Safety Daily Checklist PDF Details

The importance of a Safety Daily Checklist form in child care environments is profound, offering a structured guide to ensure that health and safety standards are met each day. This meticulous form covers everything from ensuring the program is smoke-free to verifying that all exits and entrances are clear of clutter, including snow and ice, which might block emergency egress. It demands that staff personal items are securely stored away from children's reach, promotes hygiene by mandating that hands are washed upon arrival, and insists on daily health checks for every child. Noteworthy is its emphasis on the preparation and secure storage of a bleach solution, availability of hygiene supplies, and the cleanliness of the overall environment. It checks for potential hazards, like unlocked chemicals, uncovered electrical outlets, and poorly stored heavy items, while also focusing on the condition of furniture and equipment. Specific to certain areas, like the playground, it requires a pre-use check for safety risks. In the realm of infant care, it goes a step further by outlining specific necessities such as the proper labeling and storage of bottles, safe sleep practices, and the condition and cleanliness of high chairs, ensuring every detail contributes to a safe and nurturing environment. This comprehensive checklist not only underscores the significance of daily inspections but also serves as a testament to the dedication of child care providers in maintaining a secure and healthy setting for the children in their care.

Form NameSafety Daily Checklist
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other nameschild care daily checklist, safety daily checklist, safety checklist classroom, child daily checklist printable

Form Preview Example

Child Care

Health and Safety DAILY Checklist

Classroom: ______________________Date:__________________

Completed by: ____________________________________________

Health and Safety checks to be done at the

Mon Tues

Wed Thurs Fri




(check if in compliance )



Program is smoke free.

All entrances/exits are kept clear of clutter, snow, ice, etc.

Staff purses and personal items are locked out of reach of children.

Hands are washed by staff and children upon arrival to classroom.

Each child has brief health check by classroom teacher (includes parent/caregiver communication).

Bleach solution is made daily, labeled and inaccessible to children.

All hygiene supplies are available (soap, paper towels, toilet paper, lined garbage can, warm water).

Area is generally clean and clutter-free (garbage emptied, floors swept, toys and work space, bathroom clean).

All chemicals are locked/out of reach of children.

Air fresheners are not used.

All electrical outlets are covered.

Furniture and equipment is in good repair (check for broken toys, accessories, wrinkled/disrepair rugs/carpet).

Heavy toys/items are stored on lowest shelf.

Window cords are adjusted to prevent strangulation.

Children’s personal/nap items are kept separated (use of cubbies, bags, or storage containers).

Tables and chairs are not stacked while children are present.

Playground and equipment is checked for garbage, standing water and other hazards before use.

Diapering supplies are gathered and within reach before beginning (including a lined and covered foot operated garbage can).

Cots/cribs are placed 3 ft apart or have barrier and assigned to a specific child or cleaned and sanitized after each use.

Approved safety gates are used on stairways, if necessary.

Screens, in good repair/secure and used in open windows and doors.

First aid kit is available in each room/appropriately stocked.

Infant Room (additions)

All bottles have full name/date and refrigerated immediately.

Infants always placed on their back to sleep in cribs/pack-n-plays.

Cribs are free of soft bedding, bumper pads, pillows and stuffed toys.

Cribs have tight fitting mattress and a secure fitted sheet.

High chairs are in good repair and cleaned and sanitized before/after use.

Safety restraints are used on infant seats, swings, strollers and high chairs.

How to Edit Safety Daily Checklist Online for Free

You'll find nothing challenging about filling out the child care safety checklist once you begin using our PDF tool. Following these basic steps, you will get the ready PDF document within the minimum period possible.

Step 1: Press the "Get Form Now" button to begin.

Step 2: After you've accessed the child care safety checklist edit page, you'll see all functions you can use regarding your file at the upper menu.

Type in the details requested by the system to complete the form.

daycare checklist pdf gaps to complete

In the part Program is smoke free All note the information that the system requests you to do.

Filling in daycare checklist pdf stage 2

Focus on the most essential information about the Program is smoke free All area.

step 3 to filling out daycare checklist pdf

Step 3: When you have selected the Done button, your form should be available for upload to any kind of gadget or email address you specify.

Step 4: You should make as many copies of your file as you can to stay away from future complications.

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