Are you applying to a college or university and trying to figure out how to complete the supplemental application form? You're not alone – many students struggle with this step in their college process. With so much information from different sources, it can be hard to know which pieces of information are most important, let alone how best to complete the appropriate fields for maximum success in your application process. In this blog post, we'll explore what the supplemental application is, why it's so important, and all the key tips for properly completing yours for your best chance at admission!
Question | Answer |
Form Name | Supplamental Application Form |
Form Length | 1 pages |
Fillable? | No |
Fillable fields | 0 |
Avg. time to fill out | 15 sec |
Other names | blank attestation form, experience1, Massachusetts, RADIOLOGIC |
Supplemental Application Form
This form must be completed if you are seeking a license as a Massachusetts Mammography Radiologic Technologist through recent mammography training and experience1 outside of Massachusetts. Individuals who are not Massachusetts Radiologic Technology Licensed must complete and submit with this form an Application Form for a Massachusetts Radiologic Technologist License.
I. Most Recent Mammography Experience:
Dates of Employment: from; ________________________to; ___________________________
Facility Name: _________________________________________________________________
Facility Address: _______________________________________________________________
Facility Telephone Number: ________________ Immediate Supervisor: ___________________
II. Number of Mammograms Performed in Past 24 Months: _________________________
III. Training in Mammography:
Dates of Training: ______________________________________________________________
Facility Name: _________________________________________________________________
Facility Address: _______________________________________________________________
Attach written documentation of item II and III above. Acceptable documentation is: a letter, course completion certificate, or CEU certificate.
IV. Attach a notarized copy of your ARRT Mammography Certification.
I, (Please PRINT)_________________________________________, attest that, to the best of my
knowledge and my belief, the information provided in this declaration is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the provisions of the Massachusetts Regulations 105 CMR 127.000 Licensing of Mammography Facilities and 125.000 Regulations Governing the Licensing of Radiologic Technologists. I understand that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may request additional information to substantiate the statements made in this declaration. I also understand that knowingly providing false information could result in criminal liability, punishable by up to $2,000 fine and imprisonment of up to two years, or civil liability under 105 CMR 127.022(E).
Attestor's Signature and Title |
Date Signed |