Account/Customer No. 

I |
Please open my NRIAccount at your |
__________________________(Name of Branch) |
Customer Information |
(Please fill customer information sheet attached) |
Individual Details |
First Name |
Middle Name |
Surname |
1st Applicant |
Mr./Mrs./Ms. |
2nd Applicant |
Mr./Mrs./Ms. |
3rd Applicant |
Mr./Mrs./Ms. |
Date of Birth |
PAN/GIR No. (if an assessee) |
1st |
Applicant |
Date |
Month |
Year |
M/F |
2nd Applicant |
M/F |
Date |
Month |
Year |
rd |
3 |
Applicant |
M/F |
Date |
Month |
Year |
Name of Parent/Natural Guardian |
(in case any of the applicants is a minor) |
Overseas Address (Compulsory) |
Indian Address |
Address |
Address |
Pin Code |
Tel. Res. |
Office |
Tel. Res. |
Office |
NOS. |
Fax |
Mobile |
Fax |
Mobile |
Email ID |
Email ID |
Telephone No. Indian if any |
( : Please tick the address to which the mails is to be sent) |
II |
Amount (Specify |
Period |
Currency) |
1. Non-Resident (External ) Savings Bank A/c |
2. Non - Resident (External) Reinvestment Plan Deposit A/c |
3. Non-Resident (External) Rupee Term Deposit A/c |
4. F.C.N.R. Reinvestment Plan Deposit A/c |
5. Foreign Currency (Non-Resident) Term Deposit A/c |
6. Non-Resident (External) Current A/c |
Single |
Either or Survivor of us |
Both or Survivor of us |
Later or Survivor of us |
Former or Survivor of us |
Other (please specify) |
IV |
1. Cheque/Demand Draft No.................................. dt..........................for .............................enclosed |
2. Wire Transfer No.............................dt..............................................Amount.............................sent |
3. Name and Address of the Remitting Bank |
XIntroduction Details (any one)
A/c. |
Self (in case of |
No. |
an existing customer of the Bank)
In case of attestation by self please enclose (any 2 of the following)
1.Cheque drawn on bank A/c. abroad
2.Latest Overseas Bank Statement in original.
3.Copy of Telephone/Electricity Bill
4.Cancelled paid cheque of your Overseas Bank A/c.
5.Drawing Income/Employee ID/Labour Card
Passport & Residence Visa/ID Card Copies duly attested by Banker/Notary Public/Indian Embassy/A person Known to the Bank/Self
I/We hereby declare that I am/we are non-resident Indian(s)/of Indian Origin. I/We understand that the above account will be opened on the basis of the statements/declarations made by me/us, and I/We also agree that if any of the statements/declarations made herein is found to be not correct in material particulars, you are not bound to pay any interest on the deposit made by me/us.
I/We agree that no claim will be made by me/us for any interest on the deposit/s for any period after the date/s of maturity of the deposit/s. I/We agree to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Currency (Non-Resident) Account/Non-Resident (External) Account Scheme. I/We hereby undertake to intimate you about my/our return to India for permanent residence immediately on arrival.
I/We agree that if the premature withdrawal is permitted at my/our request, the payment of interest on the deposit may be allowed in accordance with the prevailing stipulations, laid down by Reserve Bank of India in this regard.
I/We authorise the bank to automatically renew the deposit on the due date for an identical period unless the instruction to the contrary from me/us is received by the Bank before maturity. I /We understand that the renewal will be in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India scheme in force at the time of renewal.
I/We further understand that the interest applicable on renewals will be at the applicable ruling rates on the date of maturity and that the renewal will be noted on the deposit receipt on my/our presenting the same on the maturity date or later for renewal/payment.
(________________________) |
(___________________) |
(___________________) |
Signature of 1st Applicant |
Signature of 2nd Applicant |
Signature of 3rd Applicant |
XII Format for Declaration Cum Undertaking of NRI
(Under Section 10(5), Chapter III of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999)
I/We hereby declare that the transaction(s) the details of which are specifically mentioned in the Schedule hereunder does not involve and is not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of the aforesaid Act or of any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order made thereunder. I/We also hereby agree and undertake to give such informations/documents, before the Bank undertakes the transaction(s) and as may be required from time to time as will reasonably satisfy you about the transaction(s) in terms of the above declaration
I/We also understand that if I/We refuse to comply with any such requirement or make unsatisfactory compliance therewith, the Bank shall refuse in writing to undertake the transaction and shall if it has reason to believe that any contravention/evasion is contemplated by me/us report the matter to Reserve Bank of India.
*I/We further declare that the undersigned has/have the authority to give this declaration and undertaking on behalf of the firm/company.
Place: |
Signature of the applicant |
Date: |
For Foreign Exchange |
*Applicable when the declaration/undertaking is signed on behalf of the firm/company. Non-resident Indians (NRIs), persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and residents of any jurisdiction where opening or maintaining the account is prohibited by the laws or regulatory requirements of such jurisdiction are not eligible to open and maintain this account.
1.Applicant(s) interviewed and purpose ascertained (description)_______________
2.Application received by Post_________________________
3.Particulars of identification _________________________ (xerox copy of the documents obtained)
4.Account opened on (date) __________________________________
5. Value Date __________________ |
Signature of Branch Manager for Value Date_______________________ |
6.Account opened by computer operator (name) _____________________________________________________
Authorised person/Officer (name) _______________________________________________________________
7.Internet (INB)/Telebanking ID Despatched on ____________________________________
8.Customer particulars loaded on site on _________________________________________
9.ATM/Debit Card No.________________________ despatched on ___________________
10.INB services approved & INB customer flag set to "Y" in Bankmaster
11.Letter of thanks sent to customer on ___________________________________________
12.Acknowledgement received from customer on ___________________________________
13.Nomination form entered in register & its serial No. _______________________________
14.TDR/STDR No. ______________________ dt. _________________________________
15.Threshold Limit Rs.________________________
Branch Manager/Authorised Official
Account transferred to __________________________________/Branch on_________________________________
Account closed on _________________________
Signature of Officer
Non-resident Indians (NRIs), persons of Indian origin (PIOs) and residents of any jurisdiction where opening or maintaining the account is prohibited by the laws or regulatory requirements of such jurisdiction are not eligible to open and maintain this account.
(to be signed and mailed to the branch where the account is maintained)
The Branch Manager
I wish to register as a user of 'OnlineSBI', SBI's Internet Banking Service.
Name of Customer |
(25 Characters) |
Mailing Address: E-Mail. |
: |
Telephone No. : |
Mobile No. : |
Date of Birth DD MM YY
Single/ Joint* |
Transaction |
Accounts |
Rights |
(Y/N) |
My Account Numbers
* Mode of operation for Online SBI Service will be the same as that for your account at the branch (See Part III of the Account Opening Form)
I have read the provisions contained in the “Terms of service document” of “OnlineSBI” and accept them. I agree that the transactions executed over OnLineSBI under my Username and Password will be binding on me.
Customers' Signature |
Date: |
Branch Use
General Information:
1.You should register for 'OnlineSBI' with the branch where you maintain the account.
2.If you maintain accounts at more than one branch, you need to register at each branch separately.
3.Normally OnlineSBI services will be open to the customer only after he acknowledges the receipt of password.
4.We invite you to visit your account on the site frequently for transacting business or viewing account balances. If you believe that any information relating to your account has a discrepancy, please bring it to the notice of the branch by e-mail or letter.
5.In a joint account, all account holders are entitled to register, as users of 'OnlineSBI', but transactions would be permitted based on the account operation rights recorded at the branch. (To begin with the services will be extended only to single or Joint “E or S” accounts only).
6.All accounts at the branch whether or not listed in the registration form, will be available on the 'OnlineSBI'. However the applicant has the option to selectively view the accounts on the 'OnlineSBI'.
1.The Branch where the customer maintains his account will assign:
a)User-id &
2.The User-id and Password given by the branch must be replaced by UserName and Password of customer's choice at the time of first log-on. This is mandatory.
3.Bank will make reasonable use of available technology to ensure security and to prevent unauthorised access to any of these services. The 'OnlineSBI service is VERISIGN certified which guarantees, that it is a secure site. It means that
●You are dealing with SBI at that moment.
●The two-way communication is secured with 128-bit SSL encryption technology, which ensures the confidentiality of the data during transmission.
These together with access control methods designed on the site would afford a high level of security to the transactions you conduct.
SBI will soon be implementing PKI/Digital Signature.
4.You are welcome to access 'OnlineSBI' from anywhere anytime. However, as a matter of precaution, customers may avoid using PCs with public access.
5.There is no way to retrieve a password from the system. Therefore if a customer forgets his password, he must approach the branch for re-registration.
Bank's terms:
6.All requests received from customers are logged for backend fulfilment and are effective from the time they are recorded at the branch.
7.Rules and regulations applicable to normal banking transactions in India will be applicable mutatis mutandis for the transactions executed through this site.
8.The OnlineSBI service cannot be claimed as a right. The bank may also convert this into a discretionary service anytime.
9.Dispute between the customer and the Bank in this service is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in the Republic of India and governed by the laws prevailing in India.
10.The Bank reserves the right to modify the services offered or the Terms of service of 'OnlineSBI'. The changes will be notified to the customers through a notification on the Site.
Customer's obligations:
1.The customer has an obligation to maintain secrecy in regard to Username & Password registered with the Bank. The bank presupposes that login using valid Username and Password is a valid session initiated by none other than the customer.
2.Transaction executed through a valid session will be construed by SBI to have emanated from the registered customer and will be binding on him / her.
3.The customer will not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the 'OnlineSBI' through any unlawful means.
Dos' & Don'ts':
1.The customer should keep his/her ID and password strictly confidential and should not divulge the same to any other person. Any loss sustained by the customer due to non-compliance of this condition will be at his/her own risk and responsibility and the Bank will not be liable for the same in any manner.
2.The customer is free to choose a password of his own for OnlineSBI services.As a precaution a password that is generic in nature, guessable or inferable personal data such as name, address, telephone member, driving license, date of birth etc. is best avoided. Similarly it is a good practice to commit the password to memory rather than writing it down somewhere.
3.It may not be safe to leave the computer unattended during a valid session. This might give access to your account information to others.
Nomination under Sec. 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Rule 2(1) of the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 in respect of Bank deposits.
Name(s) &Address(es) of theAccount Holder(s)
Nominate the following person to whom in the event of my/our/minor's death the amount of deposit in the account, Particulars whereof are given below, may be returned by State Bank of India.
Nature of Deposit |
Distinguishing Number |
Additional Details, if any |
(Give Account Number) |
Name and Address |
Relationship with |
Age |
If Nominee is a minor, |
(Only one nominee) |
Depositor, if any |
Give Date of Birth |
* As the nominee is a minor on this date. I/We appoint
(Name, Address & of the guardian) to receive the amount of the deposit in the account on behalf of the nominee in the event of my/our/minor’s death during the minority of the nominee.
Signature (Name & Address of witness)
Place :
Date :
* Strike out if nominee is not a minor.
Signature(s) of depositor(s)
Note: Where deposit is made in the name of a minor,
the nomination should be signed by a person lawfully
entitled to act on behalf of the minor.
* Nomination without witness is not valid & Cannot be registered.
Particulars of Form DA1 (if received) entered in Nomination Register Sr.No. _______ |
Dt. ________________ |
Customer advised on |
Acknowledgement received on |
Open |
Account opened |
Date |
19 |
No. of Cheque Book/ TDR issued |
(from) |
Branch Manager |
Ledg. Keeper |
(to) |
Officer |
Additional Information (Optional)
Please fill in the following information in order to help us identify your requirement for better service:
1. |
Educational |
Non-Graduate |
Graduate |
Post Graduate |
Qualification |
Professional (Pl.specify) |
2. |
Your Spouse's |
Non-Graduate. |
Graduate |
Post Graduate Qualification |
3. |
Family Member: |
Upto 10 yrs |
11-20 |
21-45 |
46-60 |
Above 61 Total |
No. of Males |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
= |
No. of Females |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
= |
4. |
How may times you have been to |
Never |
1-5 times |
above 5 times |
India in last 3 years |
5.Do you have a Credit Card
Assets |
Total |
US $ |
(Approx) |
7.House you live in
8.Life Policy for
9.Other Investments
< US$2000
< US$2000
> US $5000
> US $5000<10000
> US$ 50000
10. Any other Assets (Specify) __________________________________________________________________
Place : ________________ |
Signature of Customer ___________________________________ |
Date: ________________ |