St 119 1 Form Exempt PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of state-specific tax exemption forms can often seem daunting, yet understanding the New York Exempt Purchase Certificate (Form ST 119.1) is crucial for qualifying organizations. This form serves as a vital tool for exempt entities like Indiana University, allowing them to make purchases without being charged sales and use tax, provided these purchases are strictly for educational purposes. Structured around New York's Section 1116(a)(4), the certificate stipulates that Indiana University, being organized exclusively for educational goals, is entitled to this exemption. However, there are specific conditions to be met such as the university being the direct purchaser and payer, purchases directly benefiting the university, and restrictions on items like motor fuel. Moreover, a notable convenience is the option of a blanket exemption, which can cover all qualifying transactions within a three-year period, reducing administrative burdens and ensuring compliance. It’s also highlighted that the form must carry the original signature of a designated signatory, underscoring the importance of authenticity and responsibility in its usage. Understanding the stipulations, limitations, and processes associated with Form ST 119.1 not only ensures adherence to tax laws but also maximizes the financial benefits for eligible organizations.

Form NameSt 119 1 Form Exempt
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesnys st 119 1 fillable form, tax exempt form st 119 1, nys tax exempt certificate, new york state tax exempt forms

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***For internal Indiana University use only***

NOTE: According to New York, Section 1116(a)(4), Indiana University is exempt from sales and use tax because it is organized exclusively for educational purposes. The University must issue the attached certificate to vendors when purchasing tangible personal property or taxable services to qualify for the exemption. A vendor may accept Form ST 119.1 from Indiana University at the time of sale, or within 90 days of accepting delivery of the property or the rendering of services.

Indiana University must be the direct purchaser and payer of record. Purchases must be made in the following manner:

O Are directly invoiced and charged to Indiana University, and O Are directly paid by Indiana University via


credit card

All purchases made using Form ST 119.1 must benefit the University only. The form may not be used for the benefit of any officer, member, or employee of Indiana University.

The exemption does not apply to purchases of motor fuel or diesel motor fuel.

It is not necessary to give the seller a new certificate every time a purchase is made. A blanket exemption claim covers all exempt transfers between the University and the vendor for a three year period from the date of purchase.

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out all sections highlighted in blue including:

Seller’s Name and Address

The exemption certificate must have the original signature of a responsible officer. Indiana University has designated Associate Vice President & Director of Procurement Services, Jill Schunk, as the signatory. Please e-mail Jill Schunk for an appointment.

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance


New York State and Local Sales and Use Tax

Exempt Organization



Exempt Purchase Certificate


0 Single purchase certificate

0 Blanket certificate Name of seller

Street address

Your exempt organization number

Exempt organization number (6-digit number

is not your federal employer

issued by the New York State Tax Department)







identification number (see instructions).








Name of exempt organization/purchaser

Street address



ZIP code



ZIP code

T he exempt organization must be the direct purchaser and payer of record.

You may not use this form to purchase motor fuel or diesel motor fuel exempt from tax.

Representatives of governmental agencies or diplomatic missions may not use this form.

Carefully read the instructions and other information on the back of this document.

I certify that the organization named above holds a valid Form ST-119 , Exempt Organization Certificate, and is exempt from New York State and local sales and use taxes on its purchases.

Certification: I certify that the above statements are true, complete, and correct, and that no material information has been omitted . I make these statements and issue this exemption certificate with the knowledge that this document provides evidence that state and local sales or use taxes do not apply to a transaction or transactions for which I tendered this document and that willfully issuing this document with the intent to evade any such tax may constitute a felony or other crime under New York State Law, punishable by a substantial fine and a possible jail sentence. I understand that this document is required to be filed with , and delivered to the vendor as agent for the Tax Department for the purposes of section1838 of the Tax Law and is deemed a document required to be filed with the Tax Department for the purpose of prosecution of offenses. I also understand that the Tax Department is authorized to investigate the validity of tax exclusions or exemptions claimed and the accuracy of any information entered on this document.

Print or type name of officer of organization


Signature of officer of organization

Date issued

Need help?

1;1 Visit our Web site at

• get information and manage your taxes online

• check for new online services and features


Text Telephone (TTY) Hotline (for persons with



hearing and speech disabilities using a TTY): If you


have access to a TTY, contact us at (518) 485-5082.


If you do not own a TTY, check with independent


living centers or community action programs to find

out where machines are available for public use .

Telephone assistance




Sales Tax Information




To order forms and




Persons with disabilities: In compliance with the セ@Americans with Disabilities Act, we will ensure that our

lobbies, offices, meeting rooms, and other facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have questions about special accommodations for persons with disabilities, call the information center.

How to Edit St 119 1 Form Exempt Online for Free

This PDF editor was built with the objective of allowing it to be as effortless and easy-to-use as possible. The following steps can certainly make completing the tax exempt form st 119 1 quick and simple.

Step 1: The web page includes an orange button that says "Get Form Now". Select it.

Step 2: Right now, you are able to change your tax exempt form st 119 1. Our multifunctional toolbar helps you include, remove, transform, highlight, as well as undertake other sorts of commands to the content and fields within the file.

The next areas are what you will need to complete to obtain the finished PDF form.

part 1 to completing st 119 1 tax exempt form

Provide the demanded details in the Single purchase certificate, Street address, City, Your exempt organization number is, Exempt organization number digit, Name of exempt, Street address, State, ZIP code, City, State, ZIP code, The exempt organization must be, You may not use this form to, and Representatives of governmental field.

Filling out st 119 1 tax exempt form step 2

Within the section dealing with Print or type name of officer of, Signature of officer of, Title, Date issued, Need help, check for new online services and, get information and manage your, Visit our Web site at wwwtaxnygov, hearing and speech disabilities, Text Telephone TTY Hotline for, out where machines are available, Sales Tax Information Center, To order forms and publications, Persons with disabilities In, and Americans with Disabilities Act we, one should note some appropriate information.

Finishing st 119 1 tax exempt form part 3

Step 3: As soon as you are done, press the "Done" button to transfer your PDF form.

Step 4: To protect yourself from any type of difficulties as time goes on, be sure to create a minimum of two or three copies of the document.

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