Applying for a loan from your Qualified Pension Plan (QPP) can be a straightforward process with the necessary understanding and correct documentation. It’s crucial for applicants to carefully review and follow the instructions outlined in the QPP Loan Application form to ensure a smooth processing of their request. Before diving into the application, one should familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions provided in the QPP Loans brochure, a prerequisite to making an informed decision. It is worth noting that loans are not granted post-resignation or termination, emphasizing the importance of timing. Accuracy and completeness are key factors that affect the processing time of your application; therefore, all requested information must be meticulously provided, and any modifications to the application should be initialed. A unique aspect of applying for a QPP loan is the option to do it online, although paper applications are mandatory in conjunction with retirement. Moreover, the application could be nullified if the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) lacks acceptable proof of the applicant's date of birth. Considering loan repayment or withdrawal, the applicant has a window until the next business day post-application submission to cancel, beyond which the loan is irreversible. For those interested in borrowing against their Tax-Deferred Annuity Program account, similar application procedures apply. Importantly, existing loans, particularly from New York City’s Deferred Compensation Plan, could influence the eligible loan amount from your QPP account, underlining the interconnectedness of different financial decisions. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) emerges as a convenient repayment method for eligible individuals, further streamlining the loan process. With the goal of simplifying access to critical information and assistance, TRS has made resources readily available online and through their Member Services Center. This comprehensive approach ensures members are well-informed and supported throughout their loan application process.
Question | Answer |
Form Name | Trs Qpp Loan Application Form |
Form Length | 7 pages |
Fillable? | No |
Fillable fields | 0 |
Avg. time to fill out | 1 min 45 sec |
Other names | qpp loan application, trs tda loan application, LO6, fbi form regarding falsifing loan application information |
•PleaseilethisapplicationonlyifyouareapplyingtoborrowfundsagainstyourQPPaccumulations.Before youcompletethisapplication,pleasereadtheQPP Loansbrochureforinformationaboutthetermsand conditionsgoverningQPPloans.
•Youmaynotreceivealoanonorafteryourresignationorterminationdate.Anyloanamountdistributedon orafterthisdatewouldbedeemedadistribution;thisinformationwouldbeprovidedtotheInternalRevenue Service(IRS).
•Pleaseprovidealloftheinformationrequestedandinitial any changesthatyoumakeonthisapplication.If youdonotinitialchangesthatyoumakeonthisapplication,orifthisapplicationisincompleteorincorrectly completed,theprocessingofyourapplicationwouldbedelayed.
•Asanalternativetoilingthisapplication,youmayapplyforaQPPloanonlinebyaccessingourwebsiteat,ifyouareapplyingforaQPPloaninconjunctionwithretirement,youmustilea paperloanapplication.)
•Ifyouwanttocancelthisapplication,TRSmustreceiveanotarized“RequestforWithdrawalofForm/ Application”(codeMI5)nolaterthanthenextbusinessdayafterTRSreceivesyourloanapplication.Failureto ilethe“RequestforWithdrawalofForm/Application”bythisdeadlinewouldresultintheautomaticprocessing ofyourloanapplication.Yourloanmaynotbereturnedafterithasbeenissued.
•YoumaybeeligibletoreceiveyourloanviaElectronicFundTransfer(EFT)ifyouarepaidontheCityofNew Yorkpayrollandreceiveyourpaychecksthroughdirectdeposit.Insuchacase,youmayelectthatyournew loanbeforwardedviaEFTtotheaccountwhereyourpaychecksaredeposited.(Note:CityUniversityofNew York(CUNY)memberspaidontheNewYorkStatepayroll,andCharterSchoolmembers,cannotreceiveloans viaEFT.)
LO6 (3/13) |
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InPartA: All information must be provided.
1)Please indicate the amount you want to borrow. You may specify a dollar amount or write “maximum” to borrow the maximum loan amount available to you. PleasenotethatthemaximumamountyoumayrequestforaQPPloanatretirementis 75%ofyouraccumulatedcontributions(includingthebalanceintheemployeeportionofyourAdditionalMember Contributions(AMCs),ifapplicable);additionalrestrictionsonloanamountsapplytoloansformemberswhoare notretiringandmembersonaleaveofabsence.PleaseseetheQPP Loansbrochureformoreinformation. In addition, if your requested loan amount exceeds your maximum QPP loan amount, you must elect whether to receive the maximum QPP loan amount available to you or have your application canceled.
Note:IRS regulations do not allow outstanding loan balances to be combined with new loans. Any new loan
requested would be treated as a separate loan, and each loan balance would be subject to the interest, applicable insurance charges, and repayment terms in effect when the loan is issued.
2)You must elect the repayment period for your QPP loan (unless you are filing for a QPP loan in conjunction with retirement).
3)You must elect how you would like your loan disbursed. (Please note that loan checks may no longer be placed on hold for pickup at TRS.) If you are paid on the City of New York payroll and receive your paychecks through direct deposit, you may be eligible to have your QPP loan forwarded via EFT to the account where your paychecks are deposited. If you cannot receive your QPP loan via EFT (e.g., you are not paid on the City of New York payroll, you do not receive paychecks through direct deposit, or TRS is unable to confirm the applicable bank account information on file), your loan check will be mailed to your home address.
Note:In order for a loan check to be mailed to your home address or forwarded via EFT on a given Wednesday, TRS must generally receive your loan application by the close of business on Wednesday of the preceding week; the funds would be available on Fridays. (If a holiday occurs during a given week, TRS must receive your loan application by the first business day of that week.) However, checks for loans taken in conjunction with retirement are normally issued the third Wednesday after your effective retirement date.
4)You must provide additional information if you are on a leave of absence without pay.
InPartC: You must complete this part ONLY if you are a Tier I or II member, and you have applied for an excess withdrawal. Please note that an excess withdrawal may affect the loan amount for which you are eligible.
InPartD: You must complete this part ONLY if you are filing this application for a QPP loan taken in conjunction with retirement.
Please be advised that TRS must receive this application no later than one business day before your effective retirement date, and that your loan taken in conjunction with retirement would be distributed after your effective retirement date. (Ifthisapplicationisnot precededbyoriledinconjunctionwithanapplicationforretirement,yourloanwouldbesubjecttothesamerestrictions thatapplytomemberswhoarenotretiring.)
1)QPP loans at retirement are not repaid to TRS. Instead, they would be treated as taxable distributions (unless you receive a distribution of
2)You must elect how your QPP loan at retirement will be distributed. Distribution methods include Direct Cash Payment (i.e., funds that TRS distributes directly to you by mail or via EFT) and Direct Rollover (i.e., funds that TRS pays directly to one or more eligible Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) or other successor program(s) that you designate).
LO6 (3/13) |
3)IRSregulationsrequireTRStowithhold20%ofanytaxableloanamountthatyoudonotdirectlyrollovertoan eligibleIRAorothersuccessorprogram(s). The withheld amount would be sent to the IRS as a credit toward your federal income taxes for the year of distribution. If you receive a Direct Cash Payment, you may elect to roll over any taxable portion of the amount you receive, or roll over an amount equal to the entire taxable distribution, by replacing the amount withheld by TRS with funds from another source; however, this rollover must occur within 60 days of notification by TRS.
4)If you currently have an outstanding QPP loan balance, TRS is required to withhold an amount equaling 20% of the taxable portions of your existing loan balance and of your new loan amount that you do not instruct us to directly roll over to one or more eligible IRAs or other successor program(s). If you elect to receive your loan taken in conjunction with retirement as a Direct Cash Payment, the withholding from the prior outstanding loan must be taken, even if all or part of the new loan is
5)The minimum amount that TRS will directly roll over to a successor program is $200. (Thisamountmaybegreater, dependingonthesuccessorprogram’sminimumrequirements;anydesignatedDirectRolloveramountthatdoes notmeetthesuccessorprogram’sminimumrequirementswillbesentdirectlytoyouasaDirectCashPayment, lessanyrequiredwithholding.) Any payment less than $200 will be sent directly to you and will not be subject to the 20% withholding.
6)Any amount that is distributed through a Direct Rollover is not taxable until it is received as income and is not subject to any withholding.
7)If you are eligible to receive
InPartE: You must sign and date this application in the presence of a notary public, who must then complete Part F.
InPartF: You must have this application notarized.
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LO6 (3/13) |
PARTA: All information must be provided.
First Name |
MI Last Name |
Social Security Number (last 4 digits only) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Permanent Home Address |
Apt. No. |
TRS Membership Number |
City |
State Zip Code |
Primary Phone Number (Check one: |
Home |
( |
) |
Alternate Phone Number (Check one: |
Home |
( |
) |
Please keep your personal information with TRS up to date. We will update our records based on the information you provide above, so do not enter a temporary address; instead, TRS suggests that you consult the U.S. Postal Service about having your mail forwarded on a temporary basis. To register any changes to your permanent address (and/or phone number), please access our website or file a “Member’s Change of Address Form” (code DM13) with TRS.
If you are providing new information above, please indicate the effective date:
PARTB:Please provide all applicable information below.
Please indicate the QPP loan amount you are requesting to borrow, or write “maximum” to request the maximum QPP loan amount available to you:
If you specified a dollar amount (rather than writing “maximum”), please write the requested amount on the line below. For example, if you want to borrow $1,000, please write “One Thousand Dollars.”
Please choose ONE of the following options and write your initials in the space provided.
I elect to receive the maximum QPP loan amount available to me if the requested QPP loan amount specified above is greater than my maximum available QPP loan amount.
I elect to have my loan application canceled if the requested QPP loan amount specified above is greater than my maximum available QPP loan amount.
LO6 (3/13) |
Please indicate your loan repayment period (if applicable):
If you are a Tier I or II member, your repayment period may not exceed 48 months. If you are a Tier III, IV, or VI member, your repayment period may not exceed 60 months.
Please select how you would like to receive your QPP loan. In order to elect EFT, you must receive your paychecks through direct deposit:
by Mail address.)
via EFT (If you are ineligible to receive your loan via EFT, your loan check would be mailed to your home
Are you on a leave of absence without pay? Yes
If you are on a leave of absence, when did your leave of absence begin? (M/D/Y)
If you are on a leave of absence, you would automatically receive a
If you would prefer to begin making payments immediately, please check this box:
PART C: Please complete the following ONLY if you are a Tier I or II member.
Have you filed for an excess withdrawal within the last six months? Yes
If you checked “Yes,” please indicate the date that you filed for an excess withdrawal: (M/D/Y)
PARTD: Please complete the following ONLY if you are filing this application for a QPP loan in conjunction with retirement. TRSmust receivethisapplicationnolaterthanonebusinessdaybeforeyoureffectiveretirementdate.
Do you want your loan to be limited to the amount of your
Please note that, under IRS regulations, your
Please indicate your effective retirement date: (M/D/Y)
Please choose ONE of the following options and write your initials in the space provided.
EFT, as indicated in Part B. I understand that TRS is required to withhold 20% of the taxable amount distributed, and that this amount will be forwarded to the IRS and credited toward my federal income taxes for the year of distribution.
loan distribution, and I have therefore attached a “QPP Loan Direct Rollover Election Form” (code LO57) to this application. I understand that any portion of this loan to be paid directly to me would be distributed according to my election indicated in Part B.
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PARTE: Please read the following statement and sign and date below in the presence of a notary.
I confirm that I have read the QPP Loans brochure and that I understand the terms and conditions of this loan. I certify that all of the information presented on this application is accurate, that I am in active service or on a leave of absence, and that I am not precluded by any court from borrowing against my QPP accumulations. I am aware that any loan balance I may have from a City of New York DCP account during the previous
MEMBER’S SIGNATURE __________________________________________________ DATE (M/D/Y) ________________
PARTF:TO BE COMPLETED BY A NOTARY (NOTE: Attestation made outside the U.S. must be executed before an American consul.)
State of ____________________________ )
County of __________________________ )
On the _______________ day of __________________________, __________, before me personally appeared the person
known to me to be ____________________________________________________________________________________,
the individual who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that (s)he executed the same. Signature: _______________________________________________________
Official Title: ______________________________________________________
Expiration Date of Commission: ______________________________________
LO6 (3/13) |