Oregon Snap Change Report Form PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of the Oregon Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, can present numerous questions and procedures for applicants. This federal initiative is designed to support low-income households in maintaining a nutritious diet by providing a means to purchase food. Eligibility for SNAP benefits in Oregon hinges on various criteria including citizenship status, income, resources, and other specific requirements such as those for students and individuals with disabilities. Most beneficiaries receive funds via Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards, also referred to as Oregon Trail cards, simplifying the process of accessing benefits. Additionally, certain counties offer the option of direct deposit SNAP benefits for households meeting specific age or disability requirements. Meanwhile, eligibility extends to non-citizens under certain conditions, and both financial assets and income are closely scrutinized to determine qualification. The amount received from SNAP benefits is influenced by household size, income, and allowable deductions, which can include childcare costs, medical expenses for older or disabled members, and housing costs among others. Applying for SNAP benefits involves contacting the Department of Human Services (DHS) or, for the elderly or disabled without minors, the Aging and People with Disabilities Office. The process necessitates an understanding of various eligibility requirements including work, student status, and other factors, which can significantly impact one's ability to receive assistance. Furthermore, recipients are tasked with reporting changes in circumstances to DHS to ensure the correct benefit amount is provided. For those encountering issues with EBT cards or disagreeing with their benefits allotment, specific steps must be followed to rectify such situations. This article aims to unravel the intricacies of the Oregon SNAP Change Report form, highlighting key aspects of the form and assisting applicants and recipients in navigating the process for a smoother and more understandable experience with obtaining and maintaining SNAP benefits in Oregon.

Form NameOregon Snap Change Report Form
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other namessnap change report online, oregon snap phone number, ebt oregon phone number, change report form for food stamps oregon

Form Preview Example



The SNAP program (formerly the Food Stamp Program) is a federal program to help low- income households maintain proper nutrition by giving them a means to purchase food. Most SNAP households now receive Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards. These cards are also known as Oregon Trail cards. These cards work like ATM or bankcards. You will be given a PIN (Personal Identification Number) to access the funds in your food stamp account.

Some SNAP households in Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah and Washington counties are eligible to receive SNAP benefits by direct deposit into a bank account as an alternative to receiving SNAP by EBT. This is available if everyone in the household is 65 or older or receives SSI.

OAR 461-165-0082


You are eligible for SNAP benefits if you are a U.S. citizen and your income is modest or low.


If you are not a citizen, you might be able to receive SNAP benefits if you are a permanent resident, you entered the US lawfully, and you meet certain other requirements. Some lawful permanent residents can receive SNAP benefits immediately, while others may have to live in the US lawfully for five years before becoming eligible to receive SNAP benefits. Your immigration status at the time you entered the US will determine whether you are eligible for SNAP benefits immediately or whether you have to wait five years. Children under 18 years of age, and disabled adults who reside in the US lawfully are eligible for SNAP benefits without waiting five years. The non-citizen eligibility rules are very complicated. If you are a non-citizen and have questions about whether you are eligible for SNAP benefits, call the Public Benefits Hotline at 1-800-520-5292.

OAR 461-120-0125


To get SNAP benefits there are two financial tests you must meet.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center

Public Benefits Hotline – 1-800-520-5292

This pamphlet is for general educational use ONLY. Consult an attorney for more information or advice.

It is not a substitute for individual legal advice. Please remember the law is always changing.


(1)Resource Test. Your total resources (checking accounts, savings accounts, stocks and bonds, equity in vehicles, real property, etc.) cannot be more than $2,000 per household. If there is an individual who is 60 years or older or disabled, their resources cannot be over $3,250.

OAR 461-160-0015

Some people are “categorically eligible”. That

means that the resource and the income tests don’t apply to you. You do not have to meet the

income or resource test if you receive certain other public benefits such as TANF (or any benefit or service funded by TANF such as child care, JOBS benefits, TA-DVS), SSI, or if your countable income is less than 185% of the federal poverty rate and you have received the Information and Referral Services pamphlet from DHS.

OAR 461-135-0505

(2)Income Test. You must meet the countable income (income before taxes are deducted from your check and after exclusions are deducted from your income) and adjusted income (income after deductions are taken) limits. If

there is someone over 60 or disabled or

“categorically eligible” (on TANF or receiving services under TANF, SSI, or has income that is less than 185% of the poverty level and has received a pamphlet about Information and Referral Services), then they only have

to meet the adjusted income limit.

OAR 461-135-0505; 461-160-0020 461-160-0400; 461-160-0430

If you are self-employed, there is a special income test to determine your eligibility for SNAP benefits. If you have any qualifying

business expenses you will have 50% of your gross receipts excluded from your income to determine if you are eligible for SNAP benefits.

OAR 461-145-0920, 461-145-0930


Your SNAP benefits will be based on your household or family size and income. There are also deductions that you can get. The deductions will reduce the income that will be counted for SNAP benefits (and increase your SNAP benefits). The deductions that you may qualify for are:

(a)dependent care costs;

(b)for people who are 60 or over or disabled, medical and dental costs, including nursing care, attendants and housekeepers, assistance animal costs, medical transportation and lodging, medical insurance and co-payments, medications and medical supplies;

(c)an earned income deduction if your income comes from working;

(d)a standard deduction based on the number of people on your SNAP benefits grant;

(e)child support payments that you pay for a child not in your household;

(f)a shelter deduction for your housing and


OAR 461-160-0400; 461-160-0415 461-160-0420; 461-160-0430


If there are minor children in your household or you are an adult without a disability and you do not have children in your household, contact your local

This pamphlet is for general educational use ONLY. Consult an attorney for more information or advice.

It is not a substitute for individual legal advice. Please remember the law is always changing.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center


Department of Human Services (DHS)


you work at least 20 hours per



week including self-

∙ If there are no minor children in the


employment if the self-


employment income is at least

household, and you are elderly or



equal to federal minimum

disabled, contact the Aging and People



wage multiplied by 20 hours

with Disabilities Office.



per week; or




The agency must issue your SNAP benefits


you are a student responsible

within30 days from the date you submit your


for the care of a child in your

application providing you submit the necessary


home and the child is under

documents to them (i.e., utility bills, rental


age 6 or age 6 through 11 and

agreements, proof of income and citizenship,


DHS determines that adequate

information on resources). If you need SNAP


child care is not available; or

benefits more quickly than that, you should


you are a student who is a

apply for "expedited" SNAP benefits. When you


single adult with the

first apply for SNAP benefits, and then once


responsibility of caring for a

each year after that, you will have an interview


child under 12; or

in the office or by telephone. This interview


you are student receiving

should be on the day that you apply for benefits.



If you cannot have an interview on that day, you

you are a student who is physically

can ask for a special appointment. Your


or mentally unable to work and you

caseworker is required to interview you within


go to school at least half-time; or

20 days from when you apply.

you are a student between 18 and


OAR 461-115-0210; 461-115-0230


49 and enrolled in an institution of



higher education less than half-time;


Family Services Manual FS B 8





you participate in an employment



training activity through the




Workforce Investment Act, a


displaced workers program, JOBS, or

If you are 18 or older but under 50 and


employer sponsored on-the-job

you are a post-secondary student, and go



to school at least half-time, you can only


OAR 461-135-0570

get SNAP benefits if:



You are not disabled, and you go

If you are a post-secondary student and do not


to school at least half-time, and:

fall into one of the categories listed above, you

you are a student approved for will not qualify for SNAP benefits. For more

state or federally-funded

information, call the Public Benefits Hotline

work-study job and you

(1-800-520-5292) or your local Legal Aid office

perform the work unless

for possible advice or representation. Go to

there’s no work-study work

www.oregonlawhelp.org for a directory of legal

available; or

aid programs.

This pamphlet is for general educational use ONLY. It is not a substitute for individual legal advice. Consult an attorney for more information or advice. Please remember the law is always changing.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center


(2)Work Requirements

To be eligible and maintain eligibility for SNAP benefits, you must accept offers of employment, even if it is temporary or part-time;

You must also maintain employment by not voluntarily reducing your hours below 30 hours per week, not quitting your job within 30 days prior to your application (or any time you receive SNAP benefits), and by not being dismissed for striking while a federal, state, or county employee;

If you are not already working,

you must lookfor a job or go to job search training classes, and accept job offers;

(3)You do not have to participate in the OFSET Program (the SNAP work search program) if you:

have a disability that prevents you from working;

are participating in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program;

are pregnant or responsible for the care of a child under 6 years old or a disabled person;

are a student attending high school or a training program or institution of higher learning at least half time;

receive unemployment benefits or have applied for them and you are required to register for work through the Employment Department;

lack adequate child care, transportation or have another serious problem that prevents you from participating in the OFSET Program.

are in the TANF program.

OAR 461-130-0315, 461-135-0521, 461-190-0310


If the Division denies your SNAP benefits application, they must send you a notice stating the reasons why. If you feel the decision is incorrect, you have 90 days from the date of the notice to request a hearing. In order to have a hearing, can just ask DHS for a hearing, but it is better to fill out and file a hearing request form.

To obtain this form go to your local DHS office and ask the receptionist for a DHS Form 443 (Administrative Hearing Request) or get it on

the Internet. (Go to www.dhs.state.or.us. Click on “Forms” at the top. Then click on “Find a

DHS Form.” Put in 443 for the number and click on “Search.”)

Immediately fill out the form and turn it back in to the receptionist. Ask the receptionist for a receipt to prove you turned in the form. To find out about your hearing rights, call the Public Benefits Hotline (1-800-520-5292) or your local Legal Aid office for possible advice or representation. Go to www.oregonlawhelp.org for a directory of legal aid programs.

OAR 461-025-0310


You have a right to request that your worker show you how your SNAP benefits were calculated. You are entitled to certain income

This pamphlet is for general educational use ONLY. Consult an attorney for more information or advice.

It is not a substitute for individual legal advice. Please remember the law is always changing.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center


deductions for earned income that you report, child care and child support that you pay, and shelter costs. You should ask your worker to provide you with DHS Form 221 (SNAP Benefits Computation.) This is a computer- generated form that will show you how the DHS arrived at the allotment. Review this form carefully to determine that all information is correct and that you received the correct deductions. If you find any errors, notify your worker immediately and request a hearing.


When you are determined to be eligible for SNAP benefits, you will be sent an EBT card (also called an Oregon Trail Card). The SNAP benefits payment you are eligible to receive will be held in an account for you that can only be accessed with your EBT/Oregon Trail Card using your PIN (Personal Identification Number).

When you buy groceries at major supermarket outlets (Safeway, Fred Meyer, etc.), the check stand computer will automatically separate your food items from your non-food items. You will then slide your EBT/Oregon Trail card through the machine and enter your PIN. The machine will subtract the total amount for the food items purchased from your SNAP benefits account. You will need to keep track of how much you have left in your account.

Some smaller markets may still have to separate your food items from non-food items by hand, but they will still accept your EBT card.


If you have problems with your PIN, accessing your funds, etc., you can call 1-888-997-4447 to discuss your problem. If you have problems with the amount put into your account, refer to section 9 above regarding disagreement with your SNAP benefits allotment.

If you lose your EBT card, call 1-888-997-4447 right away to report that the card is lost. You will have to call another 800 number to get a new card issued. That card will have your remaining benefits on it. If someone uses your card and takes your benefits, DHS will not put the benefits back on the card, so it is important to safeguard your card and your PIN number.


Some changes must be reported when they happen. Other changes must be reported in the

6th month of your SNAP grant when you file your “Interim Change Report.” The changes that

you must report depend on the reporting system you are in. You should ask your worker about your reporting requirements and make sure you understand them.

Most people are in the “Simplified Reporting System” and must only report a change in

income that brings you over the income limit for the SNAP program. That must be reported by the 10th day after the month that your income goes up.

But, there are some changes that you should report because it will help you to get more benefits. Your SNAP benefits are based on your income and certain expenses, so if your income goes down, or your countable expenses go up, you can get more SNAP benefits. The countable expenses that you should report are an increase in your housing expenses, or you start paying

This pamphlet is for general educational use ONLY. Consult an attorney for more information or advice.

It is not a substitute for individual legal advice. Please remember the law is always changing.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center


child support, or you have child care expenses. Of course, you should always tell DHS when you move so that DHS has a good address for you.

If you are in the Simplified Reporting System, in the 5th month of your SNAP eligibility period,

DHS will send you an “Interim Change Report”.

You must fill it out and send it to DHS in the 6th month of your eligibility period to keep your

benefits going for the full 12 months. If you don’t file it in the 6th month, your benefits can be

suspended or even ended, so it is important to file it by the last day of the 6th month. If you file it earlier in the month, it will help DHS process your report on time.

OAR 461-170-0011, 461-170-0102


For more information, call the Public Benefits Hotline (1-800-520-5292) or go to www.oregonlawhelp.org for a directory of benefits programs.


This pamphlet is for general educational use ONLY. Consult an attorney for more information or advice.

It is not a substitute for individual legal advice. Please remember the law is always changing.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center


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A way to complete oregon snap phone number stage 1

2. After the last part is completed, it's time to put in the necessary details in You do not have to participate in, OFSET Program the SNAP work search, have a disability that prevents you, from working, are participating in a drug or, alcohol rehabilitation program, are pregnant or responsible for, are a student attending high school, or a training program or, receive unemployment benefits or, have applied for them and you are, To obtain this form go to your, Immediately fill out the form and, OAR, and WHAT IF I DISAGREE WITH MY in order to move forward further.

Step no. 2 of filling out oregon snap phone number

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