Mortgage Prequalification Worksheet PDF Details

Embarking on the journey of buying a home is exhilarating but can also seem daunting, especially for first-time buyers. A critical step in this process is understanding financial readiness, where the Mortgage Prequalification Worksheet form plays an essential role. Provided free of charge by Rhode Island Housing, this comprehensive document is designed to assist potential buyers in assessing their financial qualification for a FirstHomes Mortgage. It requires applicants to furnish detailed information about their employment history, monthly income, assets, and credit obligations, along with necessary documents like recent pay stubs, tax returns, and proof of additional income sources. For those who haven't established credit, it asks for alternative proof of financial reliability. The form not only aids Rhode Island Housing in promptly notifying applicants of their prequalification status but also encourages transparency between buyers and their Realtors by including an option to disclose the Realtor’s details. Completion and submission of this form, alongside the required attachments, set the groundwork for understanding one's financial position in the context of acquiring a mortgage, streamlining the initial stages of the home buying process.

Form NameMortgage Prequalification Worksheet
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesW-2, applicant, fillable texas mortgage prequalifcation form, Rhode_Island

Form Preview Example

FREE Mortgage Pre-qualiication

Complete this worksheet and fax or mail it to us at the address below. We will pre-qualify you for a Rhode Island Housing FirstHomes Mortgage, based on the information you provide, FREE of charge. We will promptly notify you of the results.

If you are working with a Realtor, please tell us his/her name _____________________________________________________________

Are you a irst-time homebuyer?



Please attach the following required documents:

2 most recent pay stubs for each applicant

W-2 form(s) with your last iled tax returns

If you are self-employed, 2 years tax returns and a current proit and loss statement

Applicant, please tell us about yourself:

Co-applicant, please tell us about yourself:

Name ______________________________________________

Name _________________________________________________

Date of Birth _________________________________________

Date of Birth ___________________________________________

Social Security # ______________________________________

Social Security # ________________________________________

Phone # (day) ______________ (eve.) ____________________

Phone # (day) __________________ (eve.) __________________

Address ____________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

City ____________________ State ______ Zip ___________

City _________________________ State _____ Zip __________

Tell us about your employment history:

Tell us about your employment history:

Employer ___________________________________________

Employer ______________________________________________

Position ____________________________________________


Gross Monthly Salary $_________________________________

Gross Monthly Salary $ ___________________________________


Full or Part Time (circle one)


Full or Part Time (circle one)

Number of years _____________________________________

Number of years ________________________________________

List additional income and source (such as alimony or child support):

List additional income and source (such as alimony or child support):



Tell us the number of people in your household: __________




Please list your assets: Provide current balance information.












Checking Account(s)

Savings Account(s)



Gift Funds

Retirement (401K, etc.)


















Tell us about your credit:








Are your credit obligations paid as agreed?



If no, please provide explanation.


If you have not yet established credit, please provide past 12 months canceled checks for rent payments along with copies of past 12 months utility bills for two diferent utilities, such as electric, telephone or gas, showing payment as agreed.

By my/our signature below, I/we authorize Rhode Island Housing to obtain a credit report on me/us for the purpose of pre-qualifying me/us for a FirstHomes Mortgage.



Applicant’s Signature


Co-applicant’s Signature


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How to Edit Mortgage Prequalification Worksheet Online for Free

Few tasks can be easier than filling in documents taking advantage of the PDF editor. There is not much you need to do to change the qualification form - merely follow these steps in the next order:

Step 1: Press the orange "Get Form Now" button on the page.

Step 2: Once you have entered the qualification edit page, you'll discover all options you can use regarding your document in the top menu.

If you want to fill out the qualification PDF, enter the information for all of the sections:

portion of gaps in worksheet

Indicate the details in List additional income and source, List additional income and source, Tell us the number of people in, Please list your assets Provide, Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Gift Funds, Retirement K etc, Other, Tell us about your credit Are your, Yes, No If no please provide explanation, If you have not yet established, By myour signature below Iwe, and Applicants Signature.

worksheet List additional income and source, List additional income and source, Tell us the number of people in, Please list your assets Provide, Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Gift Funds, Retirement K etc, Other, Tell us about your credit Are your, Yes, No If no please provide explanation, If you have not yet established, By myour signature below Iwe, and Applicants Signature blanks to complete

Step 3: When you click the Done button, your prepared form can be simply transferred to any of your devices or to email given by you.

Step 4: Generate duplicates of the form. This is going to protect you from possible future troubles. We don't watch or publish your details, therefore be assured it is secure.

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