Printable 5K Registration Form PDF Details

The "McMinnville Fall Crawl" 5K, a spirited event set to benefit St. Jude, captures the essence of community and charity in one fall afternoon. Scheduled on Saturday, October 29, 2011, at 3 PM, it is not your average run; it is a call to dress in your Halloween best, with Joshua and Ashly Crain & Main Street McMinnville playing gracious hosts. The registration form, found on websites like and, details everything from entry fees—$25 for the 5K Run/Walk and a special $15 for the Kids Fun Dash—to the race waiver that ensures every participant's understanding of the event's policies and inherent risks. Participants are encouraged to print legibly as they fill out personal information, including their name, age on race day, contact details, and preferred t-shirt size—a reminder that the first 200 registrants are guaranteed a shirt. The form also specifies payment instructions, making it clear that checks and money orders should be payable to Main Street McMinnville, ensuring a smooth transaction for groups mailing their entries together. Furthermore, it highlights the event's schedule, starting with registration at 2:00 PM, followed by the race itself. Safety and consent are paramount, embodied in the race waiver section, which every participant is required to sign, affirming their physical readiness and compliance with safety policies, including a prohibition on potentially hazardous items like roller blades and skateboards. This clause, along with a reminder about the non-refundable nature of entry fees and the form's final call for signatures, underscores the event's commitment to a secure and enjoyable race day experience, all while supporting a noble cause.

Form NamePrintable 5K Registration Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other names5k application form, 5k race registratyion form, 5k registration forms, fun run registration form template

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“McMinnville Fall Crawl” 5K to Benefit St. Jude

5K Run/Walk

Hosted by Joshua and Ashly Crain & Main Street McMinnville

Saturday, October 29, 2011 3 PM

Please print legibly and complete the entire entry form. More than one entry may be mailed together with the appropriate fees. Please make all checks and money orders payable to Main Street McMinnville.

5K Run/Walk: $25.00 entry fee.

Kids Fun Dash: $15


First & Last Name:_________________________________________________________________________

Age on Race Day: ________ Date of Birth: ________/________/________ Male Female

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________ State: __________ ZipCode:________________________

Telephone: (_____)_____-________ E-mail: _________________________@_________________________

T-Shirt Size (shirts only guaranteed for first 200 registrants):

Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL

Registration begins at 2:00PM race begins at 3:00PM

Please Check one event: 5k Run___ 5k Walk ___Kids Fun Dash___(for kids/parents up to age 12)

Race Waiver: I, individually, (and/or as parent, and/or guardian of the named minor) for and in consideration of acceptance of this entry in the aforementioned event, do hereby release, remise, waive, and forever discharge Joshua and/or Ashly Crain, Main Street McMinnville, the City of McMinnville and any and all other supporting groups of this said racing event, together with all their officers, agents, officials and employees, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action whatsoever arising out of, or relating to any injury, illness, loss, or damage, including death, relating to participation in the aforesaid event. I further state I am in proper physical condition to participate in this event. In addition, I agree that my participation in this event requires that I will not participate with roller blades, skateboards, or anything which the race director deems dangerous to myself or other participants and that the race director may remove me from this event for a violation of said policy. I further grant permission to this race and the organization conducting the race and/or agents authorized by them to use any photographs, videotapes, motion picture, recordings and any other record of this event for any purpose. I also agree that all entry fees are non-refundable and that this entry is non-transferable. Thank you for participating

Signature: __________________________________________Date: _____/_____/______

Parent/Guardian Signature, if under age 18: _____________________________________________________________

Send completed entry forms to:

Main Street McMinnville


P.O. Box 373


McMinnville, TN 37111

How to Edit Printable 5K Registration Form Online for Free

There's nothing hard regarding completing the race registration form template word when you launch our editor. By following these easy steps, you'll get the ready document within the shortest time frame possible.

Step 1: You should choose the orange "Get Form Now" button at the top of the following page.

Step 2: Right now, you can start modifying your race registration form template word. Our multifunctional toolbar is readily available - insert, eliminate, change, highlight, and conduct other commands with the text in the document.

For each segment, add the content asked by the application.

portion of gaps in fun run registration form template

In the segment TShirt Size shirts only guaranteed, Please Check one event k Run k, Race Waiver I individually andor, Signature, Date, ParentGuardian Signature if under, Send completed entry forms to, and Main Street McMinnville PO Box note the data the system demands you to do.

Finishing fun run registration form template stage 2

Step 3: As soon as you've selected the Done button, your file should be obtainable for transfer to any electronic device or email you identify.

Step 4: Have as much as a few copies of the file to stay away from any specific possible future problems.

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