Tm 1 Form PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of compliance with fire safety regulations in New York City demands a thorough understanding of the necessary documentation and process flow, of which the TM-1 form is a fundamental component. Intended for those undertaking projects that involve the design and installation of fire suppression, alarm systems, or any technological advancements in fire prevention, the TM-1 Application for Tech Mgmt Plan Examination/Document Review is a critical step in securing the Fire Department of New York's (FDNY) approval. This form, updated as of March 1, 2021, acts as a linchpin in the examination process by the FDNY’s Bureau of Fire Prevention situated at 9 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn. Applicants are required to meticulously complete the TM-1, accompanying it with design and installation documents as mandated by the Fire Code, and to calculate the associated fees using Supplement #1. Acknowledging the digital age, the submission process is executed electronically through the FDNY Business portal, streamlining the review stages while ensuring all revisions are clearly annotated for quick reference. The form delineates various sections encompassing general information about the premises and the applicant, detailed project description, compliance with asbestos abatement and landmark considerations, among others, ensuring a comprehensive review process. Each section of the TM-1 form is designed to capture essential details that facilitate a thorough evaluation by the FDNY, underscoring the importance of accuracy and completeness in submissions. Moreover, the form serves as a declaration of the integrity of the submitted plans and the non-refundable nature of the application fee, reinforcing the seriousness with which the FDNY treats fire safety compliance.

Form NameTm 1 Form
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesnyc tm 1, tm 1 fill, fdny tm 1, form tm1

Form Preview Example

TM-1 (03-01-21)






All design and installation documents as per Fire Code shall be submitted to FDNY for examination. The submission must include a duly completed TM-1 form. Fee for Plan Examination: use Supplement # 1 to calculate total fee and write it down in the box below.

Submit the completed application and payment electronically through FDNY Business.

All revisions must be accompanied by a detailed cover/transmittal letter explaining the revised sections.


Initial Filing Date: ___________


TOTAL FEE: $ _________________











F P Index No.

















Resubmission Date: __________


(as calculated in Supplement # 1)


















Plan Examiner Initials






















□ RESUBMISSION ( provide previously assigned FDNY Reference










number and copy of latest deficient/objection letter)










FDNY Reference No(s): ____________________________



Design and Installation Document Type (Check Document Type Submitted)







Fire Alarm/Fire Suppression/ARCS (Electrical)











Fire Suppression (Mechanical)











Plan examination as per FC105.4











New Technology/Technical Analysis (incl.FC102.8 & 104.9)











ARCS Commissioning Test Report

























DOB/SBS Filing Status (if applicable, see detailed instructions):










DOB Job Application No:


SBS Job Application No:


Copy of PW-1, SCHEDULE A and/or








Certificate of Occupancy ATTACHED



Premises Information (Required for all applications):

BIN: ____________________


Block : _________


Building No: ______________

Street Name: _____________________________________________________


Lot : _________













Work on floor(S): ______________________________________________







Occupied by: ____________________________________

Occupancy classification of the area of work: ______________________



















Business Name : ____________________________________ Building Dominant Occupancy Group : ______________________


Applicant Information (Required for all applications. All fields must be completed):



Last Name: _____________________________________


License Number: _______________





First Name: _____________________________________


Business Tel: ___________________





Business Name: _________________________________________________________________

Business Fax: ___________________





Business Address: _______________________________

City: _______________________

State: _________

Zip: __________






Choose one: P. E. R. A. Building Owner Building Manager

E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Filing Representative (Required if different from applicant specified in Section 5):



Last Name: _____________________________________


Reg. No: _______________________





First Name: _____________________________________


Business Tel: ___________________





Business Name: _________________________________________________________________

Business Fax: ___________________





Business Address:________________________________


State: _________

Zip: __________






E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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F P Index No.




Plan Examiner Initials ___________

7Building Characteristics and Fire Protection Features:











Occupied floor located more than 75 ft











Height (ft.): _________






above the lowest level of FD vehicle access:


























Fully Sprinklered






Partially Sprinklered










Identify floor(s) protected___________________________________


















Classification of Work (Required for Fire Alarm and ARCS Applications only):












Post Approval Amendment (PAA)













Building Code Applicable To Project (As Required By Construction Codes/DOB Determination)




(Required for Fire Alarm and ARCS Applications only):


































10 Job Description (Required for all applications. Attach a separate narrative page with detailed proposed job description.

11 Filed to Comply with Following Sections of Code, and/or Rules (Required for all applications):

12 Asbestos Abatement Compliance Choose one. (if applicable, see detailed instructions):

The scope of work is not an asbestos abatement as defined in the rules of the NYC DEP. DEP Control # is required. DEP ACP-5

Control No.. (DEP ACP-5 Required).

The scope of work exempt from the asbestos requirement as defined in the rules promulgated by the NYC DEP (15 RCNY 1-23 (b)) or is an alteration to a building constructed pursuant to plans submitted for approval on or after April 1, 1987, in accordance with Admin Code 28-106.1. (Certificate of Occupancy Required).


Landmark Building (Required for all applications):






(If yes, provide documentation as per instructions).


Flood Hazard Area (Required for Fire Alarm and ARCS Applications only):




(If yes, provide documentation as per instructions).




TM-1 (03-01-21)

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TM-1 (03-01-21)








F P Index No.






Plan Examiner Initials ___________

15 Applicant’s Statement and Signature (Required for all applications):

Falsification of any statement is a misdemeanor under the NYC Administrative Code and is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both. It is unlawful to give to a city employee, or for a city employee to accept, any benefit, monetary or otherwise, either as a gratuity for properly performing the job or in exchange for special consideration. Violation is punishable by imprisonment, fine, or both.

I prepared or supervised the preparation of the plans and specifications herewith submitted and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the plans and work shown thereon comply with the provisions of the NYC Administrative Code.

I hereby acknowledge that the application fee submitted is non-refundable.




(Print Name)



16Property Owner Information (Required for all applications. All fields must be completed):

Last Name: _____________________________________

First Name: _________________

Business Tel: ___________________





Business Name: _________________________________________________________________

Business Fax: ___________________





Business Address: _______________________________

City: _______________________

State: _________

Zip: __________





E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________________

Mobile Tel: _________________





17Property Owner’s Statement and Signature (if applicable, see detailed instructions):

I have affixed my signature below hereto and certify that I am responsible for the entries made in this application filed on the date captured below, and that I have personally reviewed all of the information contained in the application and am attesting it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.




(Print Name)



Note: In addition to filing this application the applicant is responsible for filing all other necessary applications

required by other city, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations.













Fee Paid

Amount: ________________




Check No: _______________

Date: ________________



Cashier Endorsement:





Plan assigned to: _____________________________________________________________________________________



Date: ________________




Resubmission required:




















Examiner: _________________________________






(Print Name)

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Fire Department City of New York

TM-1 (03-01-21)

Bureau of Fire Prevention

Supplement # 1


9 MetroTech, Third Floor


Brooklyn, NY 11201-3857


Supplement # 1


General Instructions

All design and installation documents submitted to the Fire Department for plan examination (as required by the New York City Fire Code or Fire Department rules) must be accompanied by a duly completed TM-1 form.

A separate Fire Department application must be submitted (and separate application fee paid) for each installation or other work filed under a separate application with the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) or Small Business Services (SBS).

Submit the completed application electronically through FDNY Business.

All fees must be submitted with the application. Fees are non-refundable. If determined during the plan examination that this application is considered a Complex Technical Analysis, you will be required to pay a "Complex Technical Analysis Fee." See “Application Fee” below for more information.

All revisions must be accompanied by a detailed cover/transmittal letter explaining the revised sections.

If additional space is required, please use 8 ½ x 11 sheet and attach to the form.

Note: In addition to filing this application, the applicant is responsible for filing all other necessary applications required by other city, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations.



Detailed Instructions








New or Resubmission

Check (X) the appropriate box to indicate the application is new or



resubmission. All resubmissions must have the assigned FDNY Reference



Number (FPIMS No./Record ID) printed on TM-1 and include the latest



objection/s issued by the respective unit/s as applicable.


Design and Installation

Check (X) the appropriate box to indicate the type and the unit the application


Documents Submitted to

will be submitted to.





DOB/SBS Filing Status

Provide DOB/SBS application number and copy of the PW-1 application for all



scopes of work that include new buildings or change of use/occupancy.



Copy of approved PW-1A (Schedule A) or copy of Certificate of Occupancy



(CO) shall also be submitted for all fire alarm plan applications.


Premises Information

Indicate building number, street name, borough, zip code, and BIN.



BIN is Building Information Number issued by the Department of Buildings



and must be submitted for all applications. Must include all floors of work,



name of the tenant/s if applicable and occupancy classification of the area of



work. Provide the building occupancy group or dominant occupancy of the



building. Provide business name.


Applicant Information

Provide the name, business name, address, telephone, and e-mail of the



applicant. License number is the Engineer’s or the Architect’s license number



issued by New York State for PE or RA. Choose if the applicant is P.E., R.A.,



building owner or building manager.

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Filing Representative

Provide name, business address, telephone, e-mail and Registration Number



(Reg. No.) of the filing representative. Registration Number is the number



issued by NYC Fire Department as filing representative (Expeditor).


Building Characteristics and

Indicate the height of the building, number of stories and type of construction,


Fire Protection Features

and if the building is located in an area of special flood hazard. Indicate if



building is fully sprinklered, partially sprinklered, or non-sprinklered. If partial



sprinklered protection is provided, indicate the floors that are protected by





Classification of Work

Check (X) the appropriate box to indicate whether the plan submission is new,



additions/ modifications, or post approval amendment (PAA). If it is a PAA,



indicate the document number and in job description (Section 10) include the



reason for the PAA request. This section must be completed for all Fire



Alarm and ARCS applications.


Building Code Applicable

Check (X) the appropriate review request. This section must be completed


To Project

for all Fire Alarm and ARCS applications.


Job Description

Give a detailed description of job. Attach a separate narrative page with detailed proposed



job description. For fire alarm and ARCS applications: Describe the type of system



proposing to install as per Building Code/Fire Code for all “FA” applications.





Filed to comply with

Indicate the section of the code or rule. If additional factors to be considered,


section of Code, Rules

please specify. Use additional sheets if necessary.


Asbestos Abatement

Complete section and attach respective DEP Forms



ACP 5 OR Certificate of Occupancy. Required for Fire Alarm, ARCS



and Non-Water Fire Suppression applications.


Landmarks Section

If marked yes: For Interior Landmarks, provide Landmarks approval. For



Individual Landmarks & buildings in Historic Districts, provide documentation



signed and stamped by P.E. or R.A. stating “Scope of work is under exemptions



for Landmarks approval and the exterior will not be altered in any way.”



Statement may be on separate sheet of paper or on plans. If the exterior will be



altered, provide Landmarks approval.


Flood Hazard Area

If yes, provide statement on plans; “Design is in compliance with NYC DOB Building



Code Appendix G.” Required for Fire Alarm and ARCS applications only.


Applicant’s Statement and

Applicant must sign and date the application.





Property Owner

Provide the name, business name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail of the



property owner.


Property Owner’s Statement

Owner must sign and date the application.


and Signature


Application Fees: Choose type of your plan as indicated below and submit appropriate fees with each application:


Plan Examination FC 105.4



Fire Alarm Plan/ARCS



Emergency Alarm Plan FC 908



Document Review



Fire Suppression Plan (mechanical portion)



New Technology/Technical Analysis including

$525 (in addition to Plan Examination Fee)


FC102.8 & FC104.9



Document Processing Fee

$165 (in addition to other applicable fees)


ARCS Commissioning Test Report


***Late Plan Filing: 50% to 100% surcharge (based on filing delay) ***

Document Processing Fee (applications not requiring DOB work permit), including ARC Systems, Emergency Alarm, Fire Alarm, Non-Water Fire Suppression Systems and Rangehood

TM-1 (03-01-21)

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How to Edit Tm 1 Form Online for Free

You could prepare tm plan easily by using our online editor for PDFs. To make our tool better and easier to use, we constantly implement new features, with our users' suggestions in mind. To start your journey, take these simple steps:

Step 1: First, access the pdf editor by clicking the "Get Form Button" at the top of this page.

Step 2: This tool allows you to modify PDF files in a range of ways. Modify it with any text, adjust what is already in the document, and add a signature - all readily available!

This PDF form will require specific details to be typed in, thus you need to take whatever time to provide exactly what is requested:

1. The tm plan will require certain information to be inserted. Make sure the subsequent blanks are filled out:

Part no. 1 of completing tm 1

2. Given that the previous part is finished, you need to include the necessary details in Borough NY ZIP Work on floors, Occupied by Occupancy, Business Name, Building Dominant Occupancy Group, Applicant Information Required, First Name, License Number, Business Tel, Business Name, Business Fax, Business Address, City, State Zip, Choose one P E R A Building, and EMail so you're able to move forward further.

tm 1 writing process clarified (part 2)

3. Completing Building Height ft, Fully Sprinklered, Building Stories, Construction Classification, Partially Sprinklered, Occupied floor located more than, above the lowest level of FD, Identify floors protected, Classification of Work Required, New, AdditionsModifications, Post Approval Amendment PAA, Building Code Applicable To, and Job Description Required for all is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

Stage # 3 for filling out tm 1

4. The following section needs your attention in the following places: Filed to Comply with Following, Asbestos Abatement Compliance, The scope of work is not an, Control No DEP ACP Required, The scope of work exempt from the, b or is an alteration to a, Landmark Building Required for, Flood Hazard Area Required for, Yes No If yes provide, and Yes No If yes provide. Make certain you fill in all of the needed details to move onward.

tm 1 writing process explained (part 4)

5. This very last step to finalize this form is crucial. Ensure you fill in the displayed blanks, for example I hereby acknowledge that the, Print Name, Signature, Date, Property Owner Information, Last Name, First Name, Business Tel, Business Name, Business Fax, Business Address, City, State Zip, EMail, and Mobile Tel, prior to finalizing. Neglecting to do this might lead to an incomplete and potentially unacceptable form!

Guidelines on how to fill out tm 1 part 5

Be extremely attentive when filling out City and First Name, since this is where most people make errors.

Step 3: Right after you've reviewed the details in the file's blank fields, simply click "Done" to finalize your form at FormsPal. Download the tm plan when you join for a free trial. Instantly view the form inside your FormsPal account page, with any edits and changes automatically saved! FormsPal is invested in the personal privacy of all our users; we always make sure that all personal information coming through our editor continues to be secure.