Filling out the student incident report template ensures that all necessary actions and precautions are taken promptly at school.
1. Student Identification
Please write the student's full name involved in the accident. Also, provide the home address, city, and zip code to ensure clear identification.
2. School Details
Record the name of the school where the student is enrolled. Specify the student’s sex by marking "M" for male or "F" for female. Fill in the student's age and grade at the time of the accident.

3. Accident Timing
Note the exact time the accident occurred, specifying AM or PM. Include the full date of the accident to maintain an accurate timeline.
4. Location of Accident
Indicate the precise location of the accident by checking the appropriate box: inside the school building, on school grounds, or to/from school.
5. Description of the Accident
Describe the student's activity at the time of the accident, the specific location on campus, and any equipment, tools, or machinery involved. Elaborate on the sequence of events leading up to and including the accident.

6. Additional Information
Specify the teacher in charge at the time and mark whether they were present at the scene. Note any direct blood contact and list all persons involved.
7. Medical Response
Record any first aid treatment provided and by whom. If the student was sent to the school nurse, sent home, or referred to a physician or hospital, include the names of those who facilitated each action.

8. Notification Details
Indicate whether a parent or other individual was notified about the accident. Provide details on how and when the notification was made and who made it.
9. Witnesses
You are required to list the names of individuals who witnessed the accident. Space is provided on the school accident report template to list up to four persons. For each witness, clearly write their full name.
10. Final Remarks and Signature
Include any additional remarks that may be helpful in understanding the incident further. The principal and the teacher should sign and date this incident report template for schools.