Prairie State College Transcript Request Form PDF Details

When it comes to enrolling in a college or university, one of the most important documents that you need is your official transcript. At Prairie State College, we make ordering transcripts easy with our online transcript request form. Our streamlined system allows students and former alumni to conveniently order their official records right from their computer or mobile device. Through this helpful blog post, we will walk you through how to use the Prairie State College Transcript Request Form and what information will be required during the process. Read on if you're getting ready to put in your order!

Form NamePrairie State College Transcript Request Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesitting, Halsted, GHome, paym

Form Preview Example











Office of Enrollment Services
























Present Name







Maiden Name and/or Other Name



Student ID Number/Social Security Number
























Street Address

















Zip Code





















Date of Birth




Daytime Phone (with area code)


Evening Phone (with area code)


Dates of Attendance:









G Presently attending

G I attended prior to 1984 (Note: additional processing time may be required.)




























Send Transcripts: (check one) G Now

G Hold until final grades are posted

G Hold until degree/certificates are posted
































Indicate: G Pick-up OR G Fax (unofficial only) (

















G Mail transcript to

















































*Organization or Individual






























































* Zip Code

* R eq u ire d . If a d d re ss is in c orre c t, s tu d en t is resp on sib le fo r ord erin g a n d p a yin g fo r a n a d d itio n a l tra n sc rip t.

Fee and Quantity: Processing tim e: Sam e day**




Processing tim e: 3-5 days





G Official copy (same day service)




G Official (3-5 business days)





G Unofficial copy (fax service)




GReal Estate Transactions (3 -5 b u s. da ys )





G Unofficial (same day service)




GHome Inspection (3 - 5 b u s. d a ys )









GReal Estate Appraisal (3 - 5 b u s. d a ys )





* * Un official tran script reques ts for faxed d elivery/official sam e da y service reques ts m ust be received b y 2 p .m . for sam e da y service .

N O T E : P ro c es s ing tim e referenc es the tim e require d to pro duc e the tran s c rip t, it doe s no t inc lude m ailing tim e . T ra n s c rip ts b ein g h eld fo r p ic k -u p w ill b e m a ile d to th e a d d re ss in d ic a te d a b ov e if n ot re trie ve d w ith in on e m o n th .

Ordered: Student Signature




Staff Initials

Pick-up: Student Signature





Staff Initials

B u s . O fc . U s e O n ly :

R ec eip t #

A m o u nt P a id

M :\A d m is s io n s \tra n s c rip tre q u e s tfo rm w e b -re v 0 6 3 0 .w p d


1.Print out the transcript request form .

2. Com plete the form with the necessary inform ation.

3. Return the com pleted transcript request form to the Office of Enrollm ent Services using one of the following delivery m ethods:

a. Mail the form with a check or m oney order payable to Prairie State College. The com pleted form and paym ent should be m ailed to:

O ffice of Enrollm ent Services Prairie State College

202 South Halsted Street Chicago Heights, IL 60411

b. Fax the form to the Office of Enrollm ent Services at (708) 709-3951. Prior to faxing the request, call the Business O ffice at (708) 709-3577 and pay the transcript request fee. After the fee is paid, you will be provided a receipt num ber. W rite the receipt num ber on your transcript request form .

c. Bring the form to the Office of Enrollm ent Services located on the m ain cam pus at 202 South Halsted Street in Chicago Heights, Illinois. Prior to subm itting the form visit the Business Office also located on our m ain cam pus to pay the transcript request fee.


Please allow 3-5 days for internal processing.

Form s received after 2:00 p.m . will not be processed until the next business day.

Transcript request form s will be processed after all financial account balances are cleared.

M :\A d m is sio n s\tra n sc rip tre q u e s tfo rm w e b -re v 06 3 0 .w p d \2 0 1 0