PA AA 600 Form PDF Details

The AA-600 form is commonly called the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Driver’s Accident Report. Its purpose is to gather data on accidents, which is used to implement strategies to prevent future accidents and minimize accident-related losses. The AA-600 form must be completed by any driver involved in an accident that either results in injury or death or involves a car that cannot be driven away from the scene without further damage or hazard.

According to the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Section 3747, all reports are confidential and unavailable as trial evidence. If no police officer has investigated the accident, drivers must submit this form to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) within five days of the accident.

Information recorded includes the date, time, and location of the accident, as well as the vehicles, people, and injuries involved. Drivers are required to give detailed information about factors like weather and road conditions. The form also requires a diagram of the accident scene and a narrative description of the accident, detailing the events before, during, and after the impact.

Form Name PA AA 600 Form
Form Length 5 pages
Fillable? Yes
Fillable fields 53
Avg. time to fill out 10 min
Other names driver accident report, PennDot AA 600, PennDot accident, AA600 form

How to Edit PA AA 600 Form Online for Free

The AA-600 form is required for reporting motor vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania. It is essential for drivers involved in accidents that result in injury, death, or significant vehicle damage. Completing this form correctly ensures compliance with state laws.

1. Provide Accident Details

Enter the date, time, and accident location on the form. Be precise with the location, noting the county, city, or township, street name or highway number, and mile marker if applicable.


part 1 to filling in pennsylvania accident report

2. Document Vehicle and Driver Information

For each vehicle involved, fill in the operator’s name, address, date of birth, driver's license number, vehicle plate number, vehicle make and model, and the VIN. This information should be copied directly from the official driver’s license and vehicle registration card.

Finishing pennsylvania accident report stage 2

3. Describe the Accident

Provide a detailed description of the accident, including what happened before, during, and after the collision. Use the vehicle numbers designated on the form to reference each vehicle involved.

Filling in pennsylvania accident report stage 3

4. Complete the Diagram

Draw a diagram of the accident scene on the provided space in the form. Clearly show the movement of the vehicles, including all relevant streets, highways, landmarks, and an arrow indicating north.

5. Report Injuries and Damage

Record the type of injuries sustained by all persons involved using the codes provided on the form for injury severity. Also, detail the damage area of each vehicle involved using the clock point system shown on the form.

Finishing pennsylvania accident report step 4

6. Include Safety Restraint Information

Indicate the type of safety restraints used by each occupant during the accident, selecting the appropriate codes for active and passive restraints.

Finishing pennsylvania accident report part 5

7. Confirm Additional Details

Verify if towing was required, the number of vehicles involved, and the number of occupants in each vehicle. If applicable, also indicate whether the police investigated the accident.

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