Pico Worksheet Form PDF Details

In the realm of medical and health sciences research, the efficiency and effectiveness of literature searches play a critical role in the foundation of evidence-based practice. At the heart of this process lies the PICO Worksheet, a meticulous form designed to streamline the development of a well-structured research question. This document compels the researcher to delineate their inquiry based on four fundamental elements: the Patient or Problem, the Intervention, the Comparison group, and the Outcomes of interest. Such a structured approach not only clarifies the researcher’s intent but also enhances the precision of their search strategy, guiding them toward the most relevant evidence. By identifying these components, the worksheet aids in determining the most appropriate type of study to include, ranging from Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews to Randomized Controlled Trials and Cohort Studies, among others. Additionally, it encourages the exploration of various databases and resources, ensuring a comprehensive search. The PICO Worksheet advocates for a meticulous planning process, involving the listing of key topics, alternate terms, inclusion criteria, and even terms to exclude, thus tailoring the search to be as efficient and effective as possible. Created by Syrene A. Miller and endorsed by the National Center for Dental Hygiene Research, this worksheet serves as an indispensable tool in the armamentarium of researchers aiming to underpin their projects with solid, evidence-based data.

Form NamePico Worksheet Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namespico worksheet search form online, pico worksheet blank, pico worksheet template, pico question examples

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PICO Worksheet and Search Strategy


1.Define your question using PICO by identifying: Problem, Intervention, Comparison Group and Outcomes.

Your question should be used to help establish your search strategy. Patient/Problem________________________________




Write out your question:_______________________________________________________


2. Type of question/problem: Circle one: Therapy/Prevention Diagnosis Etiology Prognosis

3.Type of study (Publication Type) to include in the search: Check all that apply:




Systematic Review


Randomized Controlled Trial


Cohort Study


Case Control Study

q Case series or Case Report


Editorials, Letters, Opinions


Animal Research


In Vitro/Lab Research

4.List main topics and alternate terms from your PICO question that can be used for your search

List your inclusion criteria –gender, age, year of publication, language

List irrelevant terms that you may want to exclude in your search

5.List where you plan to search, i.e. EBM Reviews, Medline, AIDSLINE, CINAHL, PubMed

©2001 Syrene A. Miller, PICO Worksheet and Search Strategy National Center for Dental Hygiene Research