Pptc 001 PDF Details

Navigating the nuances of proving Canadian citizenship for passport application purposes can be complex, especially for those born outside Canada between February 15, 1977, and April 16, 1981, to a Canadian parent. The PPTC 001 form serves as a crucial element in this process, demanding meticulous completion and submission alongside the passport application. This form stands as a protective measure against false statements or the concealment of material facts, which could not only result in the refusal or revocation of a passport but also lead to criminal prosecution. Designed for a specific cohort, the form exempts individuals who can present a certificate of Canadian citizenship issued after January 1, 2007, those with a parent born in Canada, or those who have obtained Canadian citizenship through adoption by a Canadian parent. The form's comprehensive layout requires detailed personal information and a thorough declaration regarding the applicant's and their parents' citizenship status, aimed at validating their claim to Canadian citizenship. The instructions emphasize the importance of contacting Citizenship and Immigration Canada for those uncertain about their parents' citizenship history, highlighting the form's role in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the applicant's information.

Form NamePptc 001
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namespassportcanadagcca form canadian, pptc 001 canada, what is pptc 001, pptc001

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WARNING—Any false or misleading statement on this form or relating to any document in support of your application, including concealment of any material fact, may lead to refusal or revocation of a passport and be grounds for criminal prosecution.

This form must be completed by those born outside of Canada between February 15, 1977 and April 16, 1981 inclusively, to a Canadian parent. It must be fully completed, signed and submitted with your passport application.

You do NOT need to complete this form if:

you are presenting a certificate of Canadian citizenship issued after January 1, 2007; OR

one of your parents was born in Canada; OR

you received Canadian citizenship after being adopted by a Canadian parent.

PRINT OR TYPE IN CAPITAL LETTERS using black or dark blue ink.



Surname (last name)

Given name(s)

Name as it appears on the certificate of Canadian citizenship, if different

Surname (last name)

Given name(s)



Date of birth

Year Month Day

Place of birth



Prov./Ter./State (if applicable)





If you do not know the answers to the following questions, contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada at 1-888-242-2100 (in Canada only) or visit cic.gc.ca.


Before you were born, was one of your parents granted Canadian citizenship following immigration to Canada?




Was one of your Canadian parents born outside Canada before February 15, 1977, AND was his or her birth abroad




registered with Canadian Citizenship and Immigration authorities before February 15, 1977?



If you answered Yes to question 1 OR 2, complete and sign the declaration below and attach the present form to your passport application.

If you answered No to questions 1 AND 2, proceed to questions 3 and 4.


Is one of your parents a Canadian citizen because he or she was born outside Canada between January 1, 1947,




and February 14, 1977 (inclusively) AND, although eligible to be registered as a Canadian citizen at birth, was not




registered until after February 14, 1977?




Is one of your parents a Canadian citizen because he or she was born outside Canada after February 14, 1977,




to a Canadian parent?



If you answered No to questions 3 AND 4,

If you answered Yes to question 3 OR 4,

complete and sign the declaration below and attach the present form to your passport application.

you may be subject to loss of Canadian citizenship pursuant to section 8 of the Citizenship Act. If so, you will automatically lose your Canadian citizenship on your 28th birthday unless you take steps to retain it. If it is confirmed that you are subject to section 8 of the Citizenship Act and your 28th birthday has already passed, no passport will be issued to you. If it is confirmed that you

are subject to section 8 of the Citizenship Act and your 28th birthday is within five years, the validity of any passport issued to you will be limited to the day before your 28th birthday. For more information on retention of Canadian citizenship, contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada

at 1-888-242-2100 or visit cic.gc.ca. Proceed to question 5 and complete and sign the declaration below and attach the present form to your passport application.

5. Have you applied to Citizenship and Immigration Canada to retain your Canadian citizenship?



Date applied

Year Month Day

Reference number (if known)



(to be completed by all applicants required to provide additional information on their Canadian citizenship)



DECLARATION—I solemnly declare that the information provided on this form is true, correct and complete, and I give my consent to Citizenship and Immigration Canada to provide confidential citizenship status information concerning me to Passport Program. I declare that I have read and understood the WARNING above.





Signed at




PPTC 001E (2014-11) R2


How to Edit Pptc 001 Online for Free

We chose the top web programmers to set-up this PDF editor. The software will let you prepare the canada ca passport pptc 001 form with no trouble and won't consume a great deal of your time. This convenient instruction can help you start out.

Step 1: To begin with, choose the orange "Get form now" button.

Step 2: Once you've accessed the editing page canada ca passport pptc 001, you should be able to discover every one of the options readily available for your file within the top menu.

You should enter the following information to fill out the canada ca passport pptc 001 PDF:

step 1 to writing pptc001

In the box If you do not know the answers to, Before you were born was one of, No No, Yes Yes, If you answered Yes to question, complete and sign the declaration, If you answered No to questions, proceed to questions and, Is one of your parents a Canadian, Yes, Yes, If you answered No to questions, complete and sign the declaration, If you answered Yes to question, and you may be subject to loss of type in the details that the platform requires you to do.

part 2 to completing pptc001

You can be expected to type in the information to help the system complete the box Yes, Date applied, Year, Month, Day, Reference number if known, DECLARATION OF APPLICANT to be, DECLARATIONI solemnly declare that, Date, Year, Month, Day, Signed at, City, and ProvinceTerritoryState.

pptc001 Yes, Date applied, Year, Month, Day, Reference number if known, DECLARATION OF APPLICANT to be, DECLARATIONI solemnly declare that, Date, Year, Month, Day, Signed at, City, and ProvinceTerritoryState blanks to fill

Step 3: Press the Done button to save the form. Then it is ready for upload to your gadget.

Step 4: Ensure you remain away from upcoming difficulties by making a minimum of two copies of your file.

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