Nasd Rule 3050 PDF Details

In the landscape of financial regulation, maintaining transparency and oversight over the personal trading activities of affiliated persons is critical. Herein lies the importance of the Nasd Rule 3050 form, a document designed to ensure regulatory compliance and uphold the integrity of financial markets. This form serves as a letter of approval for the opening of brokerage accounts by individuals affiliated with FINRA or Exchange Member Firms. By requiring the disclosure of employment affiliations and securing authorization from compliance officers at Cambria Capital, LLC, the form plays a crucial role in mitigating conflicts of interest and promoting ethical trading practices. It sets forth a procedure where employees, or members of their households, notify their employers before engaging with brokerage services provided by Cambria Capital, LLC, facilitating oversight through the detailed exchange of account information, and the option for firms to request duplicate confirmations and statements. Such measures underscore the form's intent to foster a transparent environment where affiliations are openly communicated, and activities are monitored closely, aligning with broader regulatory efforts to safeguard market integrity.

Form NameNasd Rule 3050
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesrule 407 letter template, sample 407 letter compliance, rummy rules, shang hai rummy printable rules

Form Preview Example

Internal use only

Account No:________________________

Compliance Review:_________________

Added to Records:___________________



By my signature below, pursuant to NASD Conduct Rule 3050 and/or NYSE Rule 407, I acknowledge that my employer, or a member of my household’s employer, is a FINRA or Exchange Member Firm and have notified the employer of my intention to open a brokerage account with Cambria Capital, LLC clearing through Legent Clearing, LLC.



Employee (Account Holder) Signature




Printed Name

Social Security No.



Please accept this as authorization to open a brokerage account for the individual listed above.

The aforementioned individual is an employee, or a member of a household of an employee of


Name of Employer


Employer Address




Company Phone

Our firm requires duplicate confirmation? Yes



Our firm requires duplicate statements? Yes








Signature of Compliance Officer





Printed Name of Compliance Officer




488 E. Winchester St., Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84107

T:801.320.9606 F: 801.320.9610 Member FINRA/SIPC

How to Edit Nasd Rule 3050 Online for Free

It is easy to obtain documents making use of our PDF editor. Improving the rules of shanghai rummy card game file is a breeze as soon as you consider these actions:

Step 1: Seek out the button "Get Form Here" and click it.

Step 2: At this point, it is possible to alter the rules of shanghai rummy card game. This multifunctional toolbar enables you to include, remove, adapt, highlight, and also do other sorts of commands to the content material and areas within the form.

The following sections will create the PDF template that you will be completing:

example of fields in sample 407 letter compliance

Fill in the The aforementioned individual is, Name of Employer, Employer Address, CityStateZip, Company Phone, Our firm requires duplicate, Sincerely, Signature of Compliance Officer, Title, Printed Name of Compliance Officer, and Date section with all the particulars asked by the platform.

stage 2 to completing sample 407 letter compliance

Step 3: Press the "Done" button. At that moment, you can export the PDF document - upload it to your device or send it through email.

Step 4: Make copies of your form - it can help you refrain from potential future worries. And fear not - we cannot distribute or watch your details.

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