am fully informed of all fees and costs under this agreement.
14.Momentum reserves the right to review its fees that apply to the contract after giving appropriate and reasonable notice of these changes.
Retirement Provider
15.I apply for membership of the Momentum Retirement Annuity Fund (the fund), whichever applies to me, and agree that the provisions contained in the rules of that fund will be binding. The Momentum Group, a registered
16.This application, the fund rules, the policy issued to the fund in relation to this investment and other new business documents govern the legal relationship between me as member of the fund, the fund and Momentum.
Section 17: MultiplyContract number
Minimum monthly qualifying Momentum premium is R300.00 (excluding the Multiply option premium)
Member information
Please indicate the client number for the information of the applicant
Initials and surname of investment owner
Client number
Initials |
First name and surname |
Relationship |
Gender |
Date of birth/Identity number |
to applicant |
M/F |
Dependant 1
Dependant 2
Dependant 3
Dependant 4
Spouses and dependants must be Momentum policyholders or insured lives to qualify for membership of Multiply. The same family members must be registered on both Multiply and your qualifying medical scheme.
Indicate the contribution payer for Multiply by client number
If not any of the existing clients, please complete a separate Multiply application form (MULTIPLY001)
Client number
Section 17: Multiply (continued)
Contract details