Purpose of Request
Select "Initiate request for original orders" if the requested individual is not currently on orders performing th required duties. Select "initiate a modification to original orders" if the requested individual is currently on orders and will be continued on the orders to perform the same duties for which he/she was originally ordered to active duty.
Part l Requested Individual
1.Provide the full requesting organization name and address to include street, city, state, and zip code.
2.Provide the full name of the approving organization or orders writing authority and their address to include street, city, state, and zip code.
3a. Provide the Rank and Name of the point of contact for these orders.
3b. Provide point of contact Telephone number DSN and Comm (with Area Code).
4.Provide the full name of the individual requested to perform the active duty requirement (Last, First M.).
5.Provide the abbreviated grade e.g. Capt.
6.Provide the requested individual's Social Security Number (SSN). Use the following format: 123456789. 7a. Provide the requested individual's permanent home address.
7b. Provide the requested individual's current address.
7c. Provide the requested individual's home telephone number.
7d. Provide the requestee individual's wotk telephone number.
Part ll Orders Eligibility Information
8.Provide the requested individual's Reporting Unit Code (RUC).
9.Provide the requested individual's Monitor Command Code (MCC). 10. Provide the requested individual's Platoon Code.
11. Provide the requested individual's Training Group. SMCR="A", IMA="B", IRR="H".
12. Provide the requested individual's T/O.
13. Provide the requested individual's T/O Line Number.
14. Provide the requested individual's Billet Title.
15. Provide the requested individual's Primary Military Occupational Specialty(PMOS).
16. Provide the requested individual's Reserve Component Code.
17. Provide the requested individual's Reenlistment Code. Not required for officers.
18. Provide the requested individual Marital Status.
19. Provide the requested individual's Date of Birth (YYYYMMDD).
20. Provide the requested individual's Reserve End of Current Contract (ECC).
21. Provide the requested individual's End Active Service (EAS).
22. Provide the requested individual's Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD).
23. Provide the requested individual's Armed Forces Active Duty Begin Date (AFADBD).
24. Provide the requested individual's Active Duty Points.
25. Provide the requested individual's accumulated Active Years.
26. Provide the requested individual's date of last physical.
27. Provide the requested individual's date of last HIV test.
28. Provide the requested individual's current security clearance eligibilty level.
29. Provide the requested individual's birth city and state.
30. Provide the requested individual's Reserve Record Status (RECSTAT).
Part lll Orders Writing Information
31. Choose the type of active duty requested. Answer 31a. is type chosen is ADSW.
31a. Choose the ADSW category that applies to the request. Requests that support the Active Component fall under AC/ADSW. Requests that support the Reserve Component fall under RC/ADSW.
32.Provide the date orders are requested to start (YYYYMMDD). This date includes any travel days required.
33.Provide the date the individual is requested to report for duty (YYYYMMDD).
34.Provide the date orders are requested to end (YYYYMMDD).
35.Provide the total number of days covered in this request.
36.Provide the full name of the organization the individual will report to.
37.Provide the full address of the reporting organization.
38.Provide the name of the organization the individual will perform duty with.
39.Provide the RUC of the gaining command if the requested duty is 30 days or more.
40.Provide the MCC of the gaining command if the requested duty is 30 days or more.
41.Choose the type of security clearance required to perform the requested orders.
42.Choose the format of orders.
43.Choose the orders delivery type if format requested is Letterhead.
44.Choose the mode of travel requested for the individual. If POV provide the mileage for one way travel.
45.Choose appropriate billeting information.
46.Choose appropriate messing information.
47.Indicate whether rental car is authorized or not.
48.Indicate whether dual Lodging is authorized.
49.Indicate if variation in itinerary is autnorized.
50.Indicate if excess baggage is authorized.
51.Indicate if conference fee is authorized. If yes, list the dollar amount.
52.Provide the name of the airport from which the individual will depart.
53.Provide the name of the airport the individual will arrive at.
54.Provide the delivery address. If message type orders are requested, provide the PLAD for the gaining command. If letterhead orders are requested, provide the address where the orders should be delivered.
55.If orders are for 139 days or more, choose the appropriate statement.
56.Provide appropriation data for pay and allowances, travel, and per diem.
57.Provide the name of the funding source i.e. MARFORPAC ADSW-ES.
58.Provide the Standard Document Number if Per Diem and/or Travel appropriation data is provided in block 49.
59.Provide the Travel Order Number Per Diem and/or Travel appropriation data is provided in block 49.
60.Provide the cost estimates for pay and allowances per diem, travel, and any other costs such as conference fees (misc) or rental cars (other).
61.Provide any special instructions to be included in the orders that are nonstandard or more detailed.
Part IV Active Duty Previously Performed During Current Fiscal Year
62.Provide information on past Reserve Active Duty performed during the current fiscal year, i.e., AT, RCT, ADSW.
63.Provide justification and a brief description of the duty that will be performed during this period. If the orders are for IMA Annual Training, provide the T/O and Line Number for the billet.
64.Provide the signature, name, rank, and title of the individual authorizing the request.
65.Provide the date (YYYYMMDD) that the request was signed.
Part V Approving Authority Endorsement